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A-spw C-spw Bp {]kw-K-sm-gn-em-fn-I

Anil Kodithottam
Author: Anil Kodithottam
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Jan 13, 2014
Views: 30214

Madhyama Vicharam.
kphn-tij {]kwKw D]-Po-h-m-ap Hcp sXmgn-emWv F A[zm--h-kn-m--ns D]-m-Xmhv sI. F. G{_-lm-am-Wv. sF. ]n. kn.-bn
v hne-p-t-cn Imev lt-pm ]{X-n Atlw Ip {]kvXm-h--bpsS Xe-sv Fs In-bn ap-hm-cn-bnp Fm-bn-cp-p. sI. F. G{_lmw Ap ]d-Xv Cv icn-bm-bn-sm-n-cn-p-p. As-n Xs CS-bvsms s]mSn-{]-h-Nw Xp Bfp-am-Wtm At-lw. {]kwKw G¡p-n-söv Im {]h-Nw Hcp -dmn ASn-p Nne-cnse {]_-e-mWv sI. F. {]h-Nw CSbvv Imp--Xn ]mShw Imp asm-cm tImin sshZy-m-Wv. Ct-l-ns ssIbn ssat{Im-t^m Inn-bm-ep-S In ]mnkkv tcmKn-I-sf-tmse hnd-bvm XpS-pw. CS-bvn-Sbvv Imens aphn-c-ep-I
e--an ]n`mKw Dbn ChnsS Fsm-stbm kw`-hnpw Fp ]d-bpXv tIġmw. hmbn hmIy-hp-ambn bmsXmcp _-hp-an-msX aptm-p-t]m-Ip ssien At-bw Atcm-N-Iw. sshZym
s Xs NnIn-n Fv hmIyw Hm hcp-p.

hnj-b-Zm-cn{Zyw sImv hmsX oWn-p-t]mb {]kw-K-I _m_p sNdn-bm-m-Wv. Aln-p--Xn-tesd ]np-Wbpw t{]mm-l-hpw Innb _m_p sNdn-bmv hnj-bm-h-X-c-W-ns
e-hmcw A[x-]-Xn-p. Fm ssZh-im-kv{X-]-chpw D]-tZ-i-]-c-hp-amb Htsd ko Imem-h--bn-eqsS s]-tmkvXv aWvUew IS-p-t]m-Ip Ime-b-f-hn X{-]-c-amb
e-]m-SmWv _m_p sNdn-bm ssIsm- n-cp--Xv. Pq apX hw-_ hsc D amk--fn s]-tmkvXv tbmK- Ipd-hm-Wv. B CS-thf Atlw ]pXp-{]-h-WXmcpsS IqSm-c--fn Nne-h-gn-pw. hymP-tcm-K-im-n-m, I]S Ap-X-hm-Zn-I, XpbnpI, t] hnfnv kuJyw sImSp-pIbpw Dua-Isf kwkm-cn-n-p-Ibpw sNp Dua--m Chsmw
v Ahcpw GXp-hn-t[-pw tbip-hns {]kw-Kn-p--h-ct F ymb-hmZw D-bnv ag-mew t]mpw. ]noSv Ihj kok F hk--Imew hc-hm-Ip-tm tsc ]c--cm-KX D]-tZi hnj-b- s]mSn-X-n-sb-Sp-pw. t]mm-t-cn-AKsbn ]p ]Tn tmpw GXp Hgp-n-s-Xn-scbpw om t]m ]caos sabvhg-hpw Ipim-{K-_p-nbpw IqS-n-d-mb _m_p sNdn-bm Cu kok-Wn s]-tm-kvXp-Imsc Ghpw t_md-Sn-n {]kw-K-Icn Hmw m-m-Wv. Imcy- C{X-sbms-bm-bnpw Ct-l-n-smcp a-n cXvm AhmUv sImSp-m Bcpw Xm-dm-Im-Xv IjvSw. sabv amk-tmsS s]-tmkvXv Ihj-p-I Ah-km-
-pw. ag-m-ev In adp-Iw NmSp-Xn-p-apv AXp Intb Xocq. cmPp ta{X-sbbpw _n. tam--spw tXmakv ^nen-n-s-bp-sams Kme-dn-bn Ccp-n-bnv Ip-mSv Ihj-
_m_p sNdn-bms qsmv Bhn op-a-cpv IpSn-m KXn-tI-S-p-`-hn-p hnizm-kn-Iġv kln-jvW-X-bvp {]Xn-^ew

