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tde sImvv (77) cymXbmbn

Rachelamma Kochukunju promoted to glory
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Dec 27, 2013
Views: 15350

Rachelamma Kochukunju promoted to glory.
lq̬: kuv shv Nv Hm^v tKmUv k`mwKhpw
cWw shfptSv ]p]pcbn Spw_mwKhpamb tde (AnWn, 77) lqWn
cymXbmbn. ]tcX ]tcXmb hn.Fw. sImvns `mcybmbn. Ign 12 hjambn Cfb aI ssee tPmtmSpw Spw_tmSpw Hw mt^mUn Xmaknp hn. satmdnb khokv Unkw_ 27 shnbmgv sshInv 6 w, ^|Wd khokv Unkw_ 28 i
bmgvN cmhnse 9 w kuv shv Nv Hm^v tKmUv 235 Ah| C, mt^mUv, sSIvkmkv 77477 SsSpXmWv. a: adnbm / kmapth ambn, ePn / tcmknen amX|, ssee / tPbv tPmv


Displaying 2 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
chrristian (January 13, 2014)
The final judgment that will occur after the resurrection. God, through Jesus Christ, will judge each person to determine the eternal glory he will receive. This judgment will be based on each person’s obedience to God’s commands, including his acceptance of the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. The Father hath committed all judgment unto the Son:John 5:22; We shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ:Rom. 14:10; The dead were judged out of those things which were written:Rev. 20:12; ( D&C 128:6–7; ) For all thy doings thou shalt be brought into judgment:1 Ne. 10:20; The Twelve Apostles and the twelve Nephite disciples will judge Israel:1 Ne. 12:9; ( D&C 29:12; ) All must appear before the judgment seat of the Holy One:2 Ne. 9:15; Prepare your souls for that glorious day:2 Ne. 9:46; Can ye imagine yourselves before the tribunal of God?:Alma 5:17–25; Jesus Christ shall stand to judge the world:3
pastor (December 30, 2013)
A great woman of God. May our God give all peace that pass understand to the family.
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