Author: Anil Kodithottam
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Dec 9, 2013
Views: 59554
Grace Gospel - the false doctrine.
]mmXy Bo-b-X-bpsS NphSp-]n-Snv, Ah ]cn-Xy-Pn-Xpw D]-cn---hhp-amb ]pXp-{]-h-WX Bo-b-Xbvv tIc-f-n NphSpd-n-p-hm-p {ia-ġv H-c-]-Xn-m- p-I-fpsS Ncn-{X-ap- v. Fw. F. hKokv, A
k, tPmXm-cp, ap-ta-tm, Xp, tXmakv Ipn XpS-nb Bfp-I-fm-bn-cpp ChnsS AXns sam-hym-]m-cn-I.- C-h-cn Xp {_Z Xs-bmWv Xs Bob _nkn-v km{am-Py-n Xc-t-Sn-msX apt-dn-b-Xv.
hymP-kn--mb ktmjv am[-hs ]pIs] Adpw tXmp-kzman apX {]mtZ-inI B ssZh- hsc
b-a--S-]Sn tcn-tSn h L-n Xp {_Z-dns kzob hncppw {]Xn-kn tcn-p. B[p-
I _nkn-v X{- Xs BoI {]h---fn kn-th-in-n Xp-hns `qX-Imew Hcp _nkn--nepw hnP-bn-m-Xpw km-nI XI-bp-tS-Xm-bn-cp-s-n kzob hncpv CUkv{Sn apS-p-ap-X-en-mXpw ]c-ky-sIm p am{Xw
¡p--Xp-am-I-bm ]co-Ww tami-am-bn-. tcnb CSn-n Ctm _nkn--n-ep-s -nepw I XI-sbmpw Xp-hns hn]-Wn-v tcn-tSn hn-n-. Am-ev Xp-hns Ap-I-cnv
c-h[n {_Zd-m cwK-s-n. CXn Uman-bpw `mcy am Uman-bpws]Spw. Ch-cpsS ssien kzoI-cnv IpSpw-_-ambn If-n-en-d-p-Xv sNdp-InS {_Z-d-mcpw ioe-am-n-bn-p-v.
{InkvXp-hns {Iqip-a-cWw ]cm-P-b-am-bn-cp-p-shv ]p Xntbm-fPn Xp- cq]-s-Sp-n-bnpw Cu Iīv Xe-hs Npa-m Nne s]-tmkvXv am[y-a-t]mepw Xm-dm-bn-sb-Xv FXn{In-kvXp-hns kzm[o--i-nv sXfn-hm-Wv. CXn-p-]n-mse Xpbn-k-ns s]-tmkvXv `mjy--fmbn Na Nne Ipn-ssZ-h-sf
m-b-I-amb Hcp Xocp-am--n-eqsS sF. ]n. kn.bpw Nv Hm^v tKmUpw imtcmpw hnev Gs-Spn ]Sn-p-p-d-m-n. cp hi-p-w
v sav hgw Imnb sI. F. G{_-lm-anv {]kw-K-th-Zn-I-fn
pw kzw {]m--amb imtcm t]mepw Ah-K-Wn-p. kPnv Iq, tPm temdkv, _nPn A apXt]cpw Ducp-hn-e-p-t-cn {]kw-K-I-cmbn Adn-b-s-p.
{KomWv lo{_p-hmWv Fsm-s-bp hymtP temIv Hcp `mj-bnepw Cm Nne hmp-I ]pen Xt-Xmb Aw In P--fn amkva-cnI kpJw P
-n-p coXn-bmWv tPm temdkn-t-sX-n B{mIvkv t`Z-am-, Fv. sF. hn. t]mep amc-I-tcm-K--fpsS DS--Sn-bp kpJ-s-Sp- CsXm-s-bmWv kPn-ns Ah-Im-i-hm-Z-. Ch-cpsS ]pXnb {]mw Ir]-bpsS kphn-tijw F t]cn ss__nsmv sXfn-bn-m-m-hm thZ-hn-]-co-X-sf thZn-I-fn-tev Fgp-sn-p-I-bmWv.
Ir]-bpsS kphn-tijw F {]tbmKw ss__n-fn-ep--Xm-Wv. AXp-X-s-bmWv X ]d-bp-Xv Fv hcp-n-om Ch--I {iaw S-p-p-sh-nepw hkvXpX A-s-b-. Cu t]cn {]Y-a-ZrjvSym A]-ISw Hpw tXmp-n-m-n-cn-mw. btlm-h-bpsS kmn-I, {Inm U^n-bkv, {InkvXy kbkv XpS-nb t]cp-I-fnepw A]-ISw C. ]s, Ch-cpsS ]Tn-n- ISp thZ-hn-]-co-X--fm-Wv. Cl-tem-I-Po-hn-X-n
n-jvS-amb [mnI
b-a-tfm, {]am-W-tfm ewLn-pI hgn ]m]w sNp-n-. ImcWw {InkvXp-hns ac-W-m ymb-{]-am-W-nv ow hn-cn-p-p. ]m]-t_m[w P
b-a-ew-L--s-p-dnv Adn-hp-]-I-cp--Xmb {]kw-K- ]mSn-. ImcWw CXm Ir]m Ime-b-f-hm-Wv. Cs ss__n-fns ASn-m--aq-ey--fn
pw amdn-Nn-n-p Ch-cpsS eyw BNmcy cP-ojpw Fn-yq-dn-b-mcpw ]Tn-n PUo-Ihpw `uXo-I-hp-amb Bk-n-Isf ss{IkvXh k`-bn ASn-t¸n-pI F-Xm-Wv. temI-a-bXzw AXns Fm Zue-`y--tfm-Sp-IqSn k`-bvp-n-tev IS-m Ccw sNdp--m apn-n-d-p-Xv Pm{K-X-tbmsS ssZh-a- hon--Ww.
dear a.s. mathew, (concluding part of my last message was not published, anyway i am not repeating it again) thanks for this healthy debate. i know blessings is not material alone. but it is the material part of the blessing which is always highlighted. regarding the other than material part of the blessing i hope you will agree that we cannot judge it with our eyes in this world. so when someone preaches about the blessing it invaribaly boils down to material blessings on this earth. as you rightly said there is no one to preach the cross and the suffering you have to go through to enter the kingdom of god. here is where i find the me preaching the blessing of the posterity or prosperity theology is the same. in the former you say your generations will be rewarded and in the latter you will be rewarded.let us ask the leaders to preach the bible in its fullness, and not by cherry picking.