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Ir]-bpsS kphn-tijw F t]cn qX Zpcp-]-tZiw {]N-cn-pp

Anil Kodithottam
Author: Anil Kodithottam
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Dec 9, 2013
Views: 59556

Grace Gospel - the false doctrine.
]mmXy Bo-b-X-bpsS NphSp-]n-Snv, Ah ]cn-Xy-Pn-Xpw D]-cn---hhp-amb ]pXp-{]-h-WX Bo-b-Xbvv tIc-f-n NphSpd-n-p-hm-p {ia-ġv H-c-]-Xn-m- p-I-fpsS Ncn-{X-ap- v. Fw. F. hKokv, A
k, tPmXm-cp, ap-ta-tm, Xp, tXmakv Ipn XpS-nb Bfp-I-fm-bn-cpp ChnsS AXns sam-hym-]m-cn-I.- C-h-cn Xp {_Z Xs-bmWv Xs Bob _nkn-v km{am-Py-n Xc-t-Sn-msX apt-dn-b-Xv.

hymP-kn--mb ktmjv am[-hs ]pIs] Adpw tXmp-kzman apX {]mtZ-inI B ssZh- hsc
b-a--S-]Sn tcn-tSn h L-n Xp {_Z-dns kzob hncppw {]Xn-kn tcn-p. B[p-
I _nkn-v X{- Xs BoI {]h---fn kn-th-in-n Xp-hns `qX-Imew Hcp _nkn--nepw hnP-bn-m-Xpw km-nI XI-bp-tS-Xm-bn-cp-s-n kzob hncpv CUkv{Sn apS-p-ap-X-en-mXpw ]c-ky-sIm p am{Xw
¡p--Xp-am-I-bm ]co-Ww tami-am-bn-. tcnb CSn-n Ctm _nkn--n-ep-s -nepw I XI-sbmpw Xp-hns hn]-Wn-v tcn-tSn hn-n-. Am-ev Xp-hns Ap-I-cnv
c-h[n {_Zd-m cwK-s-n. CXn Uman-bpw `mcy am Uman-bpws]Spw. Ch-cpsS ssien kzoI-cnv IpSpw-_-ambn If-n-en-d-p-Xv sNdp-InS {_Z-d-mcpw ioe-am-n-bn-p-v.

{InkvXp-hns {Iqip-a-cWw ]cm-P-b-am-bn-cp-p-shv ]p Xntbm-fPn Xp- cq]-s-Sp-n-bnpw Cu Iīv Xe-hs Npa-m Nne s]-tmkvXv am[y-a-t]mepw Xm-dm-bn-sb-Xv FXn{In-kvXp-hns kzm[o--i-nv sXfn-hm-Wv. CXn-p-]n-mse Xpbn-k-ns s]-tmkvXv `mjy--fmbn Na Nne Ipn-ssZ-h-sf
m-b-I-amb Hcp Xocp-am--n-eqsS sF. ]n. kn.bpw Nv Hm^v tKmUpw imtcmpw hnev Gs-Spn ]Sn-p-p-d-m-n. cp hi-p-w
v sav hgw Imnb sI. F. G{_-lm-anv {]kw-K-th-Zn-I-fn
pw kzw {]m--amb imtcm t]mepw Ah-K-Wn-p. kPnv Iq, tPm temdkv, _nPn A apXt]cpw Ducp-hn-e-p-t-cn {]kw-K-I-cmbn Adn-b-s-p.

{KomWv lo{_p-hmWv Fsm-s-bp hymtP temIv Hcp `mj-bnepw Cm Nne hmp-I ]pen Xt-Xmb Aw In P--fn amkva-cnI kpJw P
-n-p coXn-bmWv tPm temdkn-t-sX-n B{mIvkv t`Z-am-, Fv. sF. hn. t]mep amc-I-tcm-K--fpsS DS--Sn-bp kpJ-s-Sp- CsXm-s-bmWv kPn-ns Ah-Im-i-hm-Z-. Ch-cpsS ]pXnb {]mw Ir]-bpsS kphn-tijw F t]cn ss__nsmv sXfn-bn-m-m-hm thZ-hn-]-co-X-sf thZn-I-fn-tev Fgp-sn-p-I-bmWv.

Ir]-bpsS kphn-tijw F {]tbmKw ss__n-fn-ep--Xm-Wv. AXp-X-s-bmWv X ]d-bp-Xv Fv hcp-n-om Ch--I {iaw S-p-p-sh-nepw hkvXpX A-s-b-. Cu t]cn {]Y-a-ZrjvSym A]-ISw Hpw tXmp-n-m-n-cn-mw. btlm-h-bpsS kmn-I, {Inm U^n-bkv, {InkvXy kbkv XpS-nb t]cp-I-fnepw A]-ISw C. ]s, Ch-cpsS ]Tn-n- ISp thZ-hn-]-co-X--fm-Wv. Cl-tem-I-Po-hn-X-n
n-jvS-amb [mnI
b-a-tfm, {]am-W-tfm ewLn-pI hgn ]m]w sNp-n-. ImcWw {InkvXp-hns ac-W-m ymb-{]-am-W-nv ow hn-cn-p-p. ]m]-t_m[w P
b-a-ew-L--s-p-dnv Adn-hp-]-I-cp--Xmb {]kw-K- ]mSn-. ImcWw CXm Ir]m Ime-b-f-hm-Wv. Cs ss__n-fns ASn-m--aq-ey--fn
pw amdn-Nn-n-p Ch-cpsS eyw BNmcy cP-ojpw Fn-yq-dn-b-mcpw ]Tn-n PUo-Ihpw `uXo-I-hp-amb Bk-n-Isf ss{IkvXh k`-bn ASn-t¸n-pI F-Xm-Wv. temI-a-bXzw AXns Fm Zue-`y--tfm-Sp-IqSn k`-bvp-n-tev IS-m Ccw sNdp--m apn-n-d-p-Xv Pm{K-X-tbmsS ssZh-a- hon--Ww.



