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FUn-tm-dn-b: Ir]-bpsS kphn-tijw A]-ISw Xncn--dn-bp-I

Samkutty Mathew
Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Dec 9, 2013
Views: 24499

Grace doctrine - recognize the danger.
R s]-tm-kvXp-Im-c-. R Ir]-bpsS kphn-ti-j-I F t]cn tIc-f-nse Hcp-]w kphn-ti-j-I-cpsS t^mtm t^kv_p-n {]N-cn--tm AXv henb Hcp A]-I-S-ns ap-dn-bn-m-sWv tXmn-bn-. XpSv ]e ss{IkvXh am[y-a-fpw Ir]-bpsS kphn-ti-j-IsXnsc cwKv hp. Ctm Cq- Iymkt]mse s]-tmkvXv {]m--sf Ir]-bpsS kphn-tijw F t]cn hngp-p-hm {ian-p-p. Ir]-bpsS kphn-tijw Fp tIġp-tm A]-ISw tXmn-s-nepw hnip--th-Z-]p-kvX-I-ns ]Tn-n--ep-I-fpsS A-k-bvp tbmPnm-Xm-Wv Ch-cpsS ]Tn-n--ep-I. Ign--Zn-hkw R-fpsS Hm^o-kn Ip-ap-nb Hcp sslh hyn ]d--Im-cy- tI-tm sRn-tm-bn. Cu hyn {]m--bvmbn N-m-t-cn-bn-ep-ff kPnv tPmk-^ns Bcm-[--bvmbn sNp. IXr-ta-i-bp-ambn Xs ASp- Fnb BtfmSv X
v CsX-Sp-mtam Fp tNmZn--tm Im-hn-tmSv tNcm XmXv]-cy-ap-ff Bpw FSpmw F adp-]-Sn-bm-Ws{X Inn-b-Xv. cn--s-Sm-, kvmw G¡m Cu hyn cv BgvN-I-fn IXr-tai FSp--s{X. R-fpsS Atz-j-W-n AXv Ahn-Sps am{X-a an -dm-Un- t{Kbvkv Bcm-[--m-cp-tSbpw CS-bn ]Xn-hm-Wv. Ch hfsc hmNm-e-ambn kwkm-cn-p-p. s]-tmkvXv {]m--sf Ipw ]d-bp-p, D]-tZ-i- ]Tn-n-p-n-. P-sf Ab-p-hn-Sp-p. Pohn-X-n Hpw amtd- -Xn-m--Xn-m Pw ]nm-se-sb-p-p. ss__n tImtf-Pp-I-fn ]Tnp--Xns ]cn-l-kn-p Cq- kzbw ]pI-gvN-bmbn ]d-bpXv Cq--cn s]mXp-hm-bn-p-f-fXv R Fhn-tSbpw t]mbn ]Tn-n F-Xm-Wv. As ]Tn-n-n F-Xns Ghpw henb KpWhpw Cu Ir]-bpsS kphn-ti-j-I-cn ImWp-hm-p-v. AsX-m-sWp hm Adn-hn-m--Xn-m Xs hN-s GXp-
-e-bnepw hymJym-
-mw. s]m--c-fpw Zpcp-]-tZ-i-fpw hnfn-p-Iq-hmw.

