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]n.kn.F.F.sI tem In `mchmlnIsf XncsSp.

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Aug 26, 2012
Views: 19756

PCNAK 2013 selecting local committee.
\|tbmv: 31maXv t\mv Atacn aebmfn s]tmkvXv \mjW tIm^dkns \Snn\mbn tem Insb XncsSphm HmKv 26 \v sKbnvth thUv {InkvXy skd Ah\|, hmeo kv{Sow, \|tbmv 11580 Nn aonwMv \SXmWv. 2013 Pqsse 47 hsc s{Kbn \|tbmn, lmv t^mUv , I\nIn hmWv ASphjs ]n.kn.F.F.sI \Sphm Xoa\nncnXv. \jW Iho\ ]m kn ^nenv, \mjW sk{Idn cmP Bcyn, \mjW {Sjdm tPmbnkv ]n. aX}kv, bqv tImUnt\ Binjv tP_v FnhcmWv tIm^dkn\v t\{XXzw \Xv.



Displaying 2 Comments
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tom (August 28, 2012)
Who are the newly elected local officials?

dulos (August 28, 2012)
Why these controversy about PCNAK and officials?. People fighting for debt of the last meeting.Is this the time for this organization to register as a religious/charitable organization and have bylaws. It is not easy to hold a sukri(suriani christiani)meeting of 4000-5000 people. it is high time to divide these pcnak into 3 zones. May God give you all wisdom for the future.
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