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ae_m G. Pn. An. kq{]v ]m ^nenv tXmakv Hsn \nXyXbn

Malabar AG Asst. Superintendent Pastor Philip Thomas promoted to Glory
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Sep 4, 2012
Views: 25152

Malabar AG Asst. Superintendent Pastor Philip Thomas promoted to Glory.
am\hmSn: Ign ap n cn]cw hjw ae _m dn Imhns alXzap ip {iq j sNbvX ae_mdns A tm kvXe ]m ^nenv tXm akv Hsn (56) 192012 i \nbmgvN Imhn \n{Z {]m ]n p. Xs IpSpw_n \n pw GI\mbn hnizmkam n \mbn Cdnncn ]m ^n env tXmakv ssZhoI hnfn D m btm ]qkabw kphn ti jthebvmbn kan p I bpw, 1980 ]p\eq s_tY ss__n tImtfPn \npw th Z]T\w ]qnbmn Ign 32 hjambn IXrip {iq jbn Bbncnpp. Xs ]n Xmhv ]tcX\mb H. ]n. tXmakv Xn cph B\{]mm Hs n IpSpw_mwKamWv. tPmen tbmSp _ԯn hb\mSv Pn bn Imnpfv XmakampIbmbncpp.

Xs ip{iqjbn hb\mSv Pnbn Akwnkv Hm^v tKmUv Nn\pthn k`I m]npIbpw ]e CSfnepw ew hmn lm ]WnbpIbpw sNbvXp. Akwnkv Hm^v tKmUv ae_m Unkv{SnIvv Aknv kq{]mbn ZoL\mfpIfmbn {]hnpIbmbncpp. Iymk anj Hm^v Cy F kwLS\bpsS cm[nImcn, btlmhmbnsc Nmcn_n {Sns {]knUv, am\hmSn Gcnb ]mtgvkv s^temjnv {]knUv Fo \neIfn tkh\a\pjvTnnpv. AKXnIfpsSbpw km[pfpsSbpw Ioscmphm ]m ^nenv tXmakv Fpw DpI\mbncpp. \smcp FgppImc IqSnbmbncp Xm ]e ]pkvXIfpw cNnnpv. Xs amXmhpw av ktlmZcfpw Atacnbn ncXmakamnbnpw kzw XIw hnv Hcp {]mhiyw t]mepw hntZi\mSv kinnn. Icpp Cu ip{iqjIs th]mSv ae_mdn\v {]tXyInv hb\mSv Pnbvv Hcp henb \jvSamWv DmnbncnpXv.

`mcy: ennpn, a : ^nentam, tXmwkn, tXmwk, acpa: tPmPn (_mwq), jmPn (Im\U), aI tXmwk Hsn Cnyqv Hm^v FPn\obdnwKv Bv sSIvt\mfPnbpsS amt\PnwKv UbdIvSdmbn {]hnpp. kwkvImcw sk]vw_ 5 _p[\mgvN ]m hn.n. G{_lmans t\XrXzn \\hmSn: Ign ap n cn]cw hjw ae _m dn Imhns alXzap ip {iq j sNbvX ae_mdns A tm kvXe ]m ^nenv tXm akv Hsn (56) 192012 i \nbmgvN Imhn \n{Z {]m ]n p. Xs IpSpw_n \n pw GI\mbn hnizmkam n \mbn Cdnncn ]m ^n env tXmakv ssZhoI hnfn D m btm ]qkabw kphn ti jthebvmbn kan p I bpw, 1980 ]p\eq s_tY ss__n tImtfPn \npw th Z]T\w ]qnbmn Ign 32 hjambn IXrip {iq jbn Bbncnpp. Xs ]n Xmhv ]tcX\mb H. ]n. tXmakv Xn cph B\{]mm Hs n IpSpw_mwKamWv. tPmen tbmSp _ԯn hb\mSv Pn bn Imnpfv XmakampIbmbncpp.
Xs ip{iqjbn hb\mSv Pnbn Akwnkv Hm^v tKmUv Nn\pthn k`I m]npIbpw ]e CSfnepw ew hmn lm ]WnbpIbpw sNbvXp. Akwnkv Hm^v tKmUv ae_m Unkv{SnIvv Aknv kq{]mbn ZoL\mfpIfmbn {]hnpIbmbncpp. Iymk anj Hm^v Cy F kwLS\bpsS cm[nImcn, btlmhmbnsc Nmcn_n {Sns {]knUv, am\hmSn Gcnb ]mtgvkv s^temjnv {]knUv Fo \neIfn tkh\a\pjvTnnpv. AKXnIfpsSbpw km[pfpsSbpw Ioscmphm ]m ^nenv tXmakv Fpw DpI\mbncpp. \smcp FgppImc IqSnbmbncp Xm ]e ]pkvXIfpw cNnnpv. Xs amXmhpw av ktlmZcfpw Atacnbn ncXmakamnbnpw kzw XIw hnv Hcp {]mhiyw t]mepw hntZi\mSv kinnn. Icpp Cu ip{iqjIs th]mSv ae_mdn\v {]tXyInv hb\mSv Pnbvv Hcp henb \jvSamWv DmnbncnpXv.
`mcy: ennpn, a : ^nentam, tXmwkn, tXmwk, acpa: tPmPn (_mwq), jmPn (Im\U), aI tXmwk Hsn Cnyqv Hm^v FPn\obdnwKv Bv sSIvt\mfPnbpsS amt\PnwKv UbdIvSdmbn {]hnpp. kwkvImcw sk]vw_ 5 _p[\mgvN ]m hn.n. G{_lmans t\XrXzn \Spw.


Displaying 4 Comments
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andrew (September 13, 2012)
He was a man who practiced what he preached.What a testimony.May GOD ALMIGHTY give peace to the grieving family
binu (September 7, 2012)
Is there any way I can see the recorder funeral service online?
binu g. thomas (September 7, 2012)
Very sorry to hear this news. Praying for the grieving family.
anil isaac (September 6, 2012)
It is the time of Rest. He take rest in Paradise to get his reward from Jesus!!!
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