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apscnbm: s]tmkvX Iukn Hm^v Cy sSkn tPmPnb Nm]vdpI {]tabw AhXcnnp.

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Dec 14, 2011
Views: 12885

Pentecostal council of India Georgia - Tennessee Chapter on Mullaperiyar.
Pentecostal council of India Georgia  - Tennessee Chapter on Mullaperiyar
tPmPnb: \qn]Xn\md" hjw ]gapXpw `qI _m[nX taJebn nXn sNpXpamb apscnbm AWsv amn ]pXnb Umw \nnv Zie IWn\' h P\fptSbpw s]cnbm taJebnse AXy]q PphfptSbpw eWn\" h h\taJebptSbpw, Irjn `qanbptSbpw kwcWw Ddv hphm tI{ tIcf Xangv\mSv kmItfmSv A`yn {]tabw s]tmkvX Iukn Hm^v Cy tPmPnb sSkn NmvdpIfpsS kwp kanXn ]mkmnb {]tabw {][m\a{n, tIcf apJya{n, Xangv\mSv apJya{n Fnhv kanhm Xoam\np.

Unkw_ 10\' i\nbmgv cmhnse 10 aWnv tPmPnb ^p tKmkv] Akwnbn IqSnb aonwKn ]n.kn.sF tPmPnb Nm]v {]knUv" cmP Bcyn A[yXhlnp. sshkv {]knU' kmw Sn. kmapth {]tabw AhXcnnp. sk{Idn _nPp G{_lmw, tPm. sk{Idn jmPn shnfw , {Sjd emep kmapth, ]nkn.sF sSkn Nm]v {]knU" dh. tImin hokv, ]m ^nenv sNdpIc, tPmkv ]n. amX}kv XpSnbh {]kwKnp.

hm AbXv: tPmkv ]n. amX}kv, sSkn


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joy chembakasseril, usa. (December 14, 2011)
Mullaperiyaar prrashanatthinteea goverment thalanghalil ulla prrashanomghal ellaam priharcchu, puthiya damm orru yaaddhaarthiyamaayi theeratteea ennu prratthikkunnu! pci-ten-ga-ch rudheea ee saddhudhymatthill pankku cheerunnu! prrameeyam aykkumbol sariyaaya addressum, staampum azhuthaanum, ottikkaanum, marakkarutheu ennu veneetthmayi abbyartthikkayum cheyyithukollunnu!ella nalla aashamshakalum neerunnu! pitthaavinum-puthranum-prishuddharuhaayikkum aameen!
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