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Chummar is lying - Muttom Geevarghese
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Feb 22, 2012
Views: 48621

Chummar is lying - Muttom Geevarghese.
]Xnaqmw hbn ImSI kwKoXw ]TnpIbpw aebmfw hnZzm ]T\w \SpIbpw sNbvX Rm Ccp]Xmw hbn cnsp. B Imep Xs Km\ FgpXmdpmbncpp. kntem s]stmkvXv {]h\I\mbncp Rm FgpXnb ]mpI B Imev ]mp ]pkvXIfn {]knoIcnnpv. Av FgppImcpsS t]cv ]mns\mw tNp ]Xnhnmbncpp. 1955 emWv Fs hnhmlw \SXv. 195759 Imev ]nbq `KhXn ]Sn Xmaknp {]hnptm 16 Znhktmfw ]nWn InS Ahkcw Dmbn. HSphn ]Xn\mdmwZn\w Aev]w AcnInnbXv Inshv IpSnp. ]nWn \nXy kw`hambncpp B Imev. Ccsamcp thfbn Xfp InS `mcytbmSv ]mSnbKm\amWv Agtedpw PohXacphn \oXfcpItbm C\n klsP FXv. Rm Fs `mcy enemsb kvt\l]qw klsP FmWv hnfnncpXv. CXv Fs Ab hmknIġpw Iqp {]hIpsams AdnhpImcyamWv. Cu ]nWn Zn\fn Xriq IpwIpfs sI. hn. tPmk^pwIqcpw RtfmsSmw hv XmaknpIbpw Cu Km\w AhtcmsSmw ]mSpIbpw sNbvXp. Ah B Km\w IpwIpfw FhsdUn {]n ASn ]mp ]pkvXIn DsSppIbpw sNbvXp.

CXn\v lnn kn\na ]mns Syq Itbvmw. Hcp ]mns Syq AtX ]Sn tamjvSnXmWv Fv Bcpw ]dbn. ImcWw SyqWpI Dmphm\pw hyXykvXambn kyjvSnphm\pap kwKoX m\w F\nv e`yambncpp. kmay Itbvmw Fp am{Xw. 140 e[nIw Km\ Rm cNnnpv. knwlf `mjbnep {]knamb Km\ns SyqWnepw ]msgpXnbnpv. sI. hn. tPmk^pw C. hn. hokpsams Hcpanv R B Imev {]hnp hp. Cv Cu Km\n\v AhImiw ]dbp ]n. hn. Npm Hcp km[mcW hnizmknbmbncpp B Imev. Rm Hcp hnhmZn\n. 87 hbp hy\mb F\nbvv AXn\p BtcmKyhpan. Fs Bbpp apgph\pw Rm Imhn\mbn Azm\np. Fs kv Rm Imhn\mbn \In XymKtmsS the sNbvXp. Rm FgpXnb Fm Km\fpsSbpw AhImiw Bp thWsanepw FSpmw. F\nbvv BtcmSpw ]cmXnbn. sF. kn. ]n. F^pIm ]pdndnb Fs ]mpIfpsS kamlmcn Rm FgpXm Nne ]mpIfpw Dsp. CXv sXnmcWbvv CSbmnbnpv Fdnbmw. C\n Hcp hnhmZn\pw Rm\n. {InkvXphns\ {Iqin temIamWv. alXzw Bcpw FSppsIms. Fs shdpsX hnSpI. ]m tPm hokv F apw KohKokv hnImcm[o\\mbn ]dp \nn.


Displaying 9 Comments
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rajan mekozhoor (February 11, 2024)
സുവിശേഷത്തിനു വേണ്ടി തന്റെ ജീവിതകാലം മുഴുവൻ അദ്ധ്വാനിച്ചു നിത്യതയിൽ ഇപ്പോൾ വിശ്രമിക്കുന്ന പാ. മുട്ടം കീവറീച്ചൻ തന്റെ ശുശ്രൂഷ സമയത്തു തന്നെ ഇതുപോലെയുള്ള വസ്‌തുതകൾ (ആരോപണങ്ങൾ?) ദൂരീകരിക്കേണ്ടതായിരുന്നു. "അഴലേറും ജീവിതമരുവിൽ... " എന്ന പാട്ടിലാണ് അദ്ദേഹം കൂടുതൽ മലയാള ക്രിസ്ത്യാനികളുടെ ഇടയിൽ അറിയപ്പെട്ടിരുന്നത്. ദൈവം ന്യായം വിധിക്കട്ടെ!
thomas vemmelil (March 8, 2012)
Truthteller: Yes, what you have opined is right. Let him be alone, this doesn't seem to be a major issue. There are hundreds of "camels" and "white elephants" in Pentecostalism today. Let them be exposed and be punished like this. Leave this old man alone. He may be right or wrong, leave it to the Lord and leave this servant of God alone. This is enough!! 2 Cor.2:6
truthteller (March 8, 2012)
This respected pastor was in TPM and then went to have his own church. Even the TPM folks have testified of his great dedication to the cause of Christ.

He did write a hundred or more songs, which everyone agrees. There is some confusion about a few songs as to who authored it. It is possible he did not write it. Why the controvery now, and not 40 years ago?

Is this the biggest issue facing us now, let us go after the people that are really stealing and doing ungodly things in the church

Let us see the good that this grand old man did and bless God for all the good he has done.

Let us leave him in peace!!

jiji titus (March 8, 2012)
Appacha,annum ennum TPMil pattu ezhuthiyathu aranannum onnum ezhutharilla,ella varshavum 8 pattu puthiyathayittu erakkum. athu arkum ariyathilla ara athu ezhuthiyathennu.appachan ezhuthiyille a kalathu ezhuthukarude peru pattinodoppam cherkkathillannu, athu angane thanneyanu eppozhumm.pinne tpm songs eppol palarum parayunundu avarudethanannu .angane parayunnavaru parayatte.. enthina njan ezhuthiyathananokke paayunne???NJAN ennulla bhavam arkkum sheriyalla.arengilumokke jeeven ulla pattu padi santhoshikkatte.
thomas (February 26, 2012)
Really I don't know why we are lying for simple things, once we have to return from this planet for ever and ever. This life is very short accoding to Bible we have to answer for each and every thing which we have done for this life to jesus. However it is very painfull to hear it.May be both are true, one has written and other has sung the song, und they enjoy the song with praise und thanks to the Heavenly Father.
baiju (February 23, 2012)
njangalku gaanam mathi aaru ezhuthiyaalum.
sajan (February 23, 2012)
paster muttam shame,shame
thomas vemmelil (February 22, 2012)
Whatever it may be it is a wonderful song, let the glory be shared by both of them!!!
believer (February 22, 2012)
Appacha, i have never seen you face to face, but i have heard so many messages and songs and to tell you, your songs have always blessed me. I am an young man and serving the Lord. I grew up in parsonage all through my life, even today we trust on the lord for everything. However,i have also decided to serve God,even after knowing that man always cheats, bite back, and their only pleasure is gossip, especially in our spirit filled pentecostal.I really wonder,how can people claim to be filled with Holy Spirit still continue in the producing evil fruits. My father has worked for the Lord for many decades and have never gone after name fame or money,because of that we kids suffered a lot, but God was faithful, he has met all our needs on a daily basis, but we have seen great harvest of souls, and still continue in his vineyard with no regrets.I really comment Beleiever Journal for bringing this truth.I dont know what pleasure this perumbavour fellow get by putting down people of god
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