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sF.]n.kn. t\mv Atacn sk{S doPnb {]h\ cwKv.

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Dec 23, 2011
Views: 18483

IPC North American Central Region.
IPC North American Central Region
Cnt\mbn: {]h\ clnXambn InS sF.]n.kn t\mv Atacn sk{S doPnbs {]h\n\" hncmaw dnv, doPnb {]h\w XpStcXn AwKoImc Iv, 2011 Htm_ 24mw XnbXn \mp \S sF.]n.kn. P\d Iuknens Xoam\hpw hyambn ImWnv, sF.]n.kn P\d sk{Idn ]m hk G{_lmw doPnb {]knUv ]m ]n. kn. am\' \InbmXmbn Adnbnncn.

Ctm {]h\ k`Ifp kwm\fmb Cnt\mbn, annK, Hlmtbm Fo kwm\sf IqSmsX hnkvtImkn, CUym\m, antmdn Fnhbpw Cu doPnb\n DsSpw. sF]nkn t\mv Atacn sk{S doPnbs {]h\w iamb \nebn \Ssa ip`m]vXn hnizmktmsSbmW" doPnb Iuknens {]h\sa' doPnb `mchmlnI Adnbnncn.
]Xns\m" AwKfp doPnb Iukn `mchmlnI ]m ]n. kn. am ({]knUv), ]m ]n. hn. am (sshkv {]knUv), ]m tPm n. b (sk{Idn), {_Z tUm hnf (tPmbnv sk{Idn), {_Z tP_v Nmtm ({Sjd), ]m kn tPmPv, ]m tPmk^v sI. tPmk^v, Chm. sI.Fw. cmPp, {_Z sI. Fw. Cu, {_Z sI. H. tPmkv, {_Z DXv tXmakv Fnh Iukn AwKfpamW".

]pXnb XncsSpv 2012 sk]vw_dn \SXphsc Cu `mchmlnI XpSw. ssZhw AhZnm Cu doPnb {]h\w hfsc hn]peoIcnpXmbncnw 2012 sk]vw_dn \SsXv {]knUv ]m ]n. kn. am Adnbnp.


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pr varg (January 11, 2012)
IPC aluva north centre sariyai kondupokan kazhiyatha aal region chumathala engane edukkum, Kore cash athinte peril oppikkam hampo kashtakalam
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