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ssZhk`IfpsS t\mv Cut̬ doPnb 22maXv ktf\w \|tbmn

Church of God North Eastern Region 29th Conference to be heald in New York
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: May 21, 2012
Views: 17738

Church of God North Eastern Region 29th Conference to be heald in New York.
\|tbmv: t\mv Cut̬ doPnb\ns ssZhk`IfpsS 22maXv hmjnI Ihj 2012 tabv 25 apX 27 hsc Ftamnep ^v Nv Hm^v tKmUv HmUntmdnbn shv \SsSpXmW". ssZhk`bpsS ap P\d Hmhkob dh. tUm. sUokv aIvKb (sSn) BW' apJy {]kwKI. {]kvXpX aonwKntev k`m hyXymkw IqSmsX Ghtcbpw lmhambn kzmKXw sNp. Fm Znhkhpw sshInv 7 aWn apX 9:30 hscbmW" aonwKv \SsSpXv. RmbdmgvN Cwojv, aebmfw Bcm[\ shtsd Dmbncnw. Cu aonwKpIfpsS A{Kln\mbn GhtSbpw {]m\bpw klIcWhpw BhiysSp. Cu s^temjnns NpaXemcmbn Xmsg ]dbph {]hn.

dh. tam\n amX| ({]knUv'), dh. ^nenv tXmakv (sshkv {]knUv"), {_Z ^nenv hokv (sk{Idn), {_Z tImin Fw. hokv ({Sjdm), {_Z men tPmv (bqv tImUnt\)

teUnkv hn`mKntev
kn Genbm tPmkv ({]knUv'), kn B\n tPm (sshkv {]knUv"), kn Genbm eqtmkv (sk{Idn), kn X hokv ({Sjdm)

hm AbpXXv: dh. _nPp tPmv, aoUnbm tImUnt\


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