Displaying 8 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
g b jacob (December 23, 2013)
dear a.s. mathew, (concluding part of my last message was not published, anyway i am not repeating it again) thanks for this healthy debate. i know blessings is not material alone. but it is the material part of the blessing which is always highlighted. regarding the other than material part of the blessing i hope you will agree that we cannot judge it with our eyes in this world. so when someone preaches about the blessing it invaribaly boils down to material blessings on this earth. as you rightly said there is no one to preach the cross and the suffering you have to go through to enter the kingdom of god. here is where i find the problem.to me preaching the blessing of the posterity or prosperity theology is the same. in the former you say your generations will be rewarded and in the latter you will be rewarded.let us ask the leaders to preach the bible in its fullness, and not by cherry picking.
a. s. mathew (December 23, 2013)
Dear Bro. G. B. Jacob: Thank you for your response. You are bringing a big subject to be debated. When it comes to blessings, it is not only the materials blessings, but many other things are associated with that. Among the list of the billionaires, Alukas-Muthoot George and Lulu are listed from Kerala. When we watch the central Kerala compared with the rest of Kerala, we can see greater prosperity touching different denominations.When Moses was delivering the final discourse at his 120th age at Moab, few days before his death, he gave some strict instructions to be blessed which we can read in chapter 8 of the book of Deuteronomy. JESUS said, " give and it shall be given unto you". If the giving habit is adopted by people of any religion, they will be rewarded. When I met a Hindu convert Pastor in the U.S. who came from British Guyana in South America, he told me that his father while feeding the hungry told his children "you will be blessed", it was exactly fulfilled.
g b jacob (December 23, 2013)
Dear Bro. A.S.Mathew, The fact I was trying to say is that earlier it was called the blessing of the posterity and now a days prosperity theology.There isno scientific research to prove that the presnt generation of pentecostals are blessed more than their peers in other religions/denominations. Material standards of living always improves from one generation to other.I hope that you will agree to the fact that atleast 70% of the pentecostals in Kerala come from other Christian denominations. What else the pentecostals have that the other denominations do not have, when it comes to material possessions on earth -I mean money, better education and heathcare, etc. Is this the blessing of posterity which you try to proclaim. Again if you are using the blessing of the posterity it applies to other religions also. The richest people in India - the Ambanis, the Tatas are not pentecostals. Even in Kerala the richest Christians are from other denominations - Alukkas, Muthootu, manorama. Coming
a. s. mathew (December 21, 2013)
bro g b jacob: it is an hidden truth that those people who has suffered for christ in kerala, their posterity were greatly blessed. wherever the gospel has penetrated the earliest, prosperity has reached there. but preaching the prosperity gospel started by rev. oral roberts while he was undergoing financial problems, came across with 2 john 1:2, (i wish above all..) which impacted his life and a new gospel of "prosperity" was started. did jesus or disciples preach the prosperity gospel at any time? he has repeated in all the four gospel that anybody who is following him has to take his own cross and follow him. how many people are happy to hear the "cross bearing sermons"? but to hear about prosperity is very soothing to the ears, so, many would be gathering to hear. i do remember in my younger days, when the preachers tell that saturday convention is the "testimony day", so many young people were not happy to attend on saturday. "prosperity" to attract the audience??
g b jacob (December 21, 2013)
From the of the Houston IPC on this website it seems to be worth a few million dollars. Why spent so much on a place of worship. Is it needed? It may be worth remembering that the ancestors of the pentecost faith in Kerala were of the opinion that a separate church building was not at all necessary. They preached and teached that coming together at the house of any believer was indeed enough for worshipping and praying. Most of them went to the extend of teaching that since the viel of the temple was torn from top to bottom at the time of the *** of Jesus Christ the whole relevance of the temple / church building has vanished. Now the present generation of those teachers are happy to invest millions of dollars in places of worship and boast of the same too. I do not know where this community is headed to.
g b jacob (December 20, 2013)
How can you blame the west for the doctrine of grace or prosperity theology. Know your roots first before you make such judgements. Pentecostalism had its origin in the west only. The early pentecostals in Kerala always preached the same doctrine of grace and prosperity theology. Only the scale was different. Now you are finding fault with it means it is just "questioning own roots". The early teachers of the faith always maintained the stand prayer will deliver you from all ailments, help you overcome financial difficulties and becoming saved as a pentecost will give you good things in life. This is precisely what was preached to lay people who were miserable in the eyes of this world. 99% of the time the targets of the preaching were the people suffering from major diseases and people in very difficult financial situation. The new generation preachers whom you find fault with now are just marketing it in a more appealing way to the current generation.
thepraize (December 10, 2013)
@nelson :- i agree completely
nelson (December 10, 2013)
it is good to respond to such teachings. but we need to answer or provide proper teachings about their teachings, instead of opposing them generally.

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