Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Mar 25, 2014
Views: 22220
Alexander Chacko promoted to glory.
Nm\qK (sn): fq]pg tamv hon G{_lmansbpw adnbm G{_lmansbpw aI AeIvkm Nmtm (tam\ 60) amv 25\v Imhn \n{Z{]m]np. kwkvImcw ]noSv. `mcy: enkn. a: A\nj, A\ne
IqSpX hnhcġv: 770.366.4530 423.838.5286
bro. monachen was a quit & humble man of god with a smiling face. he is with the lord. may the heavenly father comfort with his ever lasting peace to sis. lizy and all children and the relatives. we conveying our (ipc hebron believers, bethay charitable ministries, power vision broadcasting telecast and anchanattu family members) deepest condolence, prayer and hope for these grieving family.a>c>o.