Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 11, 2011
Views: 25297
Great Man of God - Biography of Kodumthara Ummachan.
Ip-\mSv: sF.-]n.-kn. m]I t\Xm--fn {]ap-J-\mb sImSp-d D-s Poh-N-cn{Xw Ip-\mSv Ihj-\n {]Im-i\w sNpw. tam\n- sIm-Sp--d, cmP Bcy--n, sI.-Fw. amXyp sImSp-d Fn-h tNv cNn ]pkvX-I-ns {]km-[\w Z tPW bp.-F-kv.-FbmWv. Ip-\mSv Ih-j mfp-I-fn ]pkvXIw e`y-am-Wv.
Dear Editors and Believers Journal Team, Glad to know that you have completed three successful years of journalism and you have entered in to the fourth year. I congratulate you for your successful journey in the fourth year. I am a well wisher and regular reader of Believers Journal. Believers Journal is one of the best Pentecostal Journals in Malayalam. Two years before, I happened to read Believers Journal and I was impressed with the content and outlook. These days Believers Journal is making commendable progress. The content of Believers Journal is informative, instructive, insightful and inspiring. I have lots of appreciation for all of you for your effort and hard work. I thank you all for your initiatives, challenging work and boldness to stand for the truth. It is clear that Believers Journal has become a symbol of authentic journal. May the Lord continue to bless you and strengthen you to stand for the truth. With love and prayers, Saju Varghese, N Guntur, Andhra Pradesh