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sF.]n. kn. Ce 2012 : Ah sNbvXXpw Ch sNphm t]mIpXpw

IPC Election 2012 - What they did and what these ones going to do
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jun 7, 2012
Views: 28838

IPC Election 2012 - What they did and what these ones going to do.
Cybnse s]stmkvXp k`Ifn Ghpw heXpw P\m[n]Xy kwhn[m\w ihpamb Cy s]stmkvXv ssZhk`bpsS sXcsSpv \Sphm t]mIpIbmWv. ]m\ Xncnpw kzX{ambpw acnph Pbnp Ignbptm {]m\n\pthn Fp sNbvXp Fv Bcpw At\zjnmdn. \nehnep `cWkanXnIsf hnebncpptXmsSmw m\mnIġv {]m\spdnp XfpsS Zi\hpw {]m\n\mbn sNphm Dtinp Imcyfpw ]dbphm\p AhkchpamWv ""Ah sNbvXXpw Ch sNphm t]mIpXpw'' F ]cc.

Ip\mSv : Cybnse Ghpw henb s]stmkvXv k`bmWv sF. ]n. kn. tIcfn am{Xw aqhmbnctmfw k`Ifpw BtKmfXen Bdmbncw k`IfpapsmWv IWpI. ]m sI. C. G{_lmw XpSw Ipdn Cu k`bpsS BZy {]knUv ]m ]n. Fw. imapthembncpp. ]noSv ]m sI. C. G{_lmw {]knUmbn. Atlns aI ]m n. Fkv. G{_lmapw Atlns aI ]m hճ G{_lmapw k`bpsS Aacv ]nosSn.

BZyImefn k`bpsS NpaXe apXn ip{iqjI Hsmcpanv IqSnbmtemN\tbmsS \Snhp. ]noSv AXns cq]`mh amdn hp. Iuknepw {]kv_ndnbpw \nehn hp. {]mtZinI k`IfpsS kzmX{yn hnizknncp {]m\ambncpp sF. ]n. kn. Cu {]m\ns Bcw`n\v ImcWambXp Xs hntZi tatmbva ]mSnmsb hmZtmsSbmWv. Ipv kmbnpambp _w hnSn Cy t\XmmcpsS Iogn cq]w sImXmWv Cu {]m\w. BZyImev sk ]msd ]Zhn Cmbncpp. k`IfpsS Fw hntm amktbmKfpw apw Adnbnphm\p tIhe NpaXe am{Xambncpp Cu m\n\pXv. (CXpXs ip{iqjIcpsS CSbn Av iamb FXnn\v ImcWambXv Ncn{Xw.) k`Isf `cnphmt\m A[nImcnbmbncnphmt\m A Cu m\w adnv tIhew FgppIppIġv thnam{Xw DXmsW hniZoIcWw ]m sI. C. G{_lmw \In. hnizmknbpw ip{iqjI\pw. Xn Dmbncp _w ktlmZc Xpeyambncpp. Imew amdnbtm CsXmw XInSw adnp. hnizmknsb `cnp ]mdpw ]msd `cnp sk ]mdpw CXns\sbmw Im Iosgbmp tv, P\d FIvknIyqohv m\fpw A[nImcw ]nSnsSpp. {]mtZinI k`bpsS kzmX{yw apXseSpv t\Xmmscmhcpw k`bpsS te_en kzw {]m\ hfnsbSpp. acn ]nnSnp Cn In acns Pohckw DunsbSpv AXns\ DWnIfbpXpt]mse k`bvv e`nt ]Ww Ccw {]m\fpsSbpw {SpIfpsSbpw adhn t\Xmm ASnpamn sImgptm sF. ]n. kn. F {]m\w Poh imkv{X]camb hfbn am{Xw HXpn. sF. ]n. knbpsS s]mXphnepXv Fv ]dbphm A`nam\n Hcp m]\hpw CmsbXmWv bmYmyw. Ip\mSv slt{_m]pcs ssaXm\w `wKnbmbn InSpXv Cym ss__n tImtfPnse hnZymnI ImcWamWv. ]Xnt\gp hjw apv {_Z tXmakv hStqv {Sjddmbncnptm DchmZnXzw GsSpv Hcp HmUntmdnbw \nnXv AtX \nebn AhnsS ImWmw. Fm AXns\ `wKnbmbn kqnphm DchmZnXzshv Ignbpn FXn\npXs `cWw \Sphv {]m\tmSp Iqdv FmsWv a\nemmw. C\mjW Hm^okv _nUnwKv ]WnI Bcw`nnv F{Xtbm hjfmbn Fm AXns ]qoIcWw \Sphm CXphsc Ignnn. Fm CXns ]Wn Bcw`ntijw XpSnb t\XmmcpsS {]m\ t]mepw Cv F{Xtbm hfncnpp.

hjw tXmdpw hnp P\ncpw hml\fpw ImcWw e ]cnanXnbpw Ip\mSv Ihj hopappIbmWv. slt{_m]pcn\v sXmSpp 2 Gtdmfw ew k`bvmbn hmphm Ahkcw e`nnpw t\XmmcpsS Xmev]cyanmbvabpw ImgvNmSnse Ipdhpw ImcWw AXv \jvSsSpn. Cs\sbmcp Ahkcw C\n e`nbvpIbnmsbXn \npw AXns \jvSw F{X hepXmWv Fv Nnnphp a\nemIpw. (CXp \jvSsXns ]nnepw Nne {]Jym]nX hnipmcpsS IfnIfmsWmWv tInpXv.) Fm {]m\w hfcpXns\m {]m\ns adhn \npsImv kzw m]\sf hfpIbmWv A[nImc Itkcbn FphcpsS eyw. {]m\ns HutZymKnI m\ AXn\v Ah adbmptm km[mcW ip{iqjIcpw hnizmknIfpw ChnsS hnUvVnIfmsSpp.



Displaying 2 Comments
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a.s. mathew (June 8, 2012)
Even though the pioneers of the various Christian denominations in Kerala had great visions and profound spiritual insight, went through greater suffering for a great cause; but from one generation to the next generation, the worldly inflence of materialism and domineering spirit became predominant, thus the visions and spirituality became very obsolete. When we watch the politics and the strong role played through money game in all the Churches, as believers and followers of

JESUS CHRIST, we all must be totally ashamed of ourselves!
wesley p abraham, alappuzha (June 7, 2012)
first of all i would like to say about our general convention.even a 10years old boy/girl can charter the programme sheet for our kumbanad convention preachers list and programmes..coz it's the same yesterday, today and forever...like same preacher...same day...and it's choir..most of them doesn't know where to start or end up with orchestra..only thing i have noticed is the growing of our pandal..think its a general convention...

election should be conducted from local,district,zonal, state & general...according to their seniority, experience...donot allow youngsters ie upto age of 45..nowadays some builders, realestate mafia with the support of some leaders are looking to make their money white on behalf of this..by giving plenty of money during election time like what we have seen on during pypa election.

so it's the time for change and donot allow this kind of activities
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