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]nkn\mv: ImbnI Xmc {IaoIcW ]qnbmbn.

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Apr 10, 2013
Views: 17861

PCNAK 2013 : Sports & recreation arrangements completed.
\|tbmv: Pqsse 4 apX 7 hsc IWnn \S 31maXv ]nkn\mns bphP\ġmbp kvt]mSvkv {IaoIcW ]qnbmbn. IWnv Ihj skdn\Spp hnimeamb {Kun 2000 A[nIw BfpIv hon {IaoIcW BWv Cu {]mhiyw kwLmSI HnbncnXv. _mkvv t_mthmfnt_m SqWsapI Htc kabw \Sphm IgnbpXmbncnw. 11 SoapI cPnkvS sNbvXp Ignp Fv bov tImUnt\ Binjv tP_v Adnbnp. AtacnbpsS hnhn[ ]Wfn \nv 16 Sow DsImp _mkvIv t_m SqWsambncnw Cu hjw \SsXw Atlw AdnbnIbpmbn. C\nbpw cPn sNm B{Kln SoapI 250 tUmf ^okv ASv Pq 3\" ap]v cPnkvS sNtXmWv.

IqSpX hnhncġv kvt]mSvkv tImUnt\ tUhnUv dnmUpamtbm bov tImUnt\ Binjv tPapamtbm _sSpI.

hmv AbXv: t_mhkv Nmtm (] aoUnbm sk{Idn)


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tharakan mt, nj (April 28, 2013)

Allenkilum ithu kaayikaabhyaasam alle?

Pinnenthina extra kaayikaabhyaasam?

Think about the condition of our inner man and let us unite together for a fast remedy (fasting and prayer).
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