Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Feb 23, 2014
Views: 17578
Pastor George Samuel promoted to glory.
sF.] slt{_m Umfkv k`mwKhpw Inticn ]mdbn Spw_mwKhpambn ]m tPmv imapth (]mdbn kn82) s^{_phcn 210 \nXyXbn tNsp. Imhn {]kn\mb t]cntcn ambns aI ]tcXbmb 檽 (A) Bbn kl[nWn.
a: tdmbn sImptam (a{Zmkv), kPn tagvkn (I\U), km_pk ptam (Umfkv), emep an\n (Im\U). Umfkn Xmakw BXn apt] ]tcX Xnh\]pcw tI{amn {]hnn tIm s^temjnns ip{iqjI, D]my, \| Cym ChmennIv Atmkntbj ss__n kvIq Aym]I, KpUv\}kv ss__n ]cn`mjIkanXn AwKw, sF.] t\mt doPnb ip{iqjI Fo \neIfn kvXpXyl tkh\w sNbvXn.
`uXoI icocw s^{_phcn 28 shnbmgvN sshInv 6:30 KmeUnep sF.] slt{_m k`mancn (1751 hm kv{Sov, KmeUv, sSIvkmkv 75041) s]mXpZi\n shbvIbpw, AtXXpSv AkvacW aonwKpw {IaoIcnnpv. amv 1 i\nbmgvN cmhnse 10 aWnv kwkvImc ip{iqjI Bcw`nw. XpSv Umfkv sdvemUv skantcnbn (13005 {Ko hn Ah\|, Umfkv, sSIvkmkv 75243) `uXoI icocw kwkvIcnw.
ZpJmcmb Spw_mwKsf Hmv {]mnI. C Zn\fntebpw ip{iqjI Cs\v hgn Xabw kw t{]Ww sNpXmWv. sh_vsskv: UpUpUp.XqenIm.Snhn
i had the opportunity to work with evang. george samulel when he worked as the director of new india bible institute, trivandrum and as one of the members of the board of directors of new india evangelistic association where i work as administrative coordinator for south india. a loving elder brother to all, a gentleman to the core he was always ready to accept any person with a smile and extend any spiritual counselling that a person needed. with his wife who passed away earlier he led a very happy family life and welcomed any one to his home and extended wonderful hospitality.