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A`n-{]m-b- thm-s-Spv : ]m kn. kn. tXmakv apn

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Sep 23, 2013
Views: 75986

Opinion Poll : Passtor CC Thomas leads.
Opinion Poll : Passtor CC Thomas leads
Nv Hm^v tKmUv tIcfm tn Ctm-gs Hmhkn-b dh. ]n. sP. sPbnw-kn\v tijw Bcv F _neo-thgvkv tPW-ens At\z-j-W-n\v kam-]vXn. Hmw m\v ]m kn. kn. tXmakpw cmw m\v ]m ]n. Pn. amXyqkpw t\cnb hyXym-k-n ]m ]n. kn. sNdn-bm aqmw m\pw Fn.

bph-P-\--fpsS CS-bn ]m kn. kn. tXma-kn-\p AwKo-Imcw thmmbn amdn-sb-mWv IW-p-I sXfn-bn-p--Xv. \ne-hnse Akn-v Hmhkn-b ]m ]n. Pn. amXyq-kn\v Hmhkn-b m-\-tv Hc-h-kcw \ IWw F A`n-{]mbw ip{iq-j-I-m-cpsS CS-bn i-am-bn-cn-p-p.
aqmw m\-s-nb ]m ]n. kn. sNdn-bm k`sb Du-kz-e-X-tbmsS \bnpw FmWv P\m-`n-{]m-bw.

\ne-hn-ep Hmhkn-b ]m ]n. sP. sPbnwkn\v Hcp tSw IqSn Ah-kcw \ I-W-sapw Atlw XpScpw Fv A`n-{]m-b-s--h [mcm-fw. `c-W-n-se-n-bnv Hcp hjw am{Xw Bb Cu ka-bv `c-W-s- ]q-ambn hne-bn-cp-m-dm-bn-n. AXn-\m Xs Hcp tSw IqSn dh. ]n. sP. sPbnwkv XpS-cWw Fv Nne A`n-{]m-b-s-p (2011 _neo-thgvkv tPW A`n-{]mb kt-bn 774 thmp-I t\Sn dh. ]n. sP. sPbnwkv Bbn-cpp apn-se-n-b-Xv. tPW kt icn shbvpw hn[-n dh. ]n. sP. sPbnwkv Hmhkn-b m\-s-n).

Ign XhW \S-nb A`n-{]mb thms-Sp-n henb aptw \S-nb ]m s_k ambn C-hW Ghpw ]pd-In-em-bn. Av ]pd-In-em-bn-cp ]m ]n. Pn. amXyqkv C-hW henb apt--amWv \S-n-bn-cn-p--Xv. tPW \nt-in--hsc IqSmsX Nne ip{iq-j-I-cpsS t]cpw ]cs \nt-in--s-p. AXn ]m ssh. sdPn-bpsS t]cm-Wv IqSp-X t] \nt-in--Xv. ]m Cu sNdn-bm, ]m n. Fw. am-, ]m tXmakv Fw. ]pfn-th-en XpS-n-b-h-cpsS t]cp-Ifpw \nt-in--s-p.

Hmw m\-s-nb ]m kn. kn. tXmakv ap ssh. ]n. C. {]kn-Upw CUym Nv Hm^v tKmUv Xntbm-f-Pn- skan-\m-cn-bpsS AUvan-\n-kvt{S-dpw Bbn-cp-p. dh. ]n. F. hn. kmw, dh. hn. kn. Cn, dh. sI. kn. tPm Fo Hmhkn-bam-tcm-sSmw kl-I-cnp {]hn ]cn-N-bhpw thUp anj-\p-am-bp ASp _hpw X\np KpW-amIpw Fp-Xo. Ctm D]-cn-]-T-\mw Ata-cn--bn . Xs ]T-\-tijw am{Xta tIc-f-n-tev aS-pI Dq Fpw AXn-\p-tijw Xm tIc-f-n {]hnpw Fp-amWv tPW-ens At\z-j-W-n Atlw Adn-bn--Xv. "ssZh-ns lnX-sa-n ssZhoI ka-bv ssZhw B D-c-hm-ZnXzw G npw' Atlw ]dp. AXn-\m ASp Hmhkn-b Ce--\n ]m kn. kn. tXmakv Hcp m\mnbmIp-hm km[yX Ctm-gs kml-N-cy-n C Fp ]d-bmw.

AXn-\m Xs cmw m\-s-nb ]m ]n. Pn. amXyq-kn-\mWv ASp Hmhkn-b m\-tv Ghpw IqSp-X km[y-X. 40 hj-tm-f-ambn ssZh-k-`-bpsS ip{iq-j-I\pw 1986 apX Unkv{SnIvSv ]mdpw \ne-hn Akn-v Hmhkn-b-dp-amWv ]m ]n. Pn. amXyq-kv. k`-bvp-nepw ]pdpw ]cs AwKo-Im-c-ap hyn IqSn-bmWv Ct-lw. Hmhkn-b m\-tv sXc-s-Spp \S-m Xm Hcp m\mn Bbn-cnpsamWv ]m ]n. Pn. amXyqkv _neo-thgvkv tPW-en-t\mSv ]d--Xv.
t\cnb hyXym-k-n-\mWv ]m ]n. kn. sNdn-bm aqmw m\v Fn-b-Xv. Ihj {]kw-K-I F t]cpw kwLm-SI anIhpw Xs AwKo-Im-c-n\v Imc-W-am-bn. k`-sb -I-\n-c-X-am-p-hm X\np Ignbpw Fv {]Xo-n-p--h Gsd. Hcp a-c-n-eqsS t\Sn-sb-Sp-t--X k`-bpsS t\XrXz m\w FmWv Rm hniz-kn-p--Xv. ka-hm-b-n-eqsS sXc-s-Sp--s-Sp-hm Ign-bp--XmWv \-Xv ]m ]n. kn. sNdn-bm _neo-thgvkv tPW-en-t\mSv ]d-p.
_neo-thgvkv tPW A`n-{]mb ktbn ]s-Sp am\y hmb-\-mv \n Adn-bn-p-p. Hcp Hmhkn-b-dpsS `c-W-Im-e-n-\p-tijw ASp--Xmbn BcmWv htc-Xv? AXn\v tbmKy BcmWv? Cu tNmZyw hfsc \mfp-I-fmbn Db-cp--Xm-Wv. Nv Hm^v tKmUns\ kw_-n-n-S-tmfw t\XrXz Zmcn{Zyw Dv Fp-Xv bmYmy-amWv. ]cn-m-\-tmsS ImnI ip{iq-j-I sNp-hm\pw s]mXp-th-Zn-I- am\y-ambn \nb-{n-p-hm\pw s]mXp kaq-l-ns at[y k`-bpsS am\yX Dbn-n-Snp-hm\pw Ign-bp t\Xr-Xzs hms-Sp-t-Xv Cp `c-W-Im--fpsS NpaXebm-Wv. apJ-kvXpXn ]mSp--h-scbpw inn-Sn-I-sfbpw Dbn-sm-p-h-cp t\Xm- tbmKy-cm-b-h-cpsS Ah-k-c-amWv \jvS-s-Sp-p--Xv. Ignhpw {]m]vXn-bpw hnZym-`ym-khpw ssZh-Ir-]bpw D [mcmfw sNdp--m {]m-\-n-ep-v. Fm A-s\-bp--hsc HXp-n--f-bp Cs hyh-n-Xnv amw hcWw. k`-bpsS \sb emmn apJw t\mmsX Xocp-am\w FSp-p-Ibpw am\p-jnI {]oXn hnj-b-am-msX \nb-a\w \S-p-Ibpw ssZhoI Zi-\-tmsS k`sb \bn-p-Ibpw sNp t\Xm-hn\p am{Xta {]m-\s A`n-hr-n-bn-tev \bn-p-hm Ign-bq. ChnsS R \S-n-bXv Cm-cy-n D P\m-`n-{]mbw tiJ-cn--em-Wv. tPW Bcp-sSbpw ]--. kzX-{-amb \nco--Whpw kXy-k-amb \ne-]m-Sp-amWv tPW-en-\p--Xv.


