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ssZ-hP-\w kp-hn-ti-j-tm-Sv {]-Xn-_--X- D-h-cm-bn-cn-Ww: d-h. tUm. am-v hn-eyw-kv

Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Nov 8, 2013
Views: 12755

Rev Dr. Mark Williams.
ap-fp-g: {In-kv-Xp-hn-s c--m hopw P-\n--s ssZ-h-a- k-am-[m-\-anm- C-s tem-I-n kp-hn-ti-joI-c-W {]-h-\--tfm-Sv Xn-I- {]-Xn_--X D--h-cm-bn-cn-Ww F-v Nv Hm-^v tKm-Uv P-\d Hm-h-kn-b d-h. am-v hn-eyw-kv {]-kv-Xm-hnp. ap-f-p-g-bn \S-p h-cp tdm-_-v F-^v Ip-v i-Xm-n A--tinb tIm-{^-kn-s cmw Zn-\ cm{Xn tbm-K-n {]-kw-Kn-p-I-bm-bn-cp-p A-tlw. A-Snm-\ ku-I-cy- t]mepw Cm-Xn-cp- H-cp \q-m-n-\p ap-v kp-hn-ti-j-n-\p th-n `m-c-X a-n t]m-cmSn-b dh tdm-_-v t^-en-Iv-kv Ip-n-s Xym-K-]-cam-b i-p-{iq-j \-ap-v Fpw shp-hn-fn B-bn-cn-Ww Fpw A-t-lw Iq-n-t-p. ]n-Xm--m \-s G-ev-]n- kp-hntij Zo-]in-J ]pXn-b X-e-ap-d-bv-v ssI-am-dp-hm \-ap-v I-gn-bWw. ssI-am-dp--hcpw G-p-hm-p--hcpw Hcp-t]m-se hn-iz-kv-X-cm-bn-cn--W-sapw A-t-lw Iq-n-tp.

tI-c-f-n-se Nv Hm-^v tKm-Uv k-`-I-fp-sS m-]-I\pw s]--tm-kv-Xv an-j-W-dn-bp-am-bn-cp- d-h. F-^v. Ip-n-s `m-c-X BK-a-\ i-Xm-n B-tLm-j--fp-sS Hu-]-Nm-cn-Iam-b D-Zv-Lm-S-\w 21 Xn--fmgv-N 4 a-Wn-v Nv Hm-^v tKm-Uv th-Uv an-j F-Iv-kn-Iyq-n-hv U-b-d- d-h. nw. ln \n--lnp. sN--q Fw. F . F {io ]n. kn. hn-jv-Wp-\m-Yv A-y--\m-bn-cp-p. tdm-_-v F-^v. Ip-v I-h-j sk-dn-s D-Zv-LmS-\w Ip-n-s sIm-p a-I dh. tdm-_-v Ip-v Pq-\n-b \n--lnp. Btm B-Wn Fw. ]n, sI. in-h-Zm-k \m-b Fw.F . F, tv Hm-h-kn-b ]m- ]n. sP. P-bnw-kv, \m-j-W sd-{]-k-t-n-hv d-h. sI. kn tPm Xp-S-n-b-h {]-kw-Knp. A-ta-cn--bn-se sS-kn K-h-W-dp-sS {]-Xn-\n-[n sI-hn {_q-Ivkv, dh tUm kzo-tU-gvkv, G-jy ]-k-^n-Iv U-b-d- d-h. sI B-tU-gvk, CUym kq-{]-v d-h. sU-o-kv sl-]v\, d-h sI. sP am-Xyp, d-h. sF-k-Iv sska, d-h. kn. kn. tXma-kv Xp-S-n-b-h ]-s-Spp. i-Xm-n C \m-j-W tIm-Un-t\- {]-^-k kp-io amXyp kzm-K-X-hpw, tlm-kv-v I-n tIm-Un-t\- tPmk-^v a--pIme \-nbpw ]-dp. sS-kn kv-t-v H-tm-_ 21 tdm-_-v Ip-v Zn-\-am-bn B-N-cn-p--Xns Hu-tZymKn-I tc-J ]n. kn hn-jv-Wp-\m-Yv Fw. F . F- v sI-hn {_q-Iv-kv ssI-amdn. tdm-_-v F-^v Ip-n-s Ip-Spw-_mw-K-fm-b G-gp t] k-t-f-\-n ]-s-Sp-p. K-th-Wnw-Kv t_m-Un sN-b-am ]m- sI.Fw. X-- `m-c-X-n-\p thn {]m-np.

sNm-m ap-X i-\n h-sc-bp- Zn-h-k--fn cm-hnse 8.30 ap-X 12.30 h-sc-bpw. D--I-gn-v 2 ap-X 5 h-scbpw hnhn-[ sk--\p-I-fm-bn sk-an-\m-dp-I-fpw, ssh-Ip-tcw 6.30 apX 9.30 h-sc s]m-Xp tbm-K-fpw \-Sp. s]m-Xp tbm-K--v hnhn-[ kv-tv Hm-h-kn-b-am A-y-X h-lnp.hym-gm-gvN 11.30 ap-X B-dp-f au-v Im-t Nn -{U-kv tlm-an-se H-cp s]-Ip-n-bp-sS hn-hm-l-hpw, 1.30 ap-X k-Xy-{Kw ss_-_n-fn-s {]Im-i-\w kwm-\ `-y h-Ip-v a{n A-\q-]v tP-_v P-\d Hm-h-kn-b d-h. tUm. am-Iv hn-eyw-kn-\v \ In-sIm-v \n--lnp. 3.30 ap-X B F-^v Ip-v s]--tm-kv-X sl-dn-t-Pv sk D-Zv-LmS-\w \-Sp. C-y-bn-se hnhn-[ kw-m-\--fn \npw A-b cm-Py--fn \npw Hm-h-kn-b-amcpw {]-Xn-\n-[n-Ifpw ]-s-Spp. tIm-{^kv Rm-b-dmgv-N \S kw-bp- k`m-tbm-K-tm-sS A-h-km-\n-p.


Displaying 6 Comments
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a. s. mathew (November 14, 2013)
samuelkutty, thurithicadu: he said that due to his dislike to the white person's higher authority over him; he wanted to be the head, that is all. i have heard some people talking about the sins of america in kerala while i was growing up, like another sodom, but they were looking for every opportunity to land in the sin-country for green paper. what a paradox? indeed, what is happening now in the u.s. is very alarming. yesterday havai became the 15th state of the u.s., legalizing homosexual marriages. god is watching from heaven, and some big lesson from heaven will be coming!
samuelkutty,thurithicadu (November 14, 2013)
Once one leader said ,we don't need white cows milk, but what happened the same organization later sucking not only white cows milk but also its blood.
roy pattikad (November 13, 2013)
@ believer-- 'Why do we have an organization in Kerala governed by USA'- answer,Kerala proposes USA disposes- 'cause they are made in the USA !!!
believer (November 13, 2013)
Why do we have an organization in Kerala governed by USA?
roy,thiruvalla (November 13, 2013)
The proclamation of the redemption preached by Jesus and the Apostles, which is the central content of Christian revelation.
a. s. mathew (November 9, 2013)
It is a very sad reality that evangelization has became a bygone chapter of the once fervently evangelizing Churches. While hearing the testimony of a Hindu convert, he said that he came to know Christ through his sister and his sister came to know JESUS through another Hindu convert friend. It seems like the evangelization is now undertaken by those former non-Christians who came to know Christ as their Lord and Saviour, but the Christians are fully engaged in many other tangible material creation ministry and religious political fight!
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