Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Nov 7, 2011
Views: 78423
I do not have private trusts - Pastor. K.C Thomas.
-* F\nv kzImcy {Sn
* ss__n kvIq, kvIq Fnh tem k`-bpsS DS-a--X-bn-emWv
* 10 tImSn cq] hne-a-Xn-p 16000 Sqft \mep-\ne sInShpw 20 skv ehpw k`-bpsS t]cn
B[mcw sNbvXp sImSp-p.
* F\nbvtm IpSpw-_mw-K-tm bmsXm-c-h-Im-ihpw C.
* s]s-tm-kvXns ]mc--cy-n Rm Dd-p-\n¡pp
* B`-c-W-[m-c-Wsbpw Bob cwKs \h {]h-W-X-I-sfbpw AwKo-I-cn-p-n
* ]c-kv]c hntZzjw hfpXpw {Kqp-I DS-se-Sp-p-hm Imc-W-hpamb Ctm-gs sXc-s-
Spv coXnbvv amw-h-c-Ww.
sF. ]n. kn. tIcfm tv sshkv {]kn-Uv ]m sI. kn. tXma-kp-ambn _neo-thgvkv tPW No^v FUn- kmwIpn amXyp \S-nb A`n-apJ kw`m-jWw.
hmbn-p-I. 2011 \hw-_ 10 t]Pv : 03
contd:2 social status-and a whole lot of other things can be used. for the pentecostal believers, they have specifically taken as the only main subject "ornaments" as the biggest blockade of holiness. jesus, did he ever touch this subject in the four gospels? those people who followed him to hear the good news, did they keep their ornaments at home? what his own brother, the revolutionary apostle james was talking about jewellery in the first book written in the new testament, the book of james? we jump to the book of malachi to motivate the believers to put the tithe at the offering plate, whereas jesus has repeatedly reemphasised his followers to be "cheerful givers" without indicating any specific percentage. when the poor widow gave everything she had, very minute and the least in the coin world, jesus exalted her giving as the top ranking contribution for the kingdom of god; it not the amount but the attitude of cheerful and sacrificial heart behind the giving!