Displaying 122 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
james mathew (October 26, 2013)
Contd....He guaranteed to the inn keeper to give reward for what he spent more for the wounded, when He come back. Here the inn keeper is the disciple, the first aid Samaritan gave is the salvation and the inn keeper is entrusted to teach him whatever required("teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you"-Matt.28:20) to keep him to see healthy on His second coming.
james mathew (October 26, 2013)
Br. asm- In all the parables or real story Jesus pointed out, there are two faces. one is directly linked to the practical life in the world and the other to the spiritual life and facts. In the story of good Samaritan the 1st face explains how a real neighbour has to help his neighbour ( or who is a true neighbour) in physical needs. This part is easily understandable to all. But there is a second part , very difficult to understand, but linked to the purpose of Jesus' arrival in the world in the human body. There the man we see wounded,striped and lost everything and in a half dead stage is represented by the man who is under the attack of Satan living with a soul in the same manner. The Priest and the Levite had nothing to do for him. But the Samaritan, who is not included in the Levite Priesthood but from another tribe(Hebrews, 7:12,13) came to give him first aid and brought him to a inn for full treatment. Contd...
a. s. mathew (October 26, 2013)
bro. james mathew: i am glad that you are very strongly sticking to those verses as jesus told us to do, that is great. everything jesus has said in the bible must be taken into full obedience and put into action. did jesus say the good samaritan story for the fun of telling a story? no, jesus wants us to be a good samaritan in the daily practical life. do we take into the face value to give one shirt if we have two? being a follower of christ is not only preaching but practical actions of compassion are attached to it. the real transformation of heart through believing in jesus is clearly visible in the practical life, because if a man be in christ, he is a new creature. jesus is expecting from us practical christianity, not only mere preaching. i respect those people who could co-relate their preaching with real actions.
james mathew (October 25, 2013)
Br. asm- Also please note - pentekosth sanghatanakalkku eppozho pattippoya apakatakaramaaya abadhamaanu raksha vachanam ettuparayunnathum snaanavum thammil verpeduthiyathu. athukondu rakshikkappeduvaan rom 10:9 mathram mathiyenna Dhaarana parakkuvaanum anekarude raksha thadayappeduvaanum idayayi. yesu paranjathine ilachu padippikkuvaan aarkanu adhikaaramullathu ?
james mathew (October 25, 2013)
br. asm- i was expecting this question when i quote acts,2:38. misinterpretation of 2:38 gave birth to a cult group 'jesus name pentecostal'. they teach remission of sin is possible only by baptising in the name of jesus. but according to the scripture, remission of sin is only by faith and "calling upon the name of the lord"(rom.10:13). so acts.2:38 says, take baptism calling upon the name of the lord. this is the direction given to those take baptism. to those baptising (disciples), jesus commanded to baptise in the name of the father, and of the son and of the holy spirit. declaration of faith ( rom. 10:9) and baptism together only complete the process of salvation.( this is why i propose a slogan ' no salvation without faith baptism'.) this is what jesus declared in mark. 16:16. jesus told to disciples, how to baptise and the holy spirit told through peter to the repented ones, how to accept baptism. please note there is no contradiction in matt.28:19 and acts,2:38.
a. s. mathew (October 25, 2013)
brother james mathew: do you belong to the united pentecostal church? they believe in the baptism "in jesus's name" as you have quoted. the rest of the pentecostal denominations baptize in the name of the father-son and the holy spirit. dear brother, i am not questioning your convictions. while reading the autobiography of rev. oral roberts, among the many organizations he was associated with, one was the salvation army. he said in bracket (i love them greatly). they don't have baptism and lord's supper, but undertaking jesus's compassion to the suffering world. i am baptized along with the rest of the family but i have no right to look down a believer in christ if he or she is not baptized. that is an open confession of our faith in the lord jesus christ in water. the disciples used the name of jesus in baptism, but jesus told his disciples to baptize in the name of the father-son and the holy spirit. let us all spread the name of jesus, he only can change lives! .
james mathew (October 25, 2013)
Br. ASM- The problem is somebody think Pentecostal is a group of people in Kerala, who stick on some dos and donts. In real sense Pentecostal church is the bride church, the body of Christ. why it is called Pentecostal church is because it was established on the day of Pentecost. To identify the true church the term Pentecostal is used. It is not under a human leader but under Jesus Christ. Every one saved and lead a life according to scripture only can claim the status of Pentecostal. The target of God is, every individual must surrender to Jesus, to be saved from the slavery of the Lord of the world. The real picture is, the Pentecostal church is in one side and all religions, are in the other side. Holy spirit calls " repent and let everyone of you be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit". All are free either to challenge or to surrender.
jaycee (October 25, 2013)
kukkusayippinte janma sathabdhi aakhoshikkunnavar gal.4:10,11 kandittillennu thonnunnu. iniyum ellavarshavoom orma kondaaduvaan theerumanichennum kettu !!! ithilum bhedham yesu christhuvinte sathaabdhikalum aandukalum aakhoshikkunnathayirunnu. pampum kurisum kodiyatayaalam aakkiyirikkunnavarute hrudhayam iruntu pokunnathil athbhuthamonnumillallo !!
a. s. mathew (October 25, 2013)
Contd:2 the Lakewood Church became the largest Church in the U.S. On June 6th 2009, at the 3rd Annual Fraternal Encounter of the Evangelicals and the Catholics of the Charismatic movement in Buenos Aires, then Cardinal and now Pope Francis knelt down and they prayed for him. Pope Francis was the leader of the Catholic charismatic movement in Argentina. Brother James, what written in Joel 2:28 is going to fulfilled and we are approaching that day. If you or anybody is under the false notion that the exclusive monopoly of the Holy Spirit and the patent rights of classifying and inventing sins is the birthright of the Pentecostal believers who are at the southern tip of India, then pray about that to have proper guidance by the Holy Spirit.
a. s. mathew (October 25, 2013)
BROTHER JAMES MATHEW: Nobody said that the Pentecostals are fraud, you are simply creating your own story. Among the Christian denominations in the world, the Assembly of God is the fastest growing in the world, predominantly in Brazil. Among the Pentecostal denominations, the Assembly of God is less centralized and the local assemblies have more sovereignty (in Kerala it may be different). In 1960, the charismatic movement began to spread in the U.S.; the well known Catholic University, the Notre Dame University was touched and the speaking of tongues was taken place. The Charismatic movement was spreading into the mainline denominations like the Catholics-Lutheran-Episcopal-Baptists-Methodist etc. Pastor John Osteen (father of Joel Osteen) was a Baptist Pastor, when he was started with speaking in tongues, he was kicked out of the Church. But with around 60 believers, he started the Lakewood Church, now under the leadership of his son, contd:2
roy pattikad (October 25, 2013)
@ james mathew-- quote-- 'the liberals on the other camp are out there enjoying the pleasures of the world' -- can you explain to me what are these pleasures of the world ? also tell me who is out there after it-- please don't mention no names, we don't want that-- but give me a vague idea, who or which faction is after worldly pleasures. its sounds like you are missing something! quote-- 'if the pentecostal church is just one church established at the day of pentecost in jerusalem'-- then which you have so many different factions in pentecostal churches, they even fight for leadership every bit of it. why you have eastern conference and then a western conference and then a northern conference and then a southern conference and so forth ? isn't one conference good enough ? or is it like 'we are better thou', and its right just because we are doing it ?
james mathew (October 24, 2013)
Contd .....People seeing the activities and rivalry in Pentecostal named organisations think and declare the Pentecostals are fraud and the worldly and religious people are much better than them. I again stress on the fact there is only one Pentecostal church and it is the church established on the day of Pentecost at Jerusalem and every individual keeping the apostolic doctrines will be member of the true and only church.a membership in a Pentecostal organisation is not an assurance of his being in the church. so my request is please don't misguide even a single, by blindly charging the Pentecostal are fraud.
james mathew (October 24, 2013) fell in the camp of Satan through Adam and the scripture ensure still the whole world is under the sway of the wicked one(1john,5:19). Jesus by his sacrifice has made another camp in which all saved from the wicked's camp will be maintained. This camp will be taken on rapture and the camp of the wicked one with all remaining in it will be set to the "everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his Angeles"( Matt.25:41). it is very simple to understand. not much interpretation or arguments required. in the camp of Jesus there are some strict rules and regulations for individuals, to be in Christ, on knowing which Paul and peter too fear, can they keep them ensured for the eternity. the other camp is with all liberal rules to enjoy the pleasure of the world. Contd...
a.s.mathew (October 24, 2013)
thepraize: thank you so much and i will take your suggestion in the full value. i do remember like yesterday, one pentecostal believer of certain denomination arguing with another pentecostal believer of another denomination about the first group of people going to heaven in the rapture (144000). this hot argument was in a small stationary store and the listeners were non-christians. it is the human psychology that the vast majority of the people are happy to watch physical fight and arguments in between people. as a young person, i told these pentecostal believers, this argument about the priority number going to heaven at the first fight is not the subject to be discussed in front of the strangers, but share about the unique christ, and in due time as the holy spirit leads, these people will come to follow christ. it is terribly sad to watch the "holier than thou" attitude; also " we are on the way to heaven" but we don't care for anybody else. blessings.
thepraize (October 23, 2013)
contd...we do not need preaching,we need love,compassion and sensitivity towards the lost,than a message from a higher dias dictating what christ said.talking about evangelists i am sure their job is not to baptise on day one, they have evangelistic meetings and follow up need to be done by the local ministers,if they desire for souls, christ never mentioned to the thief on the cross to baptise or else go to hell,we need to have a balanced view of bible than making it exclusive and inaccessible. all said these communities,not do one bit to society or community apart from preaching all these sermons and gospels.

asm please continue to write your thoughts on leaders of the 20th century and i beleive even jc can chip in.blessings
thepraize (October 23, 2013)
@ asm:- its very hard to communicate to fundamental pentecostals since they are on a different trip altogether,and they always carry this "i am holier than thou attitude", we are commenting on christian lifestyle and not trying to convert anybody new here. We were discussing on the existing believer's lifestyle and how that would have impressed Gandhi,meaning he never came across anyone with Christ like lifestyle. I have seen pentecostals just preaching on top of the lungs during the day and behaving worse than criminals in the dark and i can substantiate scores of names and you would agree with me.

