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dh. Fw. Ipn ]pd-tv. tIcfm tnepw doPn-b-\nepw A[n-Im-c-amw

Rev. M Kunjappy ousted. Rev. PJ James new overseer
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 20, 2012
Views: 89316

Rev. M Kunjappy ousted. Rev. PJ James new overseer.
dh. ]n. sP. sPbnwkv ]pXnb tv Hmhkn-b. dh. tPmk^v n. kmw doPn-b Hmhkn-b. dh. ]n. sP. sPbnwkv 595 thmv (78%), dh. Fw. Ipn 191 thmv (21%), dh. tPmk^v n. kmw 113 thmv , hn. tPmv 76 thmv

Xncp-h: \mep-hjs ` c-W-n-s\m-Sp-hn dh. Fw. Ip n A[n-Im-c-n \nv ]p dtv. \mS-Iob kw`hhnIm-k-sm-Sp-hn \S {]n^-dkv _menemWv FUyq-t-j Ub-d-IvS-dmb ]n. sP.-sP-bnwkv A[n-Im-c-n Fp--Xv. Ign Iukn dh. Fw. Ipn cp hj-tbv v IqSn XpS-cm ip]mi sNbv Xn-cp-p. Fm XpSv \S Iukn Ce--\n Xs FXnp--h B[n-]Xyw t\ Sp-I-bm-bn-cp-p. ip{iq-j-Ipw hnizm-kn-Iġpw A\-`n-a-X-cmb Nnesc IqsS Iqn a-c-cw-Kv h-XmWv Iukn-en ]cm-P-b-s-Sp-hm Imc-Wsav \nco--I. D]-{K-l--sf-tmse Np pw \n Nne-cpsS {]hn-I fpw Ahs-Xnsc Db Agn-aXn Btcm-]-W-fpw Ctm-g s ]cm-P-b-ns Bw Iqn.

Fw. Ip-n-bpsS `c-W-Im-ev Ghpw IqSpX Btcm-]Ww DbXv Nmcnn t_m Up-ambn _-s-m-Wv. Ign--hjw _neo-thgvkv tPW C Xv dntmv sNbvXn-cp-p. sXmSp-]p-g-bnse hkvXp-hns hnev]-\, Bd-p-f-bn \S-nb hkvXp CS-]m-Sv, Nmcn-n-bpsS `mK-ambn kvIq Ipn-Iġv hnX-cWw sNbvX kvIq _mKv hmn-b-Xv Ch-bv s-Xn-scsbmw Agn-aXn Btcm-]Ww i-am-bn-cp-p. sXmSp-]p-g-bnse hkvXp hn evp-hm t]mIpp F Im cyw BZyw dntmv sNbvXXv _neo-thgvkv tPW-em-Wv. F m Ign Ihj-\n Ch-sbmw \ntj-[n-p-I-bm Wv D-c-hm-Zn-s--h sNbvX-Xv. Btcm-]Ww i-am-b-tm Bd-pf hkvXp CS-]m-Sn-s\-p-dnv At\z-jn-p-hm FIz-bdn Io-js\ \nb-an-s-nepw Io-j dntm n P\-n\v hnizmkw hn F-XmWv bmYmyw. Ign Znhkw Hcp Iukn sa-dn-s\-Xnsc Dmb `o-Wnbpw {Kun Ct-l-n-s\-Xnsc \S tami-amb s]cp-am-hpw hfsc s]s v Hcp {]n^-dkv _men-te v \bn-p--Xn\v kq{]-ns\ t{]cn-n-p.

dh. ]n. sP. sPbnwkv Fpw A[n-Imc a-c-n \nv H gnp \n hyn-bm-Wv. Nn-bmb `c-W-n-eqsS FUyq-t-j Unmp-sans\ ]ptcm-K-Xnbntev \bn-p. Ign h jw _neo-thgvkv tPW \S nb Hmhkn-b Ce- A `n-{]mb kt-bn Ghpw Iq Sp-X thmp t\Sn-bXv dh. ]n. sP. sPbnwkmbn-cp-p. ZoL-hj--fmbn Nv Hm^v tKm Uns t\XrXz \ncbn D dh. ]n. sP. sPbnwkn\v Al-X-s m\-amWv Ic-K-X-am-bn-cn-p--Xv. Akn-v Hmhkn-b m\-tbvpw av A[n-Imc m\--fn-tepw am-n-\p {iaw Nne-tI-{- AWn-b-d-bn Bcw-`np Ign-p.

