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bn{km-tb ]me-sav antkmdmw PqX-cpsS IpSn-tbw AwKo-I-cnp.

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Nov 8, 2013
Views: 16137

Article by Prakash P Koshy.
{]Imiv ]n. tImin

bn{km-tb-ense \jvSspt]mb a\s tKm{X-nse AwK- Fv hniz-kn-p antkm-dm-anse \qdp-I-W-n\v tKm{X-h-mv IpSn-tbw A\p-h-Zn-m bn{km-tb ]me-samb s\kv D-c-hm-bn. GI-tZiw 900 antkmdmw hmkn-IġmWv Cu D-c-hns {]m_-ey-n bn{km-tb-en IpSn-tb-dm A\p-hmZw e`n--Xv. HIvtSm-_ aqmw hmc-n-emWv s\kv hnm-]\w Cd-n-b-Xv. jhmbn bn{km-tb F kwL-S-\-bmWv antkm-dmw, aWn-q Fo kwm-\--fn Xma-kn-p tKm{X-h-mp-thn s\k-n tem_n-bnwKv \S-n-b-Xv. \jvS-s-p-t]mb PqX-tKm-{X-m-cpsS t]cp-I Isn Ahsc XncnsI bn{km-tb-en Fn-p--Xn-\p-thn {]hn-p kwL-S-\-bmWv jhmbn bn{km-tb . hnn-]o-Unbm {]Imcw 2000 a\s PqX antkm-dm-an \nv bn{km-tb-en-tev IpSn-tb-dn. antkm, Ipn. Nn tKm{X-h-m-cmWv IpSn-tb--m-cn `qcn-`m-Khpw. 20mw \qmv hsc {]Ir-Xnsb Bcm-[n-phcm-bn-cpp Ch. Fm 20mw \qm-ns Ah-km-\-]m-Z-n ss{IkvXh anj-\-dn-am Chsc {InkvXp aX-n-tev \bn-p. ]g-b-\n-baw ]Tn--tm-gmWv Cu tKm{X-h-mv ]g-b-\n-b-a-n ]d-bp ]e BNm-c-ġpw kmay-amb PohnX coXn Dsv Is-n-b-Xv.
Ipn--antkm sFXyly {]Imcw D Ch-cpsS ]qhn-I a\-am-kn, tbmtk^ns aI a\-s-bm-sWv Ch hniz-kn-p-p. 1980I-fn bn{km-tb-en \nv Nne dn-am antkm-dm-an hcn-Ibpw Ch-cpsS Ah-Im-i-hm-Z- nXo-I-cn-p-Ibpw sNbvXp. Ch tKm{X-h-msc blqZm aXm-Nm-c- ]Tn-n-p-Ibpw XmXv]-cy-ap--hsc blqZm aX-n-tev ]cn-h\w sNp-Ibpw sNbvXp. Cu tKm{X-h-m-cpsS ]mc-cyw imkv{Xo-b-ambn ]Tn-m Nne Kth-jW m]-\- aptmp hn-cp-p. Fm Nne kv{XoI-fn am{X-amWv a[y-]q-tZ-i-p--h-cpsS Po\ns t\-kmayw ImWm Ign--Xv. Fn-cp-mepw Un.F. F. sSv Ch-cpsS Ah-Im-i-ns am\-Z-WvU-ambn Bcpw amn-bn-.

C{Xbpw Ah-Im-i-hm-Z-fpw ]T-\-fpw Dm-bn-pw 2005 am{X-amWv bn{km-tb-ense {]apJ dn-am Chsc PqX-cmbn AwKo-I-cn--Xv. AX-\p-k-cnv Chsc bn{km-tb-en sImp hcm D Hcp-- Bcw-`n-p. 2006 BWv a\s tKm{X-m antkm-dm-an \nv bn{km-tb-en Fn-b-Xv. 1700 t]cpsS BZy-kwLw shv _mn Xma-k-am-cw-`n-p.
IpSn-tbw B{K-ln-p--h \n_--ambpw blqZm BNmc coXn-Ifpw, hnizm-khpw, lo{_p `mjbpw AwKo-I-cn-Ww Fv bn{km-tb \n_-\ hp.

Cy tKm{X-hK-msc blqZm aX-n-tev dn-I ]cn-h\w sNp-Xv henb tIme-lew Dm-n. bn{km-tb-ense CS-Xp-]--m Cu IpSn-tb--n-s\-Xn-cm-bn-cp-p. Ch-cpsS A`n-{]mbw A\p-k-cnv bn{km-tb-ense blq-Z-m-cpsS P\-kwJy hn-n-m\pw ]me-kvXo-\n \nv ]nSn-s-Sp {]tZ-i--fn Chsc Xma-kn-n-m\pw D ]-Xn-bpsS `mK-amWv Cu IpSn-tb-w. CXn\p t\XrXzw sImSp-p-Xv dn-am-cpsS kwL-S-\bmb Xo{h he-Xp-] Nmbvhv D jhmbn bn{km-tbepw. Cu Btcm-]-W- aqew hj--fmbn bn{km-tb Khsav antkm-dm-an \np IpSn-tbw \nn-h-p. AXn-\p-tijw Ctm-gmWv hopw IpSn-tbw A\p-h-Zn-p-sIm-p hnm-]\w h-Xv. s]kl s]cp-mfpw Ch-cpsS arK-_-enbpw D kmayw BWv {][m-\-ambpw Ch \jvS-s-p-t]mb a\s tKm{X-m-cmWv Fv Ah-Im-i-s-Sm Imc-Ww. C-s\-bp hm-I tIġp hmbn-p ss{IkvXh hnizm-kn-Iġv CsXmcp ]mT-am-Wv. tbip ]d {]h-N-\- AXm-bXv An Xfnpw Fv \nhn--s-Sp--XmWv \mw Ip-h-cp--Xv. A-s\-sb-n Im-hns hchpw hnZq-c-a-.


Displaying 2 Comments
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a. s. mathew (November 9, 2013)
israel with her 7.9 million population is a heavy stone in the world. once india kept aloof from israel to appease the oil producing countries. i used to get 'news from israel" while i was in india from their consulate in bombay. then consul of israel, mr. revenu daffani and myself had some correspondence, and he indirectly revealed why india is not giving full diplomatic status to israel with an embassy and ambassador. now, india is getting very closer to israel in military hardware and security strategies. almost 100% of the hindus of india of all political parties are in favour of having very close relationship with israel. like the u.s. treated the jewish people with honor and respect, india has given due respect and protection to the jewish people; so god has some special blessing upon india. we all must pray for israel and the jewish people in our daily prayers. i have two jewish friends, if they love and trust us, they are better than our own brothers.
tom,thottom (November 9, 2013)
"Let us not forget the horrors of the Holocaust. Rather, let’s stand with and defend the Jewish people and all people everywhere."

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