james mathew (October 23, 2013)
Contd....When he/she believe and proclaim the faith (Rom. 10:9) he is cleansed ie., he is taken out of the camp of the devil and all his past history is ignored unconditionally ( Hebrew.10:14-17) as by repentance he/she has left his/her old lord and accepted Jesus as his saviour and Lord for the whole future.(That he/she is entering in an important covenant with Jesus.) Only in this cleansed state he/she can wear Christ. So let us proclaim always 'there is no salvation without faith baptism'.
james mathew (October 23, 2013)
Br asm- Yes, let us proceed for a divine purpose. But when you explain, 'when a sinner makes a profession that he or she is a sinner, and accept jesus as her or his lord and saviour, he is saved. that person is a baby in Christ', I have to differ and ask you to fulfil your statement by adding faith baptism too to it. Because Jesus declared in Mark.16: 16 that " he who believes and is baptised will be saved". Salvation and becoming a child of God is complete only with faith baptism. Only in baptism one can join with Christ (Rom. 6:3-6) and wear Christ (Gal.3:27). Contd...
a. s. mathew (October 23, 2013)
brother james mathew: i am glad that you are taking part to keep the comments column alive, that is great. jesus is unique and he is the only hope of the world. when a sinner makes a profession that he or she is a sinner, and accept jesus as her or his lord and saviour, he is saved. that person is a baby in christ. in a recent poll, when asked to the college students, some of them didn't know who is dr. billy graham. how many of the current generation of pentecostal believers know the pioneers of the pentecostal movement in india? i am writing comments to bring some great men and women of god to the attention of this generation. you may please write about st. paul or any other such perfect personalities to give a lesson to this generation, that is great. when we look back to christian history, we can get a lot of inspiration to see the divine and mysterious hands of god.
james mathew (October 22, 2013)
Contd... Efforts for just to make Christ known to gentiles have no use. They may know and accept Christ as one among many in them/in the world. But what Jesus stated is that, " all authority has been given to me in heaven and earth" and he commanded his disciples " go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, teach them to observe all things that I have commanded you ...."(Matt. 28:18,19,20). Most of the evangelists in the world are almost fulfilling the first part but lacking the second part, insisting to teach them to make them grown in the wisdom of heaven. This is the reason, why practical Christianity is not revealed visibly in the world. Many people in the world think their knowledge of Christ will help them in eternity , but what Jesus said about them is given in Matt. 7: 21,22,23.
james mathew (October 22, 2013)
br. asm - please excuse me for i am interfering again. to keep the comments column live, writing some thing is good. but when we write some thing we must ensure it will not harm the plan of god about mankind. if even a soul is lost by misunderstanding or misguided by our explanations we will be answerable for him. when we rate a man as great we have to analyse whether he is a great man of the world or of the god. to count a man great in the god, the only human example we have is st. paul. compare all great men with paul by what he did and taught. what is the spiritual standard of the people of usa now, where many great men preached gospel attracted millions and millions ? what benefit for a man influenced by christianity as assumed, had in pundit nehru? spreading gospel all over the world was the plan of god. he used mainly british people and also other europeans for that. we know the history. an evangelist must ensure the gospel for salvation is conveyed in full. contd..
joy chembakaseri (October 22, 2013)
parannju parannju pazhaki pazhuthhalinjha oru pazancholleeu ennallaatheea-- chatthaa kocchum/jhaathakavum-- aaaruu chatthu, aaruu jhathakam nookki? is dr. billy graham a silly person? when every new-ceo of the nation are scared to step in with out asking him to pray for them? heart circumcision gospel has tore apart some hearts so bad that they can't function normally now! if you don't hear screaming and shouting and jumping on the stage while preaching, then its not gospel according to them-- the word reference "chattaa" comes for that! in reality those preaching's has no impact on the masses without those screaming and jumping! all of them in pretension of a holy spirit's presence, while the reality is some of them are just a pretension. now we know where the "chattha- kunjheea" is!

dr. billy graham "is talking" true gospel of repentance!
a. s. mathew (October 22, 2013)
brother james mathew; your logic in the deliberate attack on comments touching great men of god and internationally respected personalities is turning like a surprising habit!. please see the half glass of water as "half full" not " half empty". probably, you are not aware of the fact that there was great christian influence in the personal life of pundit nehru, even though he was an open agnostic; so he didn't do anything to block evangelization in india, even though some of his close friends pressed him to stop the missionary work in india. dr. billy graham, born on november 7, 1918 in a farmhouse was used by god to preach the gospel to 215 million people face to face in 185 countries of the world. besides, through radio and t.v., several other millions have been reached with the gospel of christ. the high level "holiness" you are talking about in the ministry is quite a mystery to understand.
james mathew (October 22, 2013)
dear brothers, chatha kochinte jaathakam vaayichukondirunnittu yathoru prayojanavum illallo! innu muthal enthu cheyyanom ennu theerumaanikkuka. if dr. billy graham and others were counsellors of many vvips in us or any where in the world,they would have enjoyed a vvip status in their life. but what heaven look for is whether any vvip has saved vide acts, 2 :38 & mark. 16:16. there is no news about a pure salvation of the referred vvips and hence talking about the great works billy graham or any other has done as referred, is of no use in relation with christianity. if the true gospel is preached( insisting true repentance) those who believe and accept will be surely reformed with true testimony. now the problem is the preachers are very clever to preach skin touching gospel to be widely acceptable in the world and also to ensure they are respected in the world ( guaranteeing prosperity through christ) instead of the true requirement of heart circumcising gospel.
a. s. mathew (October 21, 2013)
Contd:2 From President Harry Truman, all the way to George Bush Jr, Dr. Billy Graham was their personal spiritual counselor. Even President Kennedy had very great respect for Dr. Graham, and he told once to Dr. Graham that he was the only Protestant preacher in whom President Kennedy was comfortable. Also, once he contacted Rev. Oral Roberts and he had been to the Whitehouse to meet him. Rev. Roberts was greatly impressed with President Kennedy's personality. Indeed, President Kennedy was far spiritual than we knew about him. Dr. Jones was the spiritual counselor of President Franklin D. Rossevelt. Once Dr. Jones asked Gandhiji, how we can spread the Christianity in India. He answered like this. 1. Live more like JESUS. 2. Practice your religion without adulterating it toning down. 3. Emphasize love and make it your walking force. 4. Study the non-Christian religions. Great and practical advice, but we have terribly failed to put that into action.
a. s. mathew (October 21, 2013)
THEPRAIZE: It is so sad that the Christian preaching and practical christianity are two different things for the average onlookers, so they are not interested to follow that sermon. You brought a great subject. The person who influenced Gandhiji was Rev. C.F. Andrews, who was a Church of England Priest, as well as educator, taught at the St. Stephens college in Delhi. Gandhi said about him " Christ's faithful Apostle". Rev. Andrews had great political influence and helped Gandhiji to start his law practice in South Africa. On the other hand, C.F. Andrews motivated him to return to India to take the leadership of the independence movement. Rev. Andrews met Gandhi for the first time in Chennai, he also met Sree Narayana Guru and talked greatly about him. The next person who came very close to Gandhiji was Dr. Stantly Jones. One and half before Gandhiji's tragic death, Dr. Jones had a meeting with him. contd:2
thepraize (October 21, 2013)
Gandhi once said to missionary E. Stanley Jones, "Oh, I don't reject Christ. I love Christ. It's just that so many of you Christians are so unlike Christ. If Christians would really live according to the teachings of Christ, as found in the Bible, all of India would be Christian today,”