hf-b-n-eqsS NmSm {]bm-k-s-S-Ww. hf-b-an-s-n F-tpw NmSm-a-tm. AD 85160 Pohn-n-cp amj BWt{X Cu Zpcp-]-tZiw BZy-ambv {]N-cn-n--Xv. hnizm-kn-I ]m]-a tNmZn-t- -Xn-söpw tbip-{InkvXp k`sb A`n-kw-t_m-[ sNbvXn-n-söpw ]utemkv am{Xta AXv sNbvXn-p-f-fq-shpw AXn-m ]utem-knv am{Xta {]amWw {]t_m-[w Ch Dm-m-p-ff Ah-Im-i-ap-f-f-t{X. ]g-samgn ]d-bp--Xp-t]mse DS-b-hs ]nSn-p-sI-p Imew F-msX Fp ]d-bm. ssZhw cmjv{S--fpsS ZpjvSXbvv Ahsb inn-n. hnizm-kn-Isf Ah-cpsS ]m]-nv Ahsc inn--bn-, Hcn- cn--s-m c jvS-s-Sn Cs [mcmfw A_--fpw A]-I-S-I-c-hp-amb ]Tn-n--emWv Cq- S-p--Xv. Ch C{X-b-[nIw A]-I-S-I-c-amb
e-bn apt-dp-tmgpw Ghpw ZpxJ-I-c-amb bmYmyw psS ]e-k-`-I-fnepw Chv thZn sImSp-p-p. p-sS-bn-S-bnse ]e-{]-kn--cmb {]kw-K-Icpw tXm-fpw Ch-tcm-sSmw thZn ]n-Sp-p. s]-tm-kvXns BZy-Im-e--fn Zpcp-]-tZ-i-sf JWvUn-p {]kwK ]c-c Xs-bp-m-bn-cp-p. hNw ]Tn-n-p--h-cm-bn-cpp ]nXm-am. Cm-Is tXrXzw A-m-m-d-w kzoI-cn-n-cn-p-p. s]-tm-kvXns ]Tn-n--ep-Ifpw D]-tZ-i-fpw Xs-bm-Wv Fpw thZ-]p-kvX-I-tmSv oXn ]pep-Xv F-Xn X-an-. Fm A[n-Im-c-tam-ln-Ifpw {Zhym-{K-ln-Ifpw PUn-I-cp-amb tXm-am-cpsS ssIn-Sn-bn-emWv an s]tmkvXv {]m--fpw, aZy-]m
-I,,- hy-`n-Nm-cn-I, Kpm-bnkw S-p--h,- X-n-p-Im Bo-b-X-bpsS ad-hn h _nkn-v S-p--h, kn
-am-cw-K-p-hsc ]Ww apS-p--h Cs Xn-p-Im-cmb tXm-am s]cp-Ip-p. Cq-v Ccw Zpcp-]-tZ-i- hfsc {]obw-X-s. ImcWw ymb-hn-[n-bn Fv tIġpXm-Wtm Cq-pw Hcm-izm-kw.

Ir]-bpsS kphn-ti-j-nse A]-ISw Pw Xncn--dn-b-Ww. CXn-s-p-dn-p-ff
-fpsS {]Xn-I-cWw Rsf Adn-bn-p-I.


Displaying 7 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
biju (May 30, 2014)
Adiyam paryunna nee nent gevitham sari akku ennit mattulavra vimarsikan poku mattulavara vimarsikan nenak enthu yogeyatha?
babit (February 18, 2014)
IPC church is one of the good church in India because they are following a good and acceptable system. But many of the IPC ordained pastors do not know biblical truths. They only know how to oppose against the ornaments. Firstly main churches should teach their believers about basic principles. We have to protect our people through the teaching. We should adopt good system from foreign Pentecostal churches.
believer london (December 19, 2013)
arguing that i am the best and what i teach is the best is not always the best thing. what we preach and teach should be based on the word and also endorsed by the holy spirit. else there is a great possibility that we do not allow ourselves to be used for the advancement of the gospel which is a must. there are truths, higher truths and absolute truths. what we need to understand is to ask the lord to give us the grace to be wise enough to present it in a way that we form disciples of all nations instead of giving them an unwelcome picture. i do not know if bj will publish this since i have seen many of my comments not being uploaded. lets do everything for the greater glory of our lord and the advancement of his kingdom.
g b jacob (December 19, 2013)
Good to know that the new age pentecostals are now taking a U Turn on their doctrines. Hope that they will retun to the apostalic faith soon.
kochumon, us (December 11, 2013)
i am not much familiar with the new generation preachers, but i am very familiar with the typical preachers we see coming from india and go on preaching. many of them preach without much knowledge in word of and they preach their own ways. in the editorial or disussion there was a question, whether god will judge nations (rashtrangalude nyaya vidhi). there are many preachers preach that.. can any one show from new testment, that there is a judgement like that? may be the "new grace preachers" are immature and may need to grow. so write about their mistakes, also at the same time, take th emessages of the fanous preachers of this time and verify theat also according to triue word of god. do bot be biased in this. i have heard many preachers preach judgement - without understanding the work of cross. grace is not a license to sin, grace lead us to be born again and if you are norn again you can not practise sin, because the seed of god is in you. please read 1 john 3:9 -
mathew ny (December 11, 2013)
believers journal editorial teaminu abhinandanam. good work.god bless you all.

a. s. mathew (December 10, 2013)
It is surprising to watch the battalion of preachers appearing like mushrooms with new gospel. Many of them lack the Bible knowledge, but inventing their own theological interpretations based on one verse to entertain the audience; and these preachers are totally wrapped up in their ultimate goal of making money and enjoy an affluent lifestyle on this earth. They use spirituality for material gains. While watching dozens of old time famous ministers in the U.S., many of them lead a double life, and systematically fooled the innocent and gullible believers. In the olden days, great men and women of GOD went to India from the U.S. and Europe to shed the light of the gospel, but now the religious import to India from the U.S. is in many ways highly undermining the real Christianity and ministry in India. The unBiblical prosperity gospel has made some very rich, likewise many other versions of the gospel will sprout seasonally to make instant wealth. Watch them with alert!
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