AXncp hn Aen-Kdn hymJym--nv ASn-s-p-t]mb H-p--m Cu teJ-I FXnp-Ibpw anI Ah-X-c-W-ssi-en-sImv AwKo-I-cn-p-Ibpw sNbvXp-t]m Hcp {]kw-K-I-mWv n. Un. _m_p. {Zhym-{K-l-ns kqN--Itfm A[n-Im-c-tam-ltam av sXmb hgn-Itfm Cm amy-mbn Rm Cpw Ct-ls ImWp-p. ]s _m_p sNdn-bm-
kn-th-in-n-cn-p hg-sImg Bmhv n. Un. _m_p-hn-spw ey-an-n-cn-p-p. Xncp-h--bn kma-s IqSm-c-n-emWv n. Un.v hncpv. A-t-l-ns t]cp-hnfn Xn-p-I mbn Adn-bm-hp BfmWv n.-Un. kar-n-bpsS kphn-ti-j-npw Xp-bn-k-n-p-sa-Xnsc hmsf-Sp n. Un. C{Xbpw A[x-]-Xn-cp-Xm-bn-cp-p.

Hcp ev {]kw-Kn-m hnfn-p-tm Ah-sc-p-dnv th {X Atz-jWw Sn tUp Im n-n-s-p hcmw. ]pXp-{]-h-W-X-m hnfn-m {]kw-Kn-m t]mbn-qSm Fpw A-an-. Fm Ahn-sS-sv Ahsc kpJn-nv {]kw-Kn-pIbpw As ]W-n-p-thn Iīp-Isf ]cn-t]m-jn-n-p-Ibpw Nm ]tcm--ambn mw klm-bn-p-Iq-Sm. n.-Un.sb kma- {]kw-Kn-m hnfn-m Xo-bmbpw t]mI-Ww. ]s kma--
hym]-cn-p t`mjvIns Bm-hns ]np-W-bvpw-hn[w auw Sn-p-Itbm Ps hn-p kma- X{-n-p-ap-n I-S-bvp-Itbm sNmsX i-amb ymb-hn-[n-bpsS ktiw ]d-bm n.Un.v Ign-bp-sa-n A`n-hm-Zy-. As-n n.-Un. {]XonpXnepw I Zpc-- am[y-a-a-WvU-e-n
pw At-lnp {]Xo-n-mw.

atlm-{Z]w kmwIpn t{]m{Kmw kwL-Sn-n-p-hm-p Xnc-n-em-Wv. tIc-f-n-se-p-tm qdpw AXpw tUmf hoXw Nnep sImSp-pw. Hcp _w m]n-m-m-Wv. CS-bvn-Sbvv sabn Ab-p-sIm-n-cn-pw. Xm tIc-f-n-tev hcp--t{X. apIqn t{]m{Kmw Nmv sNm t]mIp-I-bm-Wv. AXp-sImv
-fpsS AhnsS Rm {]kw-Kn-t-Xv FmWv? AXp tUmf ssI-nb sXnv C{Xbpw Kpcp-X-c-amb {]mb-nw Av sNn--cpXv kmwIpn kmtd IjvSw. kmdns asmcp hnZy Hcp-sIv ]pkvX-I- Bpw kuP-y-ambn Ip-I. ae-bm-f-n Ghpw IqSp-X ]Xnv Cd-n-bXv Xs IrXn-m-sWv hcpn Xo-Ww. Jkmns CXn-lmkw, Npg-bpsS ca-W, An-kmn CsXms
c-h[n hn-gn ae-bmf IrXn-I-fm-Wv. efn-Xmw_nI A- am H. hn. hnP-btm AXv sIn-p-av kuPyw sImSp-p-I-bm-bn-cp-n-. ChnsS CXm hnP-b-
epw hen-b-h.