a. s. mathew (October 19, 2013)
brother joy chemabakaseri: thank you so much for your great response. i knew that family very closely, and i didn't write the details with the anticipation trusting in the lord that somebody like you will bring the topic alive. in k. k. nair's pioneer tutorial college, many students while they were short of money, he didn't kick out anybody, but kept them there. in the great wisdom spoken by king solomon, that was totally applicable for people all religions. thank you again for your response. real worship of the living god is not only the routine worship at the comfort zone of the worship location, but there is something else attached to it through the implementation of practical christianity, then god will be pleased with the worship. jesus has re-emphasized it.
joy chembakaseri (October 19, 2013)
talking about that village officer's family in pathanamthitta- one of his sons the late mr. k.k.nair was instrumental in getting pathanamthitta the status of a district!this demand was hanging in suspense for a long time in that part of the world and people almost gave up on it but god used this village officer's son mr.k.k.nair in being instrumental in establishing pathanamthitta as a district.even though they were a family of hindu faith,the heavenly father saw the good deeds of the family and blessed that family and raised that family to dizzy heights among malayalee community! mr.k.k.nair was an independent mla from pathanamthitta.the ministry at that time was hanging in balance by one seat majority and that too because of mr.k.k.nair and guess what, there was no better time than this to raise this demand again for pathanamthitta district! the demand for the status of a district for pathanamthitaa was raised on the floor of the assembly again and it was approved.
a. s. mathew (October 18, 2013)
JESUS said " give and it shall be given unto you". Is it specifically told to the believers only? Two miles away from my home, there was a rich family with Christian name, treated their servants and neighbours without any compassion. Very arrogant in nature. They never gave even the spoiled jack fruit to the crying children. That family is gone from the address. When my father introduced a distinguished looking person, he smiled at me. He was then a village officer, Hindu-never showed great interest to visit the Temples, but his hobby of life was preparing food to feed the people around his neighbourood which was a mixture of Hindus-Muslims and Christians. He even sold his property to keep this habit. But one of his children, got back far more than his father sold to feed the hungry. His sons had the same spirit of compassion, one had a typewriting Institute, and the other person was the late M.L.A. K.K. Nair of Pathanamthiita.
a. s. mathew (October 17, 2013)
thepraize: thank you so much for your kind response. in my life, i have experienced greater miracles and blessings through giving to the poor and needy, indeed that was the best investment of life. i didn't do to get the reward, but god has rewarded so abundantly exactly based on the same seed planted. though i would like to share some miracles of life, i am afraid that the readers may misunderstand the good intention in a different way. while reading the proverbs, king solomon's wisdom also greatly emphasized the productive and rewarding side of showing charity to the needy. if i entertain the rich and powerful, and the top religious personality; there is some "catch of reward", but when we give to the poor and needy, we expect nothing back from them, but god's treasures will open widely from heaven.
thepraize (October 17, 2013)
@a s mathew :- i agree with you completely on giving, thats the hardest part of any believer,to give cheerfully,the scripture emphasises on charity greatly, however malayalees interpretation of charity is completely different,Acts 20:35 "It is more blessed to give than to receive" stated that for god's righteousness to be fulfilled,we need to be walking closely with him,to recieve what is in store for us. Sensitivity to the poor and needy is perfectly displayed thru the life of Jesus, however,sadly and conveniently we absorb teachings in isolation and build a theology on it.Every act of a miracle by Jesus was a way to reach out to the needy.If only every single spiritual head from all walks of denominations had decided to get together to bring a change,this world would have been so much more blessed,in other words we are a stumbling block for the blessings to reach the most desired.Blessings
a. s. mathew (October 17, 2013)
contd:2 most of them came to follow christ from non-christian background. they were looking at my clothings with the same passion as i looked at my cousin's clothes years back. the holy spirit began to speak " they are looking because they liked it and give them cheerfully". i did empty everything and gave the samsonite suitcase to my old friend, and left for trivandrum with a carry on bag. later on i thought, was i mentally sick to do that, but when i saw the brothers wearing the clothings i gave to them, i was greatly delighted. my brother was happy that i didn't bother him with dumping more clothings. how many times, god has blessed me with clothings through my friend who was working in a clothing company was too many to explain. if we give to the rich and top religious hierarchy, the reward may be totally different; but when we give to the poor generously, as we give, we will reap bountifully in due time. that is god"s promise.
a. s. mathew (October 17, 2013)
"no one has ever became poor by giving". roy, thiruvella. that is a great truth which is bible based. if i tell my personal story, the readers may feel like i am "self-righteous". my saintly mother told me when i was very young" son, you give away everything and you will be poor". but jesus said " give and it shall be given unto you". whom i should believe? jesus said to give one if we have two. while i was attending college in 1963, my cousin came from scotland after studies and the shirts he had was too attractive. i looked at them with a great passion but didn't get one. he gave one to my uncle and he gave that shirt to me and i did wear that for a very long time. whenever people look at my shirts with the same passion as i felt towards my cousin's shirt, registered something in my head, a minor dose of compassion. i do remember in 2006, while packing the box to catch the flight from delhi to trivandrum, a few friends were at the room. contd:2
roy,thiruvalla (October 17, 2013)
cibi, your story about that giver is a mental case. I am talking about normal people. You try to give and say from your experience, if you keep every thing for you and for your family, it will not follow you when you leave from earthly body. Do some good to others. Don' try to stop givers.
cbi (October 16, 2013)
@ Roy thiruvalla- explained a mental case, who became a mental case, just because of giving all that he had! You statement nobody becomes poor by giving doesn't make any sense to me now !
roy,thiruvalla (October 16, 2013)

Everyone has inside them a piece of good news. The good news is you

don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is.”
truth seeker (October 16, 2013)
Leaders should be ◦Honest — Display sincerity, integrity, and candor in all your actions. Deceptive behavior will not inspire trust. ◦Competent — Base your actions on reason and moral principles. Do not make decisions based on childlike emotional desires or feelings. ◦Forward-looking — Set goals and have a vision of the future. The vision must be owned throughout the organization. Effective leaders envision what they want and how to get it. They habitually pick priorities stemming from their basic values. ◦Inspiring — Display confidence in all that you do.
roy,thiruvalla (October 15, 2013)
No one has ever become poor by giving
a. s. mathew (October 15, 2013)
ROY, Thiruvella: Brother, what you have said is very true. Though charity, we will be more blessed, but through hoarding more knowledge, sometimes it will mislead and misguide us; especially with religious and denominational issues. Now, the religious people lacking the most is charity which is the practical Christianity taught my our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST.
truth seeker (October 15, 2013)
i can forgive, but i cannot forget, is only another way of saying, i will not forgive.

forgiveness ought to be like a cancelled note - torn in two, and burned up, so that it never can be shown against one.
cbi (October 15, 2013)
christian brother from india[cbi]-- to roy thiruvalla- your observation that-- in charity is no excess and no danger-- is not all correct! i know an engineer by profession, he gave all that he had, which includes his real estate-- the house and every little penny he owned to the church! now his wife left him, i don't know if he had children, now, he is walking around in his home city, always looking up in the sky smiling and talking to the clouds, staring at people-- i guess you understood what i mean to say-- a case of mental disorder! so charity in excess is a danger! are you anticipating any charity ?
roy,thiruvalla (October 14, 2013)
The desire for power in excess caused angels to fall; the desire for knowledge in excess caused man to fall; but in charity is no excess, neither can man or angels come into danger by it
tony,mepral (October 14, 2013)
Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men
joy chembakaseri (October 14, 2013)
to bro james mathew-- i appreciate you responding to me! we the pentecostals in our passion and love for our beliefs,we sometimes-- read,over-read and understand things out of context! my reference of the word pentecostals in that particular area of my reference,you referring to,is based on the 'name- pentecostals' and 'the faction known as pentecostals' and not about 'the experience'- pentecostal. "pentecostal" means the 'fiftieth-day experience'! all born-again christians with a blessing of holy-spirit experience-- are pentecostals !!!
james mathew (October 14, 2013)
Br. Joy Chembakaseri- Almost all your comments about the Pentecostal groups are true. But the term you used, ' Pentecostal or not' is not acceptable. Keeping in mind, you have referred by the term 'Pentecostal' is only the different namesake organisations which has denied the basics of the scripture in their organisational by-laws and leading life inviting criticism, a true believer will agree with you. The real term Pentecostal is linked to the body of Christ , the church, established in the earth by the holy spirit on the day of Pentecost, after the ascension of Christ . The practices and doctrines revealed, practised and taught through the apostles and epistles, are the rules to be followed by a born again believer.The gate entry to the church is through Acts,2:38. 'Pentecostal Christian' is the only name to identify the truly born again individual. Those who are riding out of track of scripture are not eligible to be known as Pentecostal.
roy,mepadom (October 14, 2013)
“Oh, with all that I’ve done wrong I must have done something right. To deserve your love every morning and butterfly kisses – I couldn’t ask God for more, man this is what love is.”

joy chembakaseri (October 14, 2013)
Contd 2- The general feeling among these Pentecostals at that time was that,since the Churches they left-- the Syrian Orthodox Churches were an established entity as far as Churches and Church Buildings and all other hierarchy are concerned,they were thinking of returning to the original Churches,when the Churches Officially come into realization of the experience of Holy Spirit! The main disagreements were-- the non-acceptance of the reality of Holy Spirit and the Statues placed on the Church walls. The reason why I explained so much is because, this was the only distance between Pentecostals and other Syrian Churches! Now,even some in the Catholic Churches are experiencing the experience and Blessing of Holy Spirit! So,why we Pentecostals boast about our claim about heaven. Heaven is for all BORN-AGAIN Christians, whether Pentecostal or not !!!
joy chembakaseri (October 14, 2013)
Contd 1- All BORN-AGAIN ones leading a righteous life according to the true spirits of the Bible,whether they are Pentecostal or not,are on the highway to heaven! Pentecostal Churches originated initially only as a temporary arrangement,when Syrian Orthodox Churches refused to accept the reality and presence of Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues!When a few who got baptized in Holy Spirit and when they new that was a reality,there was a disagreement in the Syrian Orthodox Churches about the conducting of Sermons and Practices of Faith! They also had a disagreement on the Statues placed in the Churches,which turned to be Biblically wrong when people in the Churches started kneeling in front of them!The respect given to the Priesthood turned into a kind of worship towards them! Respect is fine,but worship towards priesthood is wrong,only God is the one who should be worshiped!Now because of these disagreements,a temporary group and arrangement was formed know as Pentecostals-- Contd 2
joy chembakaseri (October 14, 2013)
there are certain stigmas attached to malayalee pentecostals as to their perception of beliefs and practices! a part of their fundamentalism derives from there! according to them,if others don't think and act or react in a way identical to theirs,then you are a sinner for them and god! where does this come from ? the stigma-- that you have to talk in a certain way to be among'st them,wear dresses in a certain way,pray with a certain kind of word phrasing to befit them, make testimony in a certain way,preach in a certain way, etc, etc. have you noticed some preachers-- screaming -- standing in front of the microphone? this is a legacy that they gained from the primitive ages,when there was no voice amplifying technology around and now that this habit is now associated to their passion for faith,occasionally forgeting that the world has turned around. pentecostals, atleast in their sub-conscious mind think that,they are the only one's going to heaven ! contd 1
james mathew (October 14, 2013)
Br. ASM- Please let me add some more. Miracle crusades all over the world pull the crowd. They do not clearly taught the purpose of miracles done by Jesus Christ. Now the miracles are there in crowds in the name of any God. when we see these, we have to remember it is the fulfilment of what is written in 2Thess.2:3-12. Please go through these facts with sincere prayer and dedication to overcome the end time temptation and to do the maximum, effectively to ensure souls are saved and included in the rapture.
tim,murauppel (October 14, 2013)
How to Reveal God's Will for You

There are several benefits that come from reading the Bible daily. First, you will get to know God more intimately. God has revealed Himself to us through His creation, but we get to learn of the nature of the God that we serve through His Word. It's through the Bible that we get to learn that God is a loving God and that He is sovereign. It is through His word that we also learn that He is a God of judgment as well. The more time you spend with a person the more you get to know them. The more time you spend in God's Word the more you will get to know Him.

