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Atm-kvtXm-enI D]-tZ-i-n-\mbn s]s-tmkvXv Atm-f-P-nIv Iukn

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 27, 2011
Views: 22430

Pentecostal Apologetics Council.
Pentecostal Apologetics Council
]{X-{]-h-Icpw Fgp-p-Imcpw {]kw-K-Icpw ssItImp-p. thZ hn]-co-X-amb D]-tZ-i--sfbpw hnI-e- hym-Jym-\--sfbpw FXnphm\pw hN\ D]-tZ-i- P\-n\v t_m[y-am-phm\pw skan-\m-dp-I kwL-Sn-npp.

Xncp-h: s]s-tmkvXv k`-I-fn hn-p-h-cp Zpcp-]-tZi {]N-c-W--sfbpw hnI-e-amb hN\ hymJym-\--sfbpw FXnp-hm\pw bYm hN\ kXy-n-tev P\s \S-p-hm\pw t_m[-h-Xv-cn-p-hm\pw hnhn[ s]stmkvXv k`-I-fnse Fgp-p-Im, ]{X-{]-h-I, {]kw-K-I Fn-h-cpsS kwbp--th-Zn-bmb s]s-tm-kvX Atm-f-P-nIv Iukn kPo-h-am-Ip-p. Xncp-h--bn IqSnb kam\ Nnm-K-Xn-m-cpsS Iqm-bva-bnemWv ]-Xn-I Bhn-jvI-cn--Xv.

Atm-kvtXm-enI D]-tZ-i-ġmbn \ne-sm-p-tm A`n-ap-Jo-I-cn-t-n-h-cp FXnp-Isf t\cn-Sp-hm Fgp-p-Im-cpw, ]{X-{]-h-I-cpw, {]kw-K-Icpw Xm-dm-I-W-sav Atm-f-P-nIv Iukn kwL-Sn-nv NbpsS BapJ {]kw-K-n ]m ^nenv. ]n. tXmakv Bh-iy-s-p.


Displaying 8 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
Pr. V. Mathew (February 13, 2011)
Yes, it is true that the Power Vision became a Devilish Vision. All TRUE believers have to BOYCOTT Power Vision programs. His KINGDOM will END SOON.
Thomas Vemmelil (February 11, 2011)
John 6:13..But when He, the Spirit of reality,comes,He will guide you into all the reality..The reality of the Lord is the Spirit not the doctrinal teachings. We cannot have life,light and the way if we do not have the Holy Spirit.The reality of Christ is the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of reality. Whatever ther Son is,has, and has accomplished,obtained and attained will all be fully wrought into us through the Spirit.
Thomas Vemmelil (February 8, 2011)
"And they continued steadfastly in the teaching and the fellowship of the apostles, in the abreaking of bread and the prayers".In the term the apostles teaching, the word apostles’ is plural, but the word teaching is singular. The apostles’ teaching is the teaching of the apostles. It is not the teaching only of Peter, of John, or of Paul, but of others as well. The apostles’ teaching does not concern matters such as whether we should baptize people in fresh water or salt water, whether we should use wine or grape juice at the Lord's table, or whether the sisters should wear a head covering or not. All these minor things are not counted as the teaching of the apostles. Christians have fought over these things for centuries. Such disputes are nothing but vanity. This shows that Christians have not seen the light of the apostles' teaching.
Justin (February 8, 2011)
The Apologetics Council by definition itself is "the branch of theology concerned with the defense or proof of Christianity". It shouldn't confine itself to closeted, individualistic and archaic views of one single individual in the council. It's purpose is larger than picketing against ornaments and such pedantic and almost silly ideologies. Where can we find the Mision/Vision/Objectives of this council?
Thomas Vemmelil (February 5, 2011)
In Pentecostalism today Christ has been replaced for many other things like Philosophy, civilization culture and even the so called doctrines to which as the keepers the Apologetic council has now formed, and the enemy is utilizing it to draw the believers away from Christ.According to the natural concept the word truth means "doctirnes", but verses such as John 1:17; 4:24; and 1 Timothy 3:15 show that Truth is not a doctrine but the reality. We must realize that the Truth refers to Christ is the reality.Christ is not the doctrine but He is the Truth the reality. In the entire universe only Christ is real. Even the word we speak is a shadow, Christ must be our word- our expression, speech, eloquence, and utterance. This is not the time to have Apologetic council nor to have many preachers but we need Life and Life alone to be dispensed into our beings. Doctrines should turn in to Life. Light should shine upon the doctrines bringing Life and Truth to us.
John Vesly (February 4, 2011)
It is good here about such council. But the agenda for the council should not be to hold on the old system and practices. But Bible always support Growth in Faith, Growth in Knowing God, Progressive Revelation etc.. But I am from an orthodox Pentecostal family. I hear today about God and Jesus same as what I heard in my Sunday school and in my early child hood our pastor and teachers never take time to see what should be taught today. We have studies and teaching the same revelation what pour four-fathers had where is the Growth in Faith, Growth in Knowing God, Progressive Revelation. If we go like this the Christianity will fail in India as it is in Europe and other western counties.

So let this council be an eye opener for the Pentecost let us come together find what else the bible tells, find out, study, discuss and promote. I would like to be part of this council too thanks
John vesly
Kunjachan (February 2, 2011)
Regarding apologetic council, it is a good intention inspired by the Holy Spirit.But the problem to be anticipated is the lack of unanimous vision among the participants, on the pentecostal doctrines revealed to our forefathers. We may be thinking foreigners are more clever and what they do are the right, whereas now all the false doctrines are shipped by them and marketed easily with their financial strength. So before moving more please confirm the base and move to the Warfield with those unanimous in doctrines(Judges,ch.7 v.7).
william (February 1, 2011)
this is a good thought.may god full fill this idea.
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