]mn: Nv Hm^v tKmUv doPn-b Hmhkn-b-dmbn ]m tPmk-^v. n. kmw sXc-s-Sp--s-p. 16mw XobXn \S sXc-s-Sp-n \mev m\mn-I-fm-bn-cpp Dm-bn-cp--Xv. 113 thmp t\Sn ap--h-sc-m _lp-Zqcw tPmk^v n. kmw apn-se-n. bqv Ub-d-IvS, Chm--enkw Ub-d-IvS ]Z-hn-I hln-n-p-v. \ne-hn FUyq-t-j Ub-IvS-dmbn {]hn-p-h-cn-I-bm-bn-cp-p. doPn-b-\nse BZy-Ime ip{iq-j-I-cn Hcm-fm-bn-cp apm-ncw sI. kn. Fv Adn-b-s-n-cp ssZh-Zm-ks aI-\m-Wv. apf-pg auv kntbm-\n thZ-hn-Zym-`ymkw \n-ln dh. tPmk^v n. kmw 1975 apX ssZh-k`m ip{iq-j-I-\m-Wv. `mcy. kmdm, a: kmwen-tam, sjn-tam

IqSp-X hm-Iġv Nv Hm^v tKmUv kn-sav ]n. Un. F^v hmbn-pI


Displaying 74 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
david (September 22, 2013)
the most misguided word of GOD by protestant group has been eroded worldwide today. The power of Ortho-doxy and its Iconic natures leads world wide. To protest anything which do not understand was the divide and rule policy by Britts implemented during Britishcolonial rule in India was failure and success now overturns in to reality of Old testament and new testament. The truth is a truth more deeply the followers of so called protest -ant generation must accept.
joseph (September 18, 2013)
dear brothers

i am a christian and was watching the interview of pastor p j james in tholika tv. when the question about biblical selection of leaders was posted the pastor had technically evaded the question by answering the way he was elected. the bible very clearly shows the selection of leaders not election of leaders. i personally feel that the so called leaders of present churches knows very clearly that they will not be definitely chosen by god. only way to come to power is through election and voting. such leaders can not do any thing more than building towers (babel) in the name of religion as all other religious leaders does.
rajeeev (October 22, 2012)
P j James is not up to the mark as an overseer.what happened,he is educated.....? I think he isunder the control of the council members.
a. s. mathew (October 21, 2012)
Brother T.C. Mathew: Your doubt that I was deliberately changing the topic was quite logical. May I ask you a very humble question. How long this debate about the past election is going on? For everything, there must be a time limit! Even the arch rivals of different political parties and nations try to mend their past hostilities and start over again with harmony. Is this debate creating any spiritual enlightenment or enrichment among the believers? But, more bad blood and frictions are created every day. In every Church, whether in the Pentecostal or in the Episcopal Churches, there are a few people with money and power greatly enjoy the art and drama of political fight to establish their ego and authority through tormenting their enemies with all the dirty arrows of vendetta. Is it truly divine or worldly?
a. s. mathew (October 21, 2012)
brother t.c. mathew: i have indicated in one of my previous comments that if believer's journal is used as a medium of discussing many biblical subjects for the readers, we can learn new things. i have never met pastor p.j. james, and met pastor kunjappy only once when he came to visit me. i don't belong to cog, and not the least interested in the party politics of any denomination. now it seems like, i doubt that the fun of the believers is more in politics; and politics has taken over the pulpit which is a very sad thing to watch.

once the pentecostal belivers in kerala were known as " loving people", now you may please make your own judgment.
anil kumar (October 20, 2012)
i am confused what is happening here in the church of god.i am sure pr kunjappy was very effective as an overseer..i don't know p j james appointment as an overseer,was necessary this time.
t c mathew (October 19, 2012)
@As Mathew,the topic of this article is not about BAPTISM.Rather it is Rev Kunjappy ousted,and Pj james is the new overseer.why do you change the topic.?

I suspect you that somehow you want to protect or defend Pj james by deviating the subject.why..?
a. s. mathew (October 17, 2012)
Brother Prekshagan: I don't have any misunderstanding about you. People of your caliber must express the opinions openly. Keep up the good work. There are hundreds of believers who are capable to write informative comments touching many Biblical subjects, and they should come forward and write comments which can enrich the knowledge of everybody.

a. s. mathew (October 17, 2012)
brother prekshagan: thank you for your kind response. i was simply talking about subjects like the dresss code of the pastors. i do remember an hot argument in between pastors of two different

pentecostal denominations in india about the way they differ in baptizing believers. they do agree about the baptism by immersion, but the dispute was for something else. one was fighting hard to perform the baptism by baptizing the person backward and raise the person forward.

most of the churches do likewise. but i saw baptism conducted in the jordan river (in t.v) that the person who conducted the baptism simply like helping the candidate to sit down, and they came upward straight. do we need to argue about such an issue to create friction in between the brethren?

prekshagan (October 17, 2012)
i end quoting paul - "Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal" ,and this is our common goal irrespective of any organisation or leadership,Christ is the leader towards whom we should move to. Thanks again brother a s mathew hope you would agree with my thoughts and brother a believer.
prekshagan (October 17, 2012)
@bro a s mathew: thank you for been patient and understanding @ a believer : brother i have no issues with anybody here neither i want to create trouble,we need to give more time and support to PJJ in his new role,he has a different background.All of us together should support him to be successful rather than sitting on the fence and speaking about failures. While we support him in growing in that position,we as believers should address more relevant issues in our walk with Christ as rightly pointed out by brother a s mathew,i know you would agree church growth is a collective endeavor and we should refrain from all negative connotations that hinders growth. You would be surprised by the irresponsible comment from few bloggers here,not realising that we have a greater call of duty to be accomplished than focus on trivial issues and thereby loose eternity,hope i have been able to express our vision - meaning the vision of christ for us- on a greater level,,contd
a believer (October 17, 2012)
Dear prekshakan,why are you trying to take deviation from the issue...?our topic is P J James,not this Simon or you think Pr pjjames will be successful as an overseer..? he is not able to handle the present issues in the church...and he is really under the pressure by a group of people...he does't know how to make proper decision on time...really struggling.
a. s. mathew (October 16, 2012)
cog well wisher and prekshangan, thank you.

