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As\ HdnPn\ hymP\mbn

And the original became the plagiarised ...
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Mar 25, 2012
Views: 16612

And the original became the plagiarised ....
A\p{KloX\mb kphntijI\pw imtcm k`bpsS ip{iqjI\pw Fmnep]cn {]knamb ]e ss{IkvXhKm\fpsSbpw cNbnXmhpambncpp Cv {InkvXphn hn{ianp ]m Fw. n. tPmkv. ""IcpXph Rm\tbm IepXv Fn\v \o'', ""tbipshs ASnm\w B{ibw Ah\nes{X'', ""Rm \ns ssIhnSptam Hcp \mfpw adptam'', ""Fp ktmjw Fsmcm\w'' XpSn {]Npc {]Nmcw t\Snb Km\ Xs A\p`h ]men FgpXnbnpXmWv. Fm Xs Km\ġv AhImiw ]dsnbh ]ecpv. Cpw knUnIfneqsS {]Ncnp Rm \ns ssIhnSptam F Km\w FgpXnbXv XfmsWv ]e kwKoX {Kqns \SnpImcpw Ihj tPpIfn ]dbmdpv. 2004 Pq amkn {]XymibpsS XpdapJtv t]mb ]m Fw. n. tPmkv Xs Km\fpsS AhImiw Nne m]n IYI teJIt\mSv ]nnpv. Hcn Xs bm{Xbn Hcp k`bn Xm {]kwKn\mbn sNtm X\nv apv {]kwKnpsImncp hyn {]kwK aty Xs PohnXnepmb {]XnknIsf Ipdnv Icfenbnp kmyw {]kvXmhnp. Hw B ]cntim[\ thfbn Xm FgpXnb Km\w Be]npIbpw sNbvXp. IcpXph Rm\tbm F Km\w B D]tZin ]mSnbtm P\w Ioscmgpn. Fp ]dtbp FdnbmsX \ni_vZ\mbn Ccntnh IY ]dtm AXnse Xamibpw Atlw BkzZnp NncnpsImncpp. Atlns asmc\p`hamWv Km\ cNbnXmhpw FgppImc\pamb kmw n. apJe FgpXnbncnpXv Ccw A\p`hw PohnXnep hynbmWv kmw n. apJebpw. {]knamb ]e Km\fpsSbpw cNbnXmhmb Ctlns Ghpw {]knamb Km\amWv ""Iq\o Fp amdptam thZ\I Fp Xocptam'' Fv Bcw`np Km\w. Fm CXns cNbnXmhv Ctlw BsWv temIw AdnbpXv Nne hjġp tijamWv. AXphscbpw CXns ]nXrXzw Adntm AdnbmsXtbm Nne GsSpncpp. XfpsS Km\w X Ccnp thZnbn Nne AhcpsSXmsW AhImi hmZhpambn ]mSptm Aw hnncnt kmlNcyw Dmbnp FgppImcpv. AhcpsS A\p`h ASp en


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