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Ip-ISn : Hcp _ln-jvI-c-W-ns IY

Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Jan 9, 2012
Views: 18031

Kallukadi : Story of Non participation.
tIc-f-nse s]-tkvXv ]{Xw {]h\ cwKv X am{Xw aXn F iTn-p Hcp hn`m-K-ns kwL-S-\- bpsS {]kn-Uv Nv Hm^v tKmUns Akn. Hmhkn-b-dm-Wv. X am{X-amWv am[y-a- Ip-e-]-Xn-I F aqV kz-n Pohn-p Hcp Ipm\bpw Hcp Ipn-bm-\bpw Hw B\-]nWvVw an ebn-bvp-tm AhnsS ImW-s-Sp Xc-n-ep Hcp Ipgn-bm-\bpw Hw Ah-cpsS kwL-S-\-bpsS Xe-v Hcp d mns\ taW-sa--Xn-\m Xs \spw d-dmb Bfns\ Xs B Itk-c-bn IpSn-bn-cp-p--Xn Ah hnP-bn-p-Ibpw sNbvXp.

Cub-Spv Nv Hm^v tKmUv Ihj-\p-ambn _-sv Hcp ]{X-k-t-f\w \S-p-hm k` -Xo-cp-am-\n-p. Hmtcm ]{X-m-scbpw Wn--tm Nne ]{X-sf Hgn-hm-n-bm am{Xw ]s-Sp-p-I-bp-sŶv IS-emkp ]pen-I-fpsS Xocp-am-\w kwLm-S-Isc Adn-bn-s-nepw kwLm-S-I hgn-s-Sm-Xn-cp--Xn-\m _ln-jvI-cnp amdn. kwL-S-\-bpsS Xocp-am\w {]kn-U-s-s\ A\p-k-cn-m-Xn-cn-pw. k`-bpsS ]{X-k-t-f\w Akn. Hmhkn-b _ln-jv-cn-p-Xv icn-bm-tWm. ]{X-k-t-f\-n hnX-cWw sNbvX Ipdn-n ]s-Sp--h-cpsS t]cns IqsS Cu tl-ns t]cp-v. AXns Aw Nne-cpsS ]{X-sf Hgn-hm-p-sapw Xs kwL-S-\-bnse ]{X-m Fp-sa-pw Atm ]{X-k-t-f-\-n-sen tPn-en-cn-m-sapw Xocp-am-\n-n-cp-p-sh-p-am-Wv. kwKXn hnNm-cn--Xp-t]mse \S-n-. AXn-\m Xs kwKXn _ln-jvI-cn-p. k`-bpsS HutZym-KnI m\-n-cp-p-sImv k`-bpsS t{]m{Kmw _ln-jvI-cn-p. Fp ]d-m DuWv Chn-sSbpw Iqdv AhnsSbpw Fw.

ASn-p-dnv: GXp hnhc tZmjnpw ]{X-m-c-\m-Im-sav Cu ASpv alm-\mb Hcp ]{Xm-[n-] Ip-]n-Sn-n-cp-p. Ip-]n-Spw ]pd-mbn A[nIw Xma-kn-p--Xn\p aps Nne-cpsS hnh-c-tZmjhpw hfn--m-bnp am{Xw.


Displaying 4 Comments
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james (January 12, 2012)
c samuel (January 11, 2012)
kunjappy (January 11, 2012)
kutty, kunju,mon manasilayo?.rubber stamp = asst.overseer
c samuel (January 10, 2012)
Who all are these kunjaana,kuttiyaana, kuzhiyaana and rubber stamp. nere chovve ezhuthiyaal ellaarkkum manassilaakum. pl give some more clues
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