Second, by reading God's Word daily you will grow spiritually. There are many Christians who are spiritually malnourished and they have not grown because they have neglected God's Word. By making it a point to read God's Word daily you will begin to grow in your faith. God's desire is that you not remain a babe in Christ, but that you would grow and become spiritually mature
james mathew (October 13, 2013)
contd- we need not bother to ensure that they accept jesus by compelling them . it is the individual freedom god allowed to each to decide whether they receive the good news of salvation or not. but it is the responsibility of all his disciples to ensue the truth is made known to the examples you quoted about pope francis,dr.job and other crowed pulling crusade leaders, do you see the kernel of gospel is preached? do pope preach the gospel? the crowed we see before the miracle crusades are just like people followed jesus for miracles and bread. but jesus said them boldly the truth ( ref. john, 6:22-68) and all except his elected disciples left him for ever! is this meant jesus did not love them? br. please think more, pray sincerely for the true revelation other than some thing taught by the world about the love. do not tempted by crowed of millions and more. care about the individual who will lose eternity if the truth is not taught.
james mathew (October 13, 2013)
Br. ASM- all your explanations and reasoning undoubtedly prove, my reading about your understanding about the plan of God, derived before the foundation of the world, is quite far from the real. The Christian love is not limited to be within particular groups or denominations.But it is the love to teach the truth, about the salvation and to ensure all surrendered to be saved by Jesus. It is not the love to add the membership in IPC, COG, AG, Sharon or any other Pentecostal/ Christian named denominations, but to add all those we love to the kingdom of God by accepting what Jesus taught- "He who believes and is baptised will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned". when we know this fact is it not our responsibility to guide all we love, to salvation? Or we simply love them to feed in poverty, to treat in sickness,to hug the poor to show we love them etc.? All these are required, but the end target is to tell them the fact boldly.Contd-
a. s. mathew (October 13, 2013)
Contd:2 When Reinhard Bonnke conducted the crusade in Cochin, he paid a visit to Potta, the Catholic charismatic center and delivered a sermon. For you, he might be liberal. When rev. Benny Hinn conducted the crusade in Chennai-Mumbai and Bangalore, Bishops from different denominations including the Catholic Church participated. Can you define that? Pope Francis was the leading personality of the Charismatic movement in his country. In June 2009, at the Fraternal Ecnounter of Evangelicals and Catholics at Luna Park stadium in Buenos Airs, the Evangelicals and the Pentecostals prayed for the Cardinal (Pope Francis was a Cardinal at that time), he knelt down while they prayed for him. Now the Catholic Church has a charismatic Pope. One day when I tried shake hand with a Church of Christ Pastor (they don't use musical instraments, think they are the only people going to heaven) he refused and said "you are not my brother". How to define that? There are plenty like that.
a. s. mathew (October 13, 2013)
brother james mathew: thank you. my love towards god's children of other denomination is defined by you as "liberal", which is totally a misleading statement. jesus taught us to love one another, does he mean to love only those people of our own denomination? i know that even some of the denominational leaders have great love for their own believers but show a dislike for the believers of other denominations. dr. job conducted the then biggest crusade in 1998 in mumbai, over half a million people showed up at the somaiya ground. (in 2004, rev. benny hinn had the largest of 3 million). the vhp-shiva sena etc scared him but he went forward by faith. then governor of maharastra, dr. p.c. alexander gave all the security, arranged 4000 police for security. dr. alexander's wife's sister got healing from cancer through the prayers of dr. job and other believers in delhi. dr. alexander was an orthodox church believer, but a he did his best for the kingdom of god. contd:2
james mathew (October 13, 2013)
Br.ASM-please note Jesus Christ by His sacrifice has not saved all the world. His sacrifice was to save all;but only those believe in Him,repent and accept Him as their personal saviour and Lord only can enjoy the benefit of His Sacrifice(Matt.7:21-24;John,3:16;Romans,3:25;Acts,2:38;Romans,12:1,2). God has not appointed any denomination for His people,but only his bride church established on the day of Pentecost after the resurrection of Jesus. All those being the disciplined members of the apostolic church only will be with Christ in eternity.Every culture in the world are to be converted to the holy culture demanded in the scripture. This is the truth proclaimed by the scripture and apostles.If you think fit and argue for a liberal view and various denominations I have no objection. But I will always say, your liberal view and arguments will destroy you and those who believe your arguments.Jesus told to His disciples to say 'Yes or No', but not to say that and this also may be ok.
a. s. mathew (October 13, 2013)
brother james mathew: thank you for reading my comment. i don't know, how you came to the conclusion that i am biased? jesus is the saviour of the whole world, he is not the exclusive property of any denomination. when mahatma gandhi went to attend an anglican church in south africa while he was practicing law there, one church member along with the priest didn't allow him inside telling that this place is not for "swamis". later on, gandhiji read the beatitudes and through his personal relationship with great people like dr. stanly jones-c.f. andrews etc, he became a great follower of christ. i am not going to debate with you, touching the points of "liberal" and " fundamental". please hold on to the "fundamentalism wrapped up in external holiness" as you are divinely called. we are approaching the end times, and the array of man-made citadels of denominations with their exclusive claim " we are the only chosen one", will be heading towards great challenges.
a. s. mathew (October 12, 2013)
The first part of my comment is missing. Dr. P.P. Job went from Kunnamkulam to Yeotmal for his theological training in June 1965. Rev. K.P. Philip, his Marthoma parish priest wrote a letter to the Wardha railway station master to guide him to the bus station. Dr. Job missed the first bus due to the overload, and the night bus came by 10 PM, but he couldn't get into that. In that station by himself, he got panic. He went behind the building, there he saw a dead body. He started shivering with fear and started praying kneeling on the ground. Then he heard the sound from God to take the bag and move forward. contd: 2
james mathew (October 12, 2013)
Br.ASM - Now I could understand the reason for your biased views, from true Pentecostal doctrines to liberal doctrines; that you had strong relations with some people, once were God's children and later became the masters of biased teaching. What scripture says is that "Remember those who rule over you, who have spoken the word of God to you, whose faith follow, considering the outcome of their conduct"( Heb. 13:7). Yes, as you stated early, you are trying to keep this forum live with informative discussions and your intention is surely good. But please remember, the 'Lord of the world' may take chance through us to spread wrong messages biased for his gain.
rony thomas (October 12, 2013)
It is high time to work together all the Indian Malayalee churches, forgetting every disputes behind with one goal "save souls". we all are somehow related i.e.. I have relatives in IPC, COG, AG, Sharon. we are living in good spirit ,no question about which church. because we are one family. same way we are all for the same heavenly family. Let us forget everything behind and press forward.
a. s. mathew (October 12, 2013)
contd:3 canteen. brother job swallowed the food in a hurry due to his severe hunger, so another tray was ordered, that filled brother's hunger. brother job looked at him with gratitude. then the man asked him " why you are worried about getting to yeotmal". brother job said that he had only one re with him. the man replied " don't worry. i am going that way. i will drop you off at your college". as promised, he showed up in the morning and took brother job to the seminary campus. dr. job got his address which was a trivandrum address. when dr. job was married from trivandrum (dr. mary was from tvm, daughter of a great man of god who did the translation of herald of his coming and distributed it in kerala), he went around trivandrum to find this person. there was no road like he said and no house number as he said. was this an angel or jesus himself?
a. s. mathew (October 12, 2013)
Contd:2 the surroundings, then heard a voice " pick up your bag, take a left turn and you will reach the railway station. When you go to the front of the railway station, you will see a hotel opposite to it. The hotel is called Annapoorna Lodge". Instantly, he thought that he lost his mind due to fear and hearing some unknown voice; however, in that alien land, he did obey the voice and walked and the voice was exactly correct. Dr. Job told the reception clerk and got a place to sleep for one Re. He had only two Rs with him, two Rs was the bus fare to Yeotmal from Wardha. He changed the cloth, wrapped around with the lungi, turned back and forth with the worry and hunger. Around 11 PM, a man walked past his room, looked at him, again a second look. He began to talk in Malayalam, and brother Job could't help but cried. The person asked him, why he was crying, then he told the whole story. He put his hand around brother Job, and took him to the railway contd:3
a. s. mathew (October 11, 2013)
believer london; dear brother, thank you so much. god's anointed children of all denominations who were called from heaven for his ministry had to go through the severe testing of faith; also divine provisions through the most unexpected channel of supply. those events will inspire us but now such events are not taking place because the ministers have solid sources of revenue. so, god's supernatural supply is limited towards them. i met dr. varghese's family in 1974, while he was working in kashmir area totally trusting in god, he had been to my home in kerala once. god enabled me to meet some of these great pioneer ministers of india like dr. p.g. varghese-pastor p.m. thomas-p. s. samuel (raipur) bishop m.a. thomas, dr. paul pillai, bro. m.e. cherian (madhurai) dr. p.p. job etc. spending time with them have changed my spiritual outlook totally to a different perspective of faith. brother, please continue writing your own spiritual experience. god bless you.
truth seeker (October 11, 2013)
Dear truth seeker(R). where are you. I am waiting to hear something from you about cog. why did you stop? you came for a short time and escaped . Better don't play with cog. I know who you are and what is your problem.
believer london (October 11, 2013)
@asm....thanks for ur comments n was indeed the story of p g vargis that i quoted...
a. s. mathew (October 10, 2013)
believer london: thank you so much for your great comment. i came home late and so glad to read that and i am deeply convinced that god is answering prayers. when brothers and sister like you will write such deeply touching personal encounter with the holy spirit, it will lift the spirit of other believers. also, other believers having such spiritual encounters in life will be perfectly comfortable to obey the leading of the holy spirit. we all can make the "believers journal" to bring a great spiritual awakening among the readers around the world. please keep up the good work in writing, praying for you.
a. s. mathew (October 10, 2013)
believer london: thank you so much for your kindness in responding to my comment. if we all can share such incidents happened in the lives of god's children, that will increase our faith in god. is that god provided for dr. p.g. varghese through that brahmin lady? i do remember in 1976, while my car had a flat tire, one drunk man and his wife stopped the car to help me. he fixed the flat tire, then he asked me " how much i owe you". i said, i owe you money but he said he owes me money. then another old man stayed close to me doing nothing but as if praying. when the drunk man left the place, the old man without many teeth told me " brother, that man is on a parole for murder, i was afraid that you are from another country, he will hurt you. i can't defend you, your wife and child, but was praying for you. dear brother, we are approaching some very hard times as predicted by jesus, we need to pray for each other and lift each other. god bless you.
believer london (October 10, 2013)
the second incident: once while i was worshiping in my church, i felt like, to tell a particular young lady that the lord is going to use her for prophetic ministry....again i was reluctant and hesitant because i have never ever done that before...moreover i was afraid whether it was the lord or my mind talking....i hadn't earlier spoken much to that person before so that was another barrier....the burden about that thought remained with me for around 3 or 4 weeks....but i could not muster courage to tell the message to her.........

