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ap-s-cn-bm-dn-teXp cmjv{Sob \mS-Itam?

Samkutty Mathew
Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Dec 23, 2011
Views: 21033

Mullaperiyar : A political game??.
P\-e---fpsS Poh\p `o-Wn-bp-bp ap-s-cn-bm hnjbn Chn-Sps cmjv{So-b-mn-I \mSIw Ifn-bvp-I-bm-sW kwibw Dbn-cn-p-p. Uln-bn-se-nb k-In kwL-n\v {][m\ a{n \Inb Dd-ns t]cn ka-c-ap-J-p-\nv amdp-p-sh-mWv CSXp heXp ]mn-I \S-n-bn-cn-p {]kvXm-h-\. Fm CS-Xp-]w ka-c-n \nv ]nam-dn-bn-nm FXv Bizm-kw. {][m-\-a{n bmsXm-cp-hn[ Ddpw \In-bn-söpw shdpw ]p-an-\n-p-am-{Xta k-In kwL-tm-sSmw Dm-bn-cpppshpw k-In kwL-nse _n.sP.]n. AwK-ns shfn-s-Sp--ep-I CSXp heXp ]-sf shn-em-n-bn-cn-p-p. BZy Bthiw cmjv{Sob ]mn-I-fn \npw AIp XpS-n-b-tm-gmWv {][m-\-a-{n-bpsS Dd-s ]nSn-hn Inn-b-Xv. C\n-bp 6 amkw Pe-{]-f-bs t]Sn-t F ss[cy-am-bn-cnmw cmjv{So-b-m-cpsS Xocp-am-\-n\p t{]c-I-am-b-Xv. IqSmsX ap-s-cn-bm-dns t]cn Xan-gv\mSv \psS cmjv{So-b-Impw DtZym-K-pw Ipw tX\n-bn-ep-sam-s-bmbn GI-W-n\v hkvXp- \In-sb hmbpw ]pdp hcpp. AhnsS hkvXp Innb t\Xm--m-cpsS t]cp hnh-c- Xan-gv\mSv apJy-a{n sP. Pb-e-fnX tiJ-cn-p-p-shpw ]nI ]pd-m-p-sa-p-ap hm-Ifpw Cu ]nm--tm-sSmw tNp-hm-bn-mw. Cu Btcm-]W icn-bm-sW-n aps-cn-bm {]iv\-_m-[nX {]tZ-i--fnse P\--fpsS Poh\pw kzpw \jvS-s-Sp L-nepw Agn-aXn \S-p--hsc Fp hnfn-bv-Ww. ]pc-I-p-tm hmg-sh-p Cq-sc \oXn ]oT-n\p apn Fn--Ww.

{]iv\ ]cn-lm-c-n\p apssI FSp-t {][m-\-a-{n-bpsS \nkw-KX, {]iv\s sshIm-cn-I-ambn FSp-p P\s A{I-a-n-tep Xn-hn-Sp Xan-gv\mSv km, Agn-a-Xnbvp Ah-kcw tXSp cmjv{So-b-m-cpsS I]S \mS-I-, CXn-\n-S-bn s]p he-bp P\-sf Fp hnfn--Ww. lX-`m-Ky-sctm ZpxJ- ISn--anbpw DS-a-bpsS hm-\p-k-cnv P\-n\p apn Xami Imn Nncn-n-p tImam-fn-I-sftm. Bscm-stbm thjw sIn-p-p. P\w AXn-\-\p-k-cnv Ifn-bvp-p. bYm Ifn-m AWn-b-d-bn Bp-Nn-cn-p-p. CXmWv ap-s-cn-bm-dns bYm Nn{Xw. a\-kmn ac-hn-n-n-m--h ap-s-cn-bm ka-c-m-cpsS kl\ ka-c-n\v ]np-W-bp-am-sb--Ww. [mn-I-amb ]npW Ahp \I-Ww. ImcWw Ah t]mcm-Sp-I-bm-Wv. \ne-\n¸n-\mbn. B t]mcmw ImWmsX t]mIph a\p-jy-c-.


Displaying 3 Comments
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a. s. mathew (December 24, 2011)
How the political drama can be peformed? The politicians are always looking out to find, either religious or anything else and make a big issue out of it. The Mullaperiyar is a serious issue, the politicians are the least concerned about the deadly consequences of that tragedy; but taking advantage of the current situation to create any political mileage they can add to their party.
joy chembakasseril, usa. (December 23, 2011)
correction- correction: it is not - aiadmk who is an ally in the federal government, but it's dmk who is an ally now. my previous statement was wrong. both dmk and aiadmk are powerful parties in tamil nadu, feds does not want the displeasure of either one of them.
joy chembakasseril, usa. (December 23, 2011)
the problem confronting the federal government is that, and not to take matters litely, is that, it is a government of the allies. they cannot displease any ally. this tamil nadu party aiadmk is an ally too in the government. the survival of the government depends on the allies ! they the feds cannot jump into action right away, but has to convince the neighbor state tamil nadu about what needs to be done ! ! !
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