Ata-cn- ae-bm-fn-Isf AhnsS Aev]--np tUmIvS-tdv sImSp-p bqWn-th-gvkn-n-I-fptm? Cs-n ]ns CXv Fs? tbXv? psS atlm-{Z]w kmwIp-n-bpsS Iw-sX-cn-hp-I AXp-X-s.


Displaying 8 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
a. s. mathew (February 18, 2014)
BABIT: You are telling nothing but the whole truth. The Christian ministry has now turned as pure business because the underlying focus of the Ministers are not winning souls for Christ, but to create wealth for themselves and their posterity through instigating prosperity vision in the listeners. Even the so called believers will give high ranking certificate to a rich preacher living in a 3 Crore mansion with three German cars in front of their mansion as "greatly blessed" minister. The love for money is the root cause of all evil. We need money to live in this world but when our constant motivation and focusing is for material things, we lost the ministry. As you have indicated, the believers will have to pray for spiritual discernment to identify in between the true and false prophets and ministers. What happened to the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California? Dr. Robert Schuller delivered the "possibility thinking" gospel and made believers out of that.
babit (February 18, 2014)
Most of the arguments made by editor is logical. I know many of our preachers are focusing only the pulpit. They want to become famous through different medias such as television and youtube. also some of them are distributing their own books during the meeting. There are copies are limited- thats their business technique.these preachers are never following any copy right rules. They do not listing bibliography and footnotes in their book. Now a days they are not much focusing in basic principles but they are stressing more for deliverance and prosperity gospel. The believers should discern the preachers. I am agreeing they are eloquent preachers, but they are not scholars. So believers should not encourage such tendencies....
a. s. mathew (February 1, 2014)
if i preach to an audience repeatedly that the distance in between the earth and moon is 10000 miles, they will learn that misleading statement as a true scientific fact and answer in the examination papers. none of the preachers in the olden days ever asked a set fee, now i have heard from many sources that the preachers will ask the amount before arriving at the spot to preach. it is biblical? when i preach based on a subject in the bible, it is quite natural to bring some examples from non-biblical subjects to clarify a point, but if the preacher is preaching non-biblical subjects from the beginning to the end to make the audience laugh, is it lead by the spirit of god? great preachers like d.l. moody, charles spurgeon etc used to spend hours in prayer before delivering a sermon. those sermons had great effect in convincing the sinners. i wrote this comment not to hurt any preacher, but humbly request to do some necessary changes in our vision and ministry.
a. s. mathew (February 1, 2014)
bro. jiby: i know only person personally among the evangelists listed. i am not all talking about this article. i am a senior citizen, gave my life to christ when i was 10 years old after getting a healing miracle from the verge of death. since christ is very real in my personal life, anybody who spoke about jesus in the street, i had great respect for them. in those days, only those believers and pastors from the pentecostal denominations and also the brethren church believers had conducted open-air meetings. both the csi and mathoma churches had "ona vara open air meetings". i have witnessed some poor pastors preaching with hungry stomach and god has blessed their posterity. they only preached the risen christ, also their personal experience in meeting jesus. many people came to accept through their simple testimony and preachings. now the preachers have turned like entertainers, creating their own history-georphy-anatomy, astrology etc. contd:2
jiby (January 31, 2014)
it is a great shame that there is nothing constructive or edifying in this writing. some of the comments are at a very personal level and almost feels like mocking them. this is in bad taste.

i humbly request the editorial board and the publisher to take note of this unhealthy and unchristian approach.

i do not endorse any person criticized but i seriously think that the recipients of christian literature/publications deserve to have edifying writings and discourses.

george sabu (January 24, 2014)
I am glad at least anil is exposing these manipulator. Good job anil. God bless you
g b jacob (January 14, 2014)
It would have been better if Mr. Anil had told the preachers whom we should listen to. His entire article is on whom not to listen to. The problem is their is no consistent doctrine of faith for the ordinary pentecosts to rely on. They are left into the hands of wolves who make a living out of the ordinary believer and teaches the Holy Bible based on own interpretation. People do not know which is the right interpretation or teaching because everything is based on the scriptures.
a. s. mathew (January 13, 2014)
"Laughter is a good medicine". After reading your article, I had a heavy dose of laughter.

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