finally after 5 or 6 months, this young lady was used by the lord to support my wife during the last stages of her pregnancy. she became a great source of moral support and physical assistance to us when my baby was born. at that time, i shared with her in the hospital, the message which the lord gave me six months back. i told her i was very hesitant to tell this since i have never done this before. she was very happy to hear the message and a
believer london (October 10, 2013)
the reason i felt this is because of two instances in my life....three years back, on my way to work, the lord inspired me to distribute tracts on a particular tube station in london in a specific manner...the idea that came to my mind is to put a placard stating 'jesus loves u' on a pole and place it on a backpack, while distributing tracts. i felt the idea is attractive as many commercial flyer distributors used to do it. yet i was a bit reluctant because i felt it would look funny. so i did not do it at all. after a few months, i saw another person from some other church doing the same thing exactly the same way the though came o my mind. he was distributing tracts and also had a placard on a stick placed on a backpack. i was moved when i saw it. i realised that day if i did not listen to god, he will definitely use someone else to fulfill his plans. ........which will also lead o me losing the blessings ept in store for me through that project. ................
believer london (October 10, 2013)
@asm...Continued: What I understand about God's mechanism of operations is that God needs men and women who is bold enough to openly talk or speak what comes to their mind........because as a child of God most of the things that come to our mind is inspired by the spirit of God.......often children of God are too hesitant or reluctant to speak what they feel like just because they feel they might look like a fool to others....or at times they are not sure if it is the Lord speaking to them or it is their mind speaking to them....Either ways this confusion and lack of conviction leads to a situation where there is less workers for the Gods kingdom operations....No wonder God is forced to use people from other backgrounds who is more obedient and ready to be used...
believer london (October 10, 2013)
@ asm. This reminds me of another incident where a well known man of God in North India was fed with Halwa and puris for three consecutive days by Brahmin priests wife....during their initial ministry days in when they did not have anything to eat at home....This lady used to secretly sneak into the persons kitchen and leave the plate of food on the table while they were busying praying in another room....on the third day, this man of God lay in wait to see who brought the food and was surprised to find that it was the next door Brahmin priests wife.......After this incident..the man of God asked God "Lord, why did you not use a Christian to feed me? Why did u use this Hindu lady to be your vessel" The answer he got from God is more interesting. God said, "I have already asked many of my Children to feed you, but they were either too busy or too reluctant or hesitant to do it. Finally I could use only this Hindu lay who readily obeyed me"

