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^nn. ]n. amXyp-hn\v a-\-tap

Finney P. Mathew is attacked
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 27, 2011
Views: 20760

Finney P. Mathew is attacked.
ASq: kzob [z\n No^v FUn-dpw sF. ]n. kn. tIcfm tv Iukn AwK-hp-amb {_Z ^nn. ]n. amXyp-hns\ kmaq-ly hncp- A{I-an-p. kzob [z\n-bn A\n sImSn-tm-ns\bpw sPbnwkv ]m-\m-Sn-s\bpw sImv Fgp-Xn-n-ptam Fp tNmZn-p-sIm-mWv A{I-an-I apJ-n-Sn-Xv. Xm k-cn ss_ns\ ]pd-In \nv asmcp ss_v sImv CSn-nv ss_p adn-p-I-bm-bn-cpp. Xs samss_-bn t^mWpw t]gvkpw A{I-an-I A]-l-cn-p. Ign Ipdp \mfp-I-fmbn Zpcp-]-tZi kwL-s-Xn-scbpw s]s-tm-kvXnse A\m-oI {]h-W-X-Is-Xn-scbpw {]Xn-I-cn-p Fgp-p-ImsXn-scbpw ]{X-s-Xn-scbpw `ojWn XpSp-h-cn-I-bm-bn-cp-p. ss{IkvXh Fgp-p-Im-c\mb A\n sImSn-tm-w, PmeIw FUn- cmPq B\n-m-Sv, _neo-thgvkv tPW No^v FUn- kmwIpn amXyp, CS-b-te-J\w FUn- jmPn Aen-apv XpS-n-b-hsc an-p-sapw Hm^oknepw honepw A{I-aWw \S-p-sapw Hcp Iq `ojWn apgnbncn-p-p. a-\-n\pw `oj-Wnp-sa-Xnsc s]s-tmkvXv ]{X-{]-h-Icpw k`m t\Xm--mcpw {]Xn-tj-[hpw Bi-bpw {]I-Sn-n-p. `oj-Wn-bp-ambn cwK-p--hs-Xnsc t]meo-knepw tImS-Xn-bnepw \nba \S-]-Sn-I Bcw-`nnpv. cmjv{Sob Xe-nepw skp-e am[ya cwKpap-h Ccw {]h-W-X-Is-Xnsc cwK-p-h-p-I-gn-p. Khsav Xe-n C-c-ms-Xnsc \S-]-Sn-bp-m-I-W-sav hnhn[ tI{--fn \nv Bhiyhpw khpw i-ambn.


Displaying 11 Comments
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Mathew (February 8, 2011)
Please try to boycott the corrupted PLastors. There are many. Don’t entertain them anymore. Power Vision became a Devilish Vision. It will broadcast anything provided he will get money. What relation we have with Gentiles like Marthoma, Orthodox….etc.
Pastor Cherian Philip (February 6, 2011)
Those who behind this quotation people. Better to understand anyone can hired the quotation people now days.We do not need quotation leaders in our community...
Machan (February 4, 2011)
@Tom New York: It's definitely the work of some pastors. I don't want to name them here, but it's just a common sense for anyone to guess who they are. So sorry to see how the Pentecostals are so degraded. What's happening to these people???
Tom New York (February 4, 2011)
Any one know who is behind this attack ? Tom
Babu John, New Mexico (February 4, 2011)
They that preach another Jesus and another gospel and have received another spirit will continue to excel in their areas of expertise. Pseudo theology cannot suffer its encounter no matter who does it. When the proponents of false doctrine and spokesmen of pseudo prosperity cannot, in a decent way, withstand the onslaught from writers like Anil and Finney, then, only one other option is open to them, that is finish them off, so no more sane voice would come out. Yea, this is the stage the Pentecostal movement has come to. God help us!
Santosh, Dungarpur (January 30, 2011)
Dear Pr Finny, Our prayers are with you.....
Thomas Vemmelil (January 28, 2011)
Catholicism started in the 4th century,Protestantism came into being in the 16th century, and Pentecostalism emerged in the 20th century. All these isms are only building up the GREAT BABYLON the ultimate consummation of the kingdom of antichrist. The Church is not an Organisation but an Organism, the living Body of Christ with Christ as the Head of the Body.
Anu Sam (January 28, 2011)
what is this all about?
Littu Jacob Baby, Jeddah (January 28, 2011)
Atrocity can be never justified....woe unto them.....praying for bro Finny and Family....and also for the criminals behind this henious act ..let them turn to the Lord....
Kora (January 28, 2011)
Wow..So Which pastor is behind this?? I am just thinking who else will be interested in attacking Finney...
R.J, USA (January 28, 2011)
Those who attacked Finny Mathew is not excuseable or justifiable. This kind of cowardly act should be stopped. It is so dispeakable. Should deal in the Government level. I fully support for any kind of action on this case.
Praying for Finny and Family and may God give him the strength and courage to face this difficuly situation.
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