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Atm-f-P-nIvkv skan-\m s^{_p-hcn 23 \v Xncp-h--bn

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Feb 9, 2011
Views: 12786

Apologetics Seminar to be held in Thiruvalla on February 23, 2010.
Xncp-h: s]stmkvX Atm-f-P-nIvkv Iukn-ens B`n-ap-Jy-n s]s-tm-kvXnse ]p {]h-W-X-I, s] s-tmkvXv D]-tZi X\n-abpw hymJym-\hpw Fo hnj-b--fnse A[o-I-cnv GI-Zn\ skan-\m s^{_p-hcn 23\v cmhnse 9.30 apX sshInv 4.30 hsc Xncp-h imn \ne-b-n \S-pw.

]m ^nen-v. ]n. tXma-kns Ay--X-bn {_Z. kn. hn. amXyp (Kp-Uv\yqkv No^v FUn-) skan-\m DZvLm-S\w sNpw. tUm. n. ]n. G{_-lmw, dh. tXmakv ^nen-v, dh sI. sP. amXyp Fn-h ktiw \Ipw.

tUm. sPbvk tXmakv ({]nkn-m, \yq Cym ss__n skan-\m-cn, ]mbn-m-Sv), ]m A\n sImSn- tmw Fn-h {]_w Ah-X-cn-n-pw. kphn. Im\w A, ]m. kn. ]n. kmap-th Fn-h tamtU--d-m-cm-bn- cn-pw. cmP Btj, tXmakv tXm-bv XpS-n-b-h N \bn-pw. {_Z tXmakv hStpns Ay--X-bn IqSp kam-]\ kt-f\n dh. Fw. Ipn apJy ktiw \Ipw.

hnhn[ s]s-tmkvXv k`m t\Xm--m, {]kw-K-I, ]{Xm-[n-]-m, Fgp-p-Im Fn-h kw_-n-pw. {]th-i\w kuP-\yw. BZyw cPn- sNp \qdp-t]v am{Xta ]s-Sp-p-hm Ah-kcw Dm-bn-cn-p-I-bp-q. IqSp-X hnh-c-ġv: ]m sP. tPmk^v (Iho-\) 944 745 5820, 854 756 5819, kn apf-aq-n (tPm- bnv Iho-\) 944 702 8750


Displaying 2 Comments
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Thomas Vemmelil (February 25, 2011)
According to Pentecostal apologetic how many years would it require for an Evangelist to become a Pastor, and then finally to be a Reverend?Is there any Biblical back up for this process??
Thomas vemmelil (February 9, 2011)
And they were continuing steadfastly in the teaching and the fellowship of the apostles, in the breaking of bread and the prayers.”In the term the apostles’ teaching, the word apostles’ is plural, but the word teaching is singular. The apostles’ teaching is the teaching of the apostles. It is not the teaching only of Peter, of John, or of Paul, but of others as well. The apostles’ teaching does not concern matters such as whether we should baptize people in fresh water or salt water, whether we should use wine or grape juice at the Lord’s table, or whether the sisters should wear a head covering or not. Whether to wear ornaments or not. All these minor things are not counted as the teaching of the apostles.His anointment, the Holy Spirit in us will teach us all these things. But christians have fought over these things for centuries. Such disputes are nothing but vanity. This shows that Christians have not seen the light of the apostles teaching.
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