cg minister (October 10, 2013)
jaycee: It is not dove, snake or anything else.It is a flame coming out of cross. Why are you unnecessarily giving wrong interpretation? I am replying only to avoid unwanted confusion among people.
a. s. mathew (October 10, 2013)
contd:3 rev. roberts, that is your chevrolet car, i need to talk about that and gave his business address. when rev. roberts reached his office, he told " young man, i am not a member of your church, i am not even a christian, but something tells me you are about to do something unusual in the world", mr. gus continued " what you are going to do is too big for this town. it will take you to the world". now, you know that i am the buick car dealer. you drive your car to this lot tomorrow and you will have a new buick car, i will sell your car for the best price. if you have any problem of financing, i will do that for you. how god supply for his children is quite a mysterious and surprising thing to learn? but, how god used a non-christian to give this message of rev. roberts's world-wide ministry was quite mysterious. does god speak to us through non-believers?
a. s. mathew (October 10, 2013)
Contd:2 Recently, while reading some of the autobiographies of great men and women of God, I got some peace about this deeply bothered doubt in life. In the fall of 1946, at 28 years, Rev. Oral Roberts was called to be the Pastor of the Pentecostal Holiness Church in Enid, Oklahoma with a $ 55.00/week salary. In that small city of 30000 people he began to minister while attending the Philips University (Dr. K. E. Abraham got his D.D. from Philips University). One day, after visiting the Church members, Rev. Roberts came home and his old Chevrolet didn't stop but hit the neighbour's car from behind. Greatly frustrated in financial struggle, he went to the next door neighbour and told the whole incident. The next door neighbour took this like a joke, never fixed his minor dented car and collected the money from Rev. Roberts. A few days later, Mr. Gus talked to Rev. Roberts while he was cutting the grass. contd:3
a. s. mathew (October 10, 2013)
friends, please share your feedback about this subject. something bothered me for a long time without finding any specific answer, but did lead me to more confusion while i was faced with many personal problems in life. i grew up in the high school and college days, and four more years in a predominantly muslim community; they were very friendly to me. one poor low key and less talking muslim friend one day told me in september of 1970 " something very important will happen in your life by the 3rd week of december. you will be married by january 1971, else, only after three years". i simply heard that and ignored the whole issue. but, on the 3rd week of december 1970, i got my u.s.a. marriage proposals came but i was not ready to marry while coming to the u.s. on a student visa, but married in 1974. my cousins were landed in the gulf countries and had a very pleasant life and retired very earlier in life, but i was faced with many personal challenges. contd:2
jaycee (October 10, 2013)
Hello! Why all of you fighting, using very low base of language to establish your ego? Use this column for discussions which may help true spiritual growth. No need of debate on the fact using the image of dove, snake or any creature in emblems of churches / spiritual movements etc.,to symbolise God, is wrong according to the word of God (Rom. 1: 21-23) and we can see a question in Rom.2:3.
truthseeker (October 9, 2013)
truth(real) who the *** you are. you are nothing .I tried to stop my comments and then you came out with fake truth seeker(R).now you need a bracket to introduce yourself. are a child of god. you have no quality of a child of god. repent. may be you have a broken family life. normally such people behave like this. i don't care you.
truthseeker{real} (October 9, 2013)
@belever- 'be lever' you are not a believer- you don't know how to right your name properly-- I am not attacking anybody, mind you own business, you-- don't try to be smart either!
truth seeker (October 9, 2013)
I don't know, all of sudden a truth seeker came as real. he is really an idiot and cheater. who took my columns and saying I am real. who are you. come out from fake name and better choose another name.
child of god (October 9, 2013)
Truthseeker: You are not a truthseeker. You call yourself so. You are an idiot, idiot, idiot. Keep quiet. Don't judge the servant of god. god will punish your generation if you continue this.
pastor (October 9, 2013)
truthseeker: you are great. all your assumptions are wrong. i am a well educated person. i am a pastor of a church where more than 150 people come and worship. you called me "idiot". i am not an idiot. i am a humble servant of god. also please don't conclude somebody's moral standard. you don't know the person and based on his/her comments you come up with conclusions. i pray: god may forgive you.
belever (October 9, 2013)
truthseeker real or not: I am a simple beliver. Looks like you are attacking somebody's english. Be a christian. You may have great language skill. Don't redicule others. Let them live in this world. You were playing too smart for few days. Humble in the presence of God.
truthseeker{real} (October 9, 2013)
i am the real truthseeker- the other one is a fake and an 'idiot' who has nothing good to do and is the real devil!he looks like he has a complex in accepting facts that i wrote. he is also the one who wrote as a pastor,see what a crook he is!i am the real one pentecostal who has been writing for so long!i love all churches,but i love mine the most!god bless all churches,whether there is anybody in the church or not!
truth seeker (October 9, 2013)
i am the real truth seeker. i don't who the other guy is. he is an idiot. please don't comment on my behalf. i am the one started from the beginning. the other one is not a pentecostal. he is devils agent. see can anybody hear any good words from him. my humble request don't use the word truth seeker. i am the one truth seeker.
truthseeker{real} (October 9, 2013)
@ pastor- i knew you have nothing good in you and your street language proves it! you didn't keep anything to any level, but that is all you could do. that's been proven in your language again,in 'what is overall matter is being a simple christian', which is written by you, under my name,because you got nothing more good in you to right good, you fake christian. mind your own business and your little world, your six people church, i say again, you have no education, your english proves it, you are even spoiling other pastor reputation. i even wonder you are a pastor, you are fake! @ tim, muruppel- you even have no moral reputation, you use the backdoor for everything, why you even respond in a christian forum. you are not a true christian, i think you are the wickedest one of all,nobody appreciate your response! to all churches- i love you all, but i love mine most !
truthseeker{real} (October 9, 2013)
Dear Readers- the Truthseeker you see here who wrote I hate all other Churches is not me but is an act of an Idiot,who is the real crazy one, who either failed in his response or is suffering from a complex!
a. s. mathew (October 8, 2013)
asking god for a specific sign before doing anything spiritual or material, is it testing god? while reading the autobiography of rev. oral roberts, god spoke to him to start the ministry of healing, and he was not sure; so asked god for three specific signs before the first meeting at enid, where he started his pastorate. 1. lord, there should be at least 1000 people. 2. the rent is $ 160.00, and the love offering should be not be less than that. 3. one person must have a miracle healing. when he went through the back door of the rented auditorium, the person in charge told rev. roberts, "are you rev. roberts, already i have counted 1200 people. when the assembly of god pastor announced the offering for the rent and the amount, when it was collected, it came to $163.13. while the meeting was almost concluded, one lady started shouting " i can see now, i never could see". god answered exactly, and that gave a solid sign for rev. oral roberts to start his healing ministry.
truthseeker (October 8, 2013)
I hate all churches other than mine. t thought i am smarter than others, but i am little bit crazy too.i am stopping my comments.
pastor (October 8, 2013)
All, I love every christian irrespective of their pentacostal background (cg,ag,ipc or sharon). We all should be ready for christ's return. God bless you all including the truthseeker. Truthseeker is a great man with lots of qualifications.
truthseeker (October 8, 2013)
i am sorry for all my hurting comments. i hate cofg and so i wrote everything. simply helpless. what is overall matter is being a simple christian?
pastor (October 8, 2013)
truthseeker, you are attacking my language. i kept my english in low level to match yours. you don't know my educational background. you blame others and acting smart. you are not smart. again i tell you "mind your business". i don't consider you as spiritual. why you worry about pastors? they will give account for their deeds. you are really not a truthseeker. you are a fault finder. god bless you.
tim, muruppel (October 8, 2013)
In reply to a pastor's comment, truth-seeker's comments seems he is a wicked person. I don't expect your comment back. I know you have no good in you. to a servant of God ,how can a real child of God say such idiotic is better stop your foolish statements. Nobody appreciate you.
truthseeker (October 7, 2013)
@ pastor-- your english is a mess, a total nonsense, there are many many grammar mistakes in your writing, first learn how to read and write before even advising me! perhaps that's the reason why you didn't understand me properly. i know which part you didn't like. read my writing back and forth fifteen times and try to understand what i said. i was not attacking church of god, that was not my purpose, but i was disputing a total lie and disrespectful response. pastor- if you are incapable of doing something please don't do it, 'cause you are making fun of yourself! why don't you mind your own little world, you don't deserve my attention! people among your category say many lies in the church to impress the crowd-- like, i am in charge of thousand churches in india. i travel there in the jungles to preach gospel. i do this that-- repent on your wicked lies, for the second coming of jesus!
pastor (October 7, 2013)
Truthseeker, You are writing for some time attacking Church of God. What are you gaining out of it? Mind your church, family, personal business. Why you worry too much about it? It is in 194 countries or not, what is a big deal with you. There may be big church or not. What are you trying proving? You need to repent and be ready for the return of Christ. When reality comes, individual relationship is most important. God bless you.
truthseeker (October 7, 2013)
@ jaycee- contd 2- your church hierarchy is teaching you to say that, because they even don't know,what that emblem is,now! i have heard this answer many many times before,for this same question by others! this person who answered me disrespectfully[but i pardon,that brother,for his ignorance},might have called up somebody,as to find out what answer he has to give and that's what he got and came-up with! to your argument- others have no right to question-you have no right to set rules either-i have every right to question-if others have no right to question-then you don't have no right to preach gospel under your banner,its as simple as that!i am not interested in an answer from you nor do i expect an answer from you,since that's what you said,but you can answer if you want,that's your freedom and i will always have answers for you. bro jaycee, please understand, argument or difference of opinion is only an expression of one's thoughts and is not a fight! god bless you!
truthseeker (October 7, 2013)
@ Jaycee- Contd 1- My argument is that-- 'it is a snare of Fire'and that's what exactly they{COG} meant on the emblem,but the artist who made that,made it so ugly with his S_pid imagination and that it looks like a Snake now,that's what I meant,if you didn't understand me earlier!My argument is that the Snare of Fire,don't take the shape of of a horn or a curved pipe,the snare of fire goes in all angles,does that make any sense to your wisdom ? Now it looks like a Snake!Now the next generation or generations later nobody knows what it is,really, and when somebody asks about it,instead of answering respectfully with a good answer,whether you know it or not-- you{your comrade} is telling me-- don't think like a "Frog in the Well",I don't take that in good spirit,that is not a respectful answer,if you don't know,be kind enough to say,I don't know! I have heard this "don't think like a Frog in the Well" answer before too, because your Church hierarchy is teaching Contd 2
truthseeker (October 7, 2013)
@ jaycee-- so now its a snake-- and not fire-- bro- jaycee -- go get a ride-- don't try it on me with your s_pid explanation, keep it to your s_pid self-- the explanation so far was that it was a snare of fire and now its your discovery-- a snake-- and who knows what it is-- so far, even your church hierarchy was saying it was a splinter of the fire. now its a new discovery, the fire turns into a snake! so the cursed reptile, the serpent is on your emblem ? but that's just your explanation,never even once,heard of that before! all the time when the conversation was going on,you didn't had anything to say and all of a sudden you came up with this discovery,which makes it skeptical! i still don't think that it is a serpent,cog hierarchy is not s_pid enough to make a church emblem with a serpent on it and don't think i am s_pid to take your explanation just like that, give it to the birds! my argument and its not meant as a fight as you said, was, that contd 1
jaycee (October 7, 2013)
Brothers please don't quarrel for reasons you and sometimes even leaders can't answer. But the real answer is, the emblem was designed by US spiritualists to demonstrate the relation with bronze serpent raised by Mosses in the desert and Jesus Christ. Just as serpent was raised on a pole to save those bitten by serpent, the serpent on the cross symbolises Jesus on the Cross. The supporting Verse is John, 3: 14,15. Each organisations have full freedom to make their own by-laws and emblems. Those who accept them are associated with each organisation. Others have no right to question it. Please do not raise against me on this issue and don't expect more from me.
truthseeker (October 7, 2013)
@ roy pennukara-- its all for the advantage of the leadership,so that there can be many in the leadership,when its several churches!we the ordinary men fall into it because of a certain specialty of a certain person or a certain circumstance and we join a certain church or faction. there is no special cells in heaven for cog or ipc or ag or sharon. having said that,let me urge you to get ready, after shredding off all your wicked ways, to meet our heavenly father, jesus is coming soon! i did not mean to hurt anyone,but i had a point to point out and you didn't,that made the difference.don't make some *** statements and reactions and make fun of others because we all know something about anything. even your pennukara is not the same pennukara now right? instead of thinking rationally you put your emotions first,in your thinking,that's were you went wrong! anyway god bless you brother!
truthseeker (October 7, 2013)
@ roy pennukara-- i praise god for the late wisdom dawned on you! don't take others for granted,always think that everybody knows something,that you don't know! you are stuttering and stammering on your words now because you lost your terrain of thought,because you made some idiotic statements at first and now,is saying this and that,just to satisfy your ego.don't make your 'church of god' a 'church of ghost' by projecting that cobra[satan] on the emblem,that's what i have to say.may be the devil is keeping you all from correcting that problem,the devil got hold of your egos,[why would we listen to others].just like the devil got hold of the catholic church in worshiping- 'the mary'! i am not going to make a phone call to your c o g for any clarification on statistics, because i know exactly how big or small you are!the cog, ipc, ag, sharon,etc etc are all man-made for a separation from each other,so that there can be many in the leadership and contd 1
roy,pennukara (October 6, 2013)
truth seeker, i don't know who you are and you don't know who i am. you are just using your fist against sky. about cog, it is easy to verify the statistics ,just a phone call to cog world mission, or it is not far to drive from where you are.

