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Ir-ta-ibpw ]-ep-an-msX Ip-\mSv Ihj kam-]np

97th IPC general convention Kumbanad
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 27, 2021
Views: 12604

97th IPC general convention Kumbanad.
Ip-\mSv: Ncn{X {]kn--amb 97maXv sF.] P\d Ihj (Ip-\mSv Ihj) ]epw Ir-ta-i-bp-an-msX Ncn-{X-n-em-Zy-ambn \S-p.
tImhnUv ]m--e-n ]qW-ambpw ""shNz'' coXn-bn \S Ihj temI-ns hnhn-[-`m-K--fn \nv {]kw-K- ""{]oanbw'' sNbvXp. th \ne-bn t{]j-Isc e`n-n F t]mcm-bvabpw sNdnb hnhm-Z-fpw \ndw sISp-n-sb-nepw hnizm-kn-Iġpw ip{iq-j-Iġpw CXv ]p A\p-`-h-ambn amdn. AXp-sImv Xs 97m-aXv Ihj Ip-\mSv Ihj Ncn-{X-nse thdn A\p-`-h-ambn tcJsSp--sSpw. P\-d {]kn-Uv ]m n. hճ G{_lmw DXvLm-S\w sNbvX Ihj-\n P\-d sk{I-dn ]m kmw tPmv Ay--\m-bn-cp-p.
hnhn[ tbmK--fn ]mamcmb kn Ipcy, tPm sI. amXyp, cmPp B\n-m-Sv, sI. sP. amXyp, sI. sP. tXma-kv, Fw. ]n. tPmp-Ip-n, jmPn Zm\n-tb, sI. tPmbn, tXmakv ^nen-v, tP_v amXyp, km_p hKo-kv, hKokv G{_-lmw, ^nenv ]n. tXma-kv, sI. kn. tPm, jn_p tXma-kv, tXmwk sI. amXyp, hnk tPmk-^v, _m_p sNdn-bm XpS-n-b-h {]kw-Kn-p. ]m hnk G{_lmw kam-]\ ktiw \In.
]m hKokv ambn (Iho-\), {_Z cmP Bcy-n (tPm. Iho-\) Fn-h aoUn-b-bpsS Npa-Xe hln-p.


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sp (February 25, 2021)
We missed the raasaa..
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