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tPmPn kmap-th sF. ]n. kn. P\-d Iukn-en-te.v tXmakv Ipcy\v h ]cm-Pbw

Joji Samuel scores triumphant win as IPC Council Member. Thomas Kurien suffers major defeat.
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Nov 25, 2013
Views: 22883

Joji Samuel scores triumphant win as IPC Council Member. Thomas Kurien suffers major defeat..
\yqtbmv: sF. ]n. kn. Cut̬ doPn-b Iukn \npw P\-d Iukn sa m\-tp \S sXc-s-Sp-n sF. ]n. kn. Cut̬ doPn-b ap {]kn-Um-bn-cp ]m amXyp kmap-th-ens aI tPmPn kmap-th sXc-s-Sp--s-p. t\mv Atacn-bn-ep sF. ]n. kn.-bpsS Ghpw henb doPn-b-\mb Cut̬ doPn-b\v Hcp Iukn sam\w IqSn \Ip-hm sF. ]n. kn. P\-d Iukn Xocp-am-\n--Xns\ XpSmWv Cu sXc-s-Spv \S--Xv.

P\-d Iukn m\-tv \S sXc-s-Sp-n cv t] a-cn-p. tPmPn kmap-th-en-s\-Xn-cmbn a-cn tXmakv Ipcy 2012 Im\-Um-bn \S ]nkn-\m-ns sk{I--dn-bm-bn-cp-p. 39 AwK- D sF. ]n. kn. Cut̬ doPn-b Iukn saam-cn 29 t] thmp tcJ-s-Sp-n. tPmPn kmap-th-en\v 21 thmpw tXmakv Ipcy\v 8 thmp-amWv e`n--Xv. sXc-s-Sp-n\v apmbn cv m\mn-Iġpw XsfIpdnv ]d-bp-hm Ah-kcw \In. BZy-ambn ]d tPmPn Xs apIme {]h-\-sfpdnp ]d--Xn-t\m-sSmw Fs sXc-s-Sp-m Rm {InkvXp-\maw A]-am-\-am-Im coXn-bn-ep Xocp-am-\-ġv A\p-Iqe \ne-]mSv Iukn A\p-Iq-enpw Fp ]dp. ]m Cn G{_lmw ip{iq-jn-p \yqtbmv s]-tmkvXv Akw-n-bn \S sXc-s-Sp-n\v doPn-b {]kn-Uv ]m ]n. ^nenv Ay-X hln-p.


Displaying 15 Comments
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mani (January 26, 2014)
congrats joji

ipc member (January 10, 2014)
joji, you have been instrumental for pypa and you have helped the region being a tresurer and secretary for pypa. although you are a tempermental and impulsive person.. the reason you won was not about your efficiency -- but it was the mere fact that you were running against tk who has been known as a low life, rogue, politician and self seeking individual. he has given hard time to everyone he has ever worked with.. pastor thomas koshy, pastor esau philip, the treasurer or pcnak. we dont want a naradan to represent ipc eastern region to the general council.. all the best joji
ipc member (December 9, 2013)
Dear Joji, Your victory was not a surprise to anyone. Thomas Kurian has created a lot of enemies over the years. Thomas was instrumental in betraying his own PCNAK National Convenor Ps. Easau philp and the Canada PCNAK Treasurer.
believer from newyork (December 6, 2013)
I heard opponent got only 7 vote but your

News indicate he got 8. How that happend

Did they count the asathu vote too. Pls

Correct the news
sunny vennikulam (December 5, 2013)
@roy patikad, let me make clear, I am not shaji vennikulam. from your name as patikad seems you are living patikals.better change your name from patikad to some other name.
roy pattikad (December 5, 2013)
@ shaji vennikolam- i don't sleep with dogs,[atleast men don't] i meant to say i am surrounded by dogs !
sunny,vennikulam (December 4, 2013)
@Roy patticadu when you started to sleep with dogs. get out and sleep in bed.
roy pattikad (December 3, 2013)
@ shaji vennikulam- i am struggling to sleep while all these dogs bark around me-- and forget about living when i am struggling to avoid their bits !
kalluthoma, ny (December 2, 2013)
okay! i am lost on this election. wait, i will come back soon and i don't need any of you saints.
johnny george (December 1, 2013)

Don’t listen to what people say, watch what they do.
nibu vellavanthanam (November 27, 2013)
Congrats Bro Joji. God Bless You...
sunny,vennikulam (November 27, 2013)
Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today

roy pattikad (November 27, 2013)
' njaanoo kurayeenam --- avanoo valareenam '
mathews ny (November 26, 2013)
kallu thomaye rakshikkan arumillayirunno
valsakuttan (November 26, 2013)
Congrat joji
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