cog is not mine as ipc not for you or ag, sharon etc. these all belongs to jesus christ and holy spirit is preparing the church for the rapture. br. get ready for that after leaving all other issues.

if you want to prove cog is nothing, let it be so. i don't want to hurt you with my words. if any of my comments hurts you, i am sorry.
truthseeker (October 6, 2013)
@ roy pennukara-- yah yah, don't worry don't worry about cog and the emblem-- and no of countries-- i think you are screaming like a donkey now-- and you are mad at me-- because you have no clear answer----- you made some idiotic statements-- one among them, church of god is in 194 countries-- can you prove it-- now you say i have a mental condition-- i think you have a mental condition-- your statements prove it-- get some help-- who tried to run away from the subject-- didn't i remind you even now that the subject is about "the cobra and cross" the emblem. you are the one who tried to get away from the subject because, you were idiotic at it and didn't pass off well! i don't care about your cog-- you are going to stay with your stupidity and who cares-- 'vattan mattullavareea nookki vattan ennu vilikkunna pooleea ulloo thankal eppool'--
roy,pennukara (October 6, 2013)
truth seeker, it seems you are not normal. you write something, something away from subject and finally say Hallelujah. don't worry about cog ,its emblem, no. of countries. you worry about your mental condition. come out from your idiotic thoughts.
truthseeker (October 6, 2013)
@Roy Pennukara- Contd 1- We were talking about the " Cobra and the Cross " emblem of your church, don't try to deviate from the subject! There are only between 165 to 250 countries in the world at the most, speaking loosely. The official figure is 163 countries-- and your church has been established in 194 of them, huh. Now let me repeat that-- Official Number of countries accepted by United Nations Statistics is only 163 countries and you are saying, your church has been established in 194 of them, so that means-- "194-163= 31". Thirty one Churches must be in some other planet, WOW, miraculous mission work too,unbelievable, what a big church,and you must be NUTTS too,to say that. God bless you and your church, HALLELUJAH !
truthseeker (October 6, 2013)
@ roy pennukara- mannddaa maannddaa ennu vilikkunnavann thanneea mannddaanaayaal- you made a 'mockery of yourself' while you tried to make me look like one,hee hee! you are contradicting yourself and already made a fool out of yourself,when you said,quote- the world is not that what you see and appealed to me to come-out-of my limited knowledge- now you are saying that i have a vast knowledge and that i am an encyclopedia of information- what went wrong or what went right for you in the matter of few day between each conversation? i guess wisdom dawn on you lately!turn with me to psalms 29 v 1&2- give unto the lord,o ye mighty,give unto the lord glory and strength.give unto the lord the glory due unto his name; worship the lord in the beauty of holiness. psslms 37 v 4 says- delight thyself also in the lord;and he shall give thee the desires of thine now you do have to look for me as per the bible,look unto jesus!by the by we were- contd 1
roy,pennukara (October 5, 2013)
truth seeker, we were talking about the cog, Cleveland. I was wondering you have a vast knowledge about all the church of god's.

you are an encyclopedia of information's. (don't fool yourself). come out with your real name. I want to talked to a man full of knowledge.
truthseeker (October 5, 2013)
@ roy pennukara-- the name 'church of god' is a mystical name or mysterious name[for you to understand]. all churches that worship a god are 'church of gods'. church of god, cleveland, tenn. church of god, world mission, korea. church of god, international. world wide church of god, pasadena, calif. philadelphia church of god. living church of god.restored church of god. intercontinental church of god. united church of god. church of god faithfuls.independent church of god. christian biblical church of god. church of god, anderson. church of god, prophecy and many many more--- dear bro roy pennu-- all of these are church of god, but not one single church. which is the one you trying to say is sooo big. who you trying to fool with ? do you think i am ignorant about these things? do you think the world doesn't know about it, these several ones named the same ? come on, don't make a fool out of yourself by trying on others. may god bless you with better wisdom, good luck !
truthseeker (October 5, 2013)
@ roy pennukara-- don't jump too high, and don't try to be-little me, its all from your ignorance and complex, you are not that big. don't you try to surprise me !
roy,pennukara (October 4, 2013)
truth seeker, you wonder cog in 194 countries. you think world is only what you see. come out from your limited knowledge. try to understand out side your denomination with an open mind.
truthseeker (October 4, 2013)
@ roy pennukara-- wow 194 countries what a huge church, auh, you could have said 1194 countries, does any of this make a sense? its not a new invention anyway and dr.truth also accepted it! your own people has been complaining, i heard it, and we see the capability of your church now! god bless your church! @ dr.truth- i am not worrying about you, 'cause i gave up on you, you don't seem to understand my reasoning!this is not about yellow fever or blue fever,doctor and its about the snake on your emblem not anywhere else.i don't understand why you are so irritated at me for pointing at a diagrammatic issue on your emblem rather than complaining that in your own church forums! i didn't mean to hurt you in anyway and you don't have to take it hard! take it easy and apply your power of reasoning, if you have any! god bless you brother 'doctor truth' !
roy,pennukara (October 3, 2013)
dear truth seeker. cog emblem is accepted by 194 countries around the world. why all of a sudden you came out with new invention. pl. don't mind on cog matters. we have lot of capable leaders to handle all our problems.
dr truth (October 3, 2013)
i know you are irritated. those having yellow fever sees everything yellowish. can you see any good in others. if you have snake inside you, you see everything snake(poison)i am not a dr. as you say yourself as truth-seeker, i put a name like that. don't worry about me. you worry yourself. here with this i am stopping.
truthseeker (October 3, 2013)
@ dr. truth-- that sounds like a "dum-answer" and you call me sick because you are sick yourself and you claim yourself to be a doctor{fake i know} and child of god.what can i say, your own poor-self! you are sick and tired of others complaining about the emblem and you and your organization are so stubborn and has now clear strategy or a plan n procedure how to correct this problem!i don't claim to be an inventor of this problem and i know others might have already complained about it, as you yourself has admitted!you are sick and tired of others and is screeming like a mule! bro: drro truth- turn to god, cleanse your sins and pray for your impatience and sickness, that's all i can say !
dr.truth (October 3, 2013)
truth seeker, you finding is not new. I heard it years back and I checked with cog leaders and the answer is clear. you should not think like frog in the well. you need a healing for your sick mind towards other churches.
truthseeker (October 3, 2013)
bro- dr.truth- jesus healeth every sickness from our bodies,if we ernestly pray to him,don't you know that bro?i will pray to god for my sickness,but if it otherwise you need to pray!now that being solved, my question to you is why you become so disturbed,while i was only pointing out a diagrammatic issue? your response tells me that you are a bit disturbed,have you gone nuts with this? don't you see the diagrammatic mess that i pointed out and you being a dr.truth?this emblem was okay for the world yesterday,and nobody noticed it or cared for it,but now people are more educated and they clearly understand what they see and read! i am not sick of cog, i was only trying to expose and correct a problem--- a cobra on the cross!
dr.truth (October 2, 2013)
truthseeker, if you are real a truth seeker,you can uderstand what it is but i feel you have a sick mind towards cog.
truthseeker (October 2, 2013)
to dr. truth- what you mean ? fire flares out in all angles and not like the shape of a curled pipe or horn as is seen in this emblem.Now, how is your imagination ? This must be a snake,a Cobra,Come on! I need to admire the artist for the intelligence and expertise he applied in creating this emblem! I also has admiration for the ones who paid him creating this emblem, really!
dr. truth, (October 1, 2013)
truth seeker, cog emblem is not snake from cross, it is fire- flame from cross. give little more attention when writing comments.
truthseeker (October 1, 2013)
when i look at the church emblem of church of god, i see a snake coming out of the cross. snake is a scary beast anyway, and is also a cursed one by god. what does this church emblem mean? does it mean to depict the sufferings in the cross. i had to admire the imagination of this artist who invented this emblem for this great church !
believer (September 30, 2013)
I guess this prooves this organization has no leaders
a. s. mathew (September 24, 2013)
since i am not a member of the church of god, i am very apprehensive about writing a comment about this topic. rev. c.c. thomas, i know him for a number of years, rev. p.g. mathew has stayed one night in my home and rev. p.c. cherian paid a brief visit.

one day when i met pastor c.c. thomas, he indirectly mentioned the particular need of the ..... god was very gracious to supply the need and when i handed that to him, he sought the help of another brother to take that to india. please don't misunderstand me; i am not endorsing any candidate, it is up to the

believers to do after prayer. rev. c.c. thomas has a caring heart for the suffering people, that is very hard to find nowadays among the many religious leaders. while i have money in the pocket and somebody is crying for food, if i don't buy food for that person, but simply praying and crying loud for them without touching the billfold, that is totally a fake christianity. jesus is expecting us to be good

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