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ap-s-cn-bm i-amb CS-s]-S Bhiyw

Samkutty Mathew
Author: Samkutty Mathew
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Dec 9, 2011
Views: 14285

Mullaperiyar - Strong intervention needed.
tIc-f-nse 4 PnI-fnse 35 ew P\--fpsS Poh\pw kzn\pw `o-Wn-bmbn Xon-cn-p ap-s-cn-bm hnj-b-n i-amb \S-]-Sn-Ifpw cmjv{So-b-n\v AXo-X-amb P\-Iob apt--hp-am-W-h-iyw. ]Xn-hp-t]mse cmjv{Sob ]mn-I-fpsS apX-se-Sp-n\pw ]gn-Nm-c-en-\p-sams thZn-bm-n ap-s-cn-bm-dns\ am-cp-Xv. CXv ]Xnhv cmjv{Sob \mS-I-ambn Ah-km-\n--cp-Xv. tIcf P\-X-bpsS BI-am\ Bh-iy-n\v cmjv{Sob \ndw \Im-sXbpw ]mn Xm¸-cy- Xncn-In--bn apX-se-Spv \S-m-sXbpw Ccp-m ey-n-se-mw.

CXv Poh--cW t]mcm--am-Wv. \psS \mn Bcw-`nv \psS \mn-eqsS Hgp-Ip \Zn-bpsS ta \pv Ah-Imiw ]dbmt\m \nmW {]h\w \S-p-hmt\m ]mSnm-sb-p-am-{Xa 35 ew P\--fpsS Poh-\p-`o-j-Wn-bmb AW-sv ]p\: \nn-p-hm Ah-Imiw IqSn Cm-sbp ]d-bptm Chn-sS-bp \nba kwhn-[m-\-ns A-sav?

{_no-jp-Im `mc-X-av hnnv Ac-\q-mv Ign-npw Ah-cp-m-n-h Icm-dns ad-hn Hcp P\-Xsb `b-ns apap-\-bn \np-hm Bm-W-h-Im-iw. Fpw tIp tIhn-bn-mIcm Imem-h-[nbpw hyh--Ifpw \mw Fn-\-\p-k-cn--Ww. Xangv \mSp-ambn Gp-ap--ens ]mX sXc-s-Sp--W-sa- adnv tIc-f-nse P\-X-bpsS Poh\pw kzpw kwc-n-p-sIm-p \S-]-Sn-I in-s-Sp--Ww. Xan-gv\m-Sn\v apn-e-s-tmse Pew \Im-sa-p hmKvZm\w ]men-p-hm \mw _m[y--cm-Wv. P\-e---fpsS IpSn-sh-hpw 5 Pn-I-fnse Irjnbpw apscnbm-dns\ B{i-bn-m-sW-Xv hnkva-cn-p-Iq-Sm. Ign Hcp \qm-p-sImv ]Sp-p-bnb kwhn-[m-\-am-W-Xv. Fm tIc-f-ns hmKvZm-\-sf ]pn-p-X-p cmjv{Sob ]mn-I-fpsS hne-Ip-d Ifn-I-fm-Wn-hnsS \S-p--Xv. thmp-_mp cjv{Sobw Ifn-p cmjv{So-b-m. sshIm-cn-I-ambn am{Xw Imcy-sf t\mn-m-Wp apJy-a-{nbpw {]Xn-]--t\-Xm-hp-ap Hcp kwm\p \nv CXn-e-p-d-sampw {]Xo-n-p-Iq-Sm. Fm ]Izhpw am\y-hp-amb \S-]-Sn-I-fmWv tIcfw \S-n-bn-cn-p-Xv. sshIm-cn-IXe-n-tev CXns\ Fn-m-Xn-cn-p-hm\pw A{I-a-am-n-tep Xncn-bm-Xn-cn-p-hm\pw ka-c-n\p t\XrXzw \Ip--h AWn-Isf t_m[-h¡-cn-t-Ww. ChnsS eyw Hp-am-{Xw. Hcp P\-X-bpsS Poh cn-p-I. Ah-cpsS kzp kwc-n-p-I. AXn-\m-bp Cu kacw AXym-h-iy-hp-am-Wv. AXv Cu P\-X-bpsS Ah-Im-i-hp-am-Wv. `b-N-In-X-cmbncnp P\--fpsS Cu t]mcm--n AWn-tN-cp-hm tIcf P\X H-Sw aptm-p-h-cWw. ChnsS PmXntbm aXtam cmjv{Sob ]mn-I-fpsS sImSn-bpsS \ndtam Hpw Xs XS--am-I-cp-Xv. ap-s-cn-bm {]iv\-n ka-c-ap--Wn-bn \n¡p P\-X-bvmbn {]mn-mw.


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joy chembakasseril, usa. (December 12, 2011)
I happened to read this article- a very good article by SAMKUTTY MATHEW! Do you all know that, Tamil Nadu State makes 1200 crores in profit from the fruits of water supplied to them by Kerala State and they pay back only 30 lakhs to Kerala!
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