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hopw Avem-bn

Rajan Ariyappallil
Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Feb 9, 2012
Views: 12730

Back again in Atlanta.
XWp-p-d \yqtbm#n ]mZw Nhn-n-b-tm- NqSn \npw XWp-n-tev Xncn-s-n-b-Xns Bizm-kw. Avemm-bnse kpJ-I-c-amb Ime-h a\p XWpn-p. Cy-bnse NqSpw s]mSnbpw \nd Ime-h--bn \nv c-s--Xns Bizmkw. Ip-\mpw Xncp-h--bnepw NqSpw s]mSnbpw A\p-`-hn--dn-- tm ]p\-eq-cn-teXv tI-dn-p. temI-msc shp X{hpw \o--fp-ambn \psS t\Xm--m Ac-p-hm-gptm Xe Ip\n-t-n-h-cp-Xv skp-e cmjv{So-b-m-cm-Wv Fv tXmn-tm-Ipw. \psS s]s-tm-kvXn\v Fp ]n-sbv Adn-bmsX Nnn-p-t]m-bn. Fhn-sSbpw cmjv{Sob N-I, IpXn-Im shpw, Imep-hm-c-epw, ]mc-]-Wn-b-epw-am-{Xw. kXy kphn-ti-j-ns hm--fm-tI--h temI-m-sc-m A[-:]-Xnncnpp F bmYmyw Bv \ntj-[n-p-hm Ignbpw. CXv A]-I-S-I-c-amb Hcp t]mm--bmWv Rm Icp-Xp--Xv. s]s-tm-kvXns ss\aeyw \apv \jvs-n-cn-p-p. A\p-`h k-n-s\-m henbXv A`n-\b k-msWv sXfn-bn-p t\Xm--mcpw ip{iq-j-Icpw. Fhn-sSbpw apJw-aq-Sn-I am{Xw. NqSpw s]mSnbpw IqSp-I-bm-Wv. AXv P\s Akz--Xs-Sp-pp. CXn \nv c-s-Sp-hm {ian-p--h Npcp-w. P\w Hgp-Ip-I-bmWv Cu NqSnepw s]mSn-bnepw IqsS. Avemm-bnse kpJ-I-c-amb XWp-n Rm Aev]w Biz-kn--s.


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a. s. mathew (February 9, 2012)
Neither the politicians nor the religious leaders can play the dirty politics without the laymen. The leaders play the game because they get the financial and moral support for the leaders's game plan from the unsuspecting believers. If the believers will take a solid stand to stop this political circus at the holy high ground, then they will be forced to learn a great lesson of humility. At first, discourage the routine visit of these leaders, mainly to the U.S. and other gulf countries. These Ministers have a great and widely opened field for the ministry in many parts of India, especially in the northern part of India. They are landing here to make money so easily and to spend the money to establish their power and authority in various Church politics. These political power play is totally contradicting the teachings of the Bible, if they can read the BIBLE.
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