Author: A.S Mathew
Category: Popular Read
Publish Date: Nov 23, 2011
Views: 27445
Both the disciples and the religious scholars threw questions at Jesus in a critical manner, so Jesus had to retort in the same tone. We read about the Samaritans in 2 King 17.
The Jews despised the Samaritans since they were a mixed race. When the Assyrians took control of Samaria, many were driven out and many other people were migrated to Samaria So, the Samaritans were forced to mix with many different eithnic population and became a mixed race.
Both the Jews and the Samaritans had the same God to worship, but they were worshipping in two different mountains. The Samaritan-Jews worship issue was identical to the black-white segregation which I felt more than four decades back. Jesus had a special love for the Samaritans. One day, He took a different route to talk with the Samaritan woman at the well. Among the 10 lepers healed, only the Samaritan followed Jesus.
Among the gospels, only Dr. Luke's gospel has this story (Luke 10.20). Certain lawyer tested Jesus asking Him "what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" The answer was very simple " you shall love the Lord with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself". Plainly speaking, Jesus said it very openly that the lawyer must have a vertical relationship with God and an horizontal with his neighbour to attain eternal life.
The next question from the lawyer was to get a clear definition of a neighbour, so Jesus opened an entirely new chapter.In this Samaritan drama, we can observe the human nature in its extreme nature. The robbers. Whatever I have is mine but I will take anything you have by force.
The Priest and Levite: Both of them were ordained religious folks with colorful dress, and they were in a hurry to conduct the service at the Temple. It didn't bother them to extend any help to the half-dead person. We can witness this attitude in the religious world today. Their attitude was, whatever you have is yours and whatever I have is mine. I will not be bothered,whether you are dying or living.
The Samaritan: He felt compassion-bandaged his wounds-poured oil and wine-set him on his riding animal-brought him to an inn and took care of him. He spent that night with him, paid the inn charges, and promised the inn keeper to pay any balance owe. The outcome of a compassionate heart will produce those results The Samaritan took physical pains in cleaning his wounds, sacrificed his pleasure by walking with his animal, sacrificed his time-pleasure and money for a total stranger.
A. How many times we extend a hand of help to total strangers stranded in a strange place? God expects us to put our love in real action, but many are very happy only to pray for the suffering person, which costs nothing in reality. We must pray for others, but when we have an opportunity to sacrifice for them in any manner possible, we are commanded to do by our Lord Jesus. Then only we are certified by heaven as "good neighbour".
Very interesting article. The example of the Good Samaritan is a principle that we should all live by...unfortunately the world often teaches the exact opposite.