Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Nov 28, 2013
Views: 16718
CM Benjamin promoted to glory.
kuv ^vtfmdnUm: {Ko satUm Nv Hm^v tKmUv k`m hnizmknbpw sImmcc hned Nphnf ]p hon Spw_mwKhpamb {_Z kn.Fw. _an (76) \hw_ 27 \v cmhnse Imhn \n{Z{]m]np. Unkw_ 3 \v sNmmgv sshtcw 5:30\v h|hnwKpw, Unkw_ 4\v _p[\mgv cmhnse 9:30\v ^vtfmdv em satmdnb KmU\n (t^mdv tem satmdnb KmUkv, 2401 tUbvhn tdmUv, sUbvhn, ^vtfmdnUm 33310) hv kwkvImc ip{iqj \SXmWv. kl[Wn A ]\then amtmw Spw_mKamWv. 30 ]cw hjfmbn kuv ^vtfmdnUmbn Spw_ambn Xmakn. a: an\n (lqv), tP_v (^vtfmdnU), kqk (Umfkv). aa: tXmakv tPmv, tUm. n _a, tXmakv _a. sImpa: men, tPm\Y, Pn, tUhnUv, tP_v Pq\nb, ^nenv, AeIvkv.
IqSpX hnhcġv: tP_v _an 954.680.4663 tPm_ 954.699.3252
deep condolences to the bereaved family of our dear benjamin sir. i know him from childhood and our families were worshipping in the same church, ipc tabore church, trivandrum, for many years. whenever i go to florida, benjamin sir will provide me with coconuts, ambazhanga and many other fresh fruits and vegetables. if i could not go to florida, he will send them to me by mail or through someone coming to new york. many fond memories of the hospitality of benjamin sir and ammama. see you in the beautiful shore