if the commentators are reluctant to write a few lines touching different articles and news items, there will be less readers of

"believer's journal". this is "believer's journal", not "heathen's

journal". some rather unimportant topics has created far serious dirty and bitter debates among the commentators, and personal attacks.

many old time commentators are not writing any comment at all. my brothers in jesus, let us put our comments in love and mutual respect.

there are hundreds of biblical subjects with multiple interpretations

by various denominations. if we comment on various topics of the bible, the readers can be exposed to new information on those subjects.

let us all work together to exalt our lord and saviour jesus christ.
prekshagan (October 15, 2012)
@ simon : sorry simon now i realise that you hold the thaakol of heaven and hell,please hold it tight and do not loose it. Best of luck for your journey to heaven,great attitude and spirit.
simon (October 15, 2012)
prekshakan,you don't have to accompany anyone,in order reach just go on the way you are right now.
mathew (October 15, 2012)
I think,what shyju said is correct,nobody say anything about evangelisation when pr kunjappy was deeply critisised.when they talked about the issues related to Pjjames, (old shirt and pants)the topic deviated.I am also confused.
prekshagan (October 14, 2012)
@ simon :thank you for your valued comments,wish you could escort me to hell,this way i have you for company.

@shyju : congratulations on ur american job,god bless
simon (October 14, 2012)
prekshakan and cog well wisher,hell is wide opened for you....pls go
shyju (October 14, 2012)
mr prekshakan,you don't have to bother about my english proficiency.i have no qualifications by my own,but i am holding senior position in an american company now.anyway,i was born in india,not in america or elsewher.i don't see any standard in your english,you need work hard,so that you can improve your language did not give the apt reply for my previous comment.cog well wisher,....i feel sorry about you.
a. s. mathew (October 14, 2012)
Please don't judge me, and I am simply portraying the trend setting. Among the Episcopal Churches, both the Marthoma and Orthodox Priests had idential priestly garments. On the other hand, among the young Priests, both the CSI and Marthoma Priests had idential garments. The Catholic Priest's garment had an entirely different stitching pattern. While coming to the Brethren Church, the elders had the same dress like the believers. Among the Penticostal Churches, all had very idential white jubas, and some of the leading Pastors had the extra-extra size fitting which was big enough for three people go inside. Then the pants and shirt transition took place. Now, when we watch very carefully, some of the leading Pastors are very tactfully following the dress pattern of Rev. Benny Hinn's custom dress. Pastors in the west are getting more causal dress but the in the East; especially in Kerala, the dress code is getting more customized and sophisticated.
a. s. mathew (October 14, 2012)
three decades back, in the church worship of all denominations in the u.s., most of the men used to have full suit and ladies had proper dress. now, even watching some well known preachers, i saw one day one preacher in t.v. wearing a short sleeve shirt-blue jeans and sandals. willow creek church in chicago is one of the biggest and richest churches in the u.s. with many service every sunday. a few years back, when i went to that church to attend a conference, then attended the sunday service. while watching the members coming to the church for the second service, i thought that they were coming for a sport event; the dress was too causal, a whole lot of them, both men and women had shorts. the suit sales in the u.s. has considerably dropped, and it is very hard to find men wearing suits in

the churches. on the other hand, while watching the transformation of the dress code among the ministers in kerala, that is quite surprising. cond:-2
cog well wisher (October 14, 2012)
@ a.s mathew..Thanks 4 the apt reply. I am also telling about the same issue.. Most of the Pastors like to get respect from the Public .. That's why ,they are changing the dress code after they become center pastor, overseer etc. Neat dress code is required. But if anybody like to expose himself to the public..
prekshagan (October 14, 2012)
@shiju sharja : please refrain from identifying the standard of writing,as i leave it to readers to be conclusive,while i agree to be properly dressed to the occasion as mentioned by a s mathew, i do not subscribe to the view of imposing my ideas on somebody else's discretion on dressing.having said that please develop your english language skills by attending some classes when you get time so that readers will comprehend your intent.

@shiju mathew : please understand our focus should not limit to trivial issues like pjj's dress code rather we should shoulder the burden of been effective christians. As for all the names you mentioned, i condemn every act which is non biblical and put to shame the God that you and me follow.God Bless
shiju mathew (October 13, 2012)
mrprekshakan,why you did'nt write the things you have mentioned above,when everyone were condemning kunjappy.?where were u that time? when i wrote something about pr pj james dress code,and standard of being an overseer,the spirit of evangelization has come into your finger are the most holy person,not this shyju or c w w..?
shiju sharja (October 13, 2012)
Hello prekshagen,you are not up to the standard this are talking from out of sylabus.what did understand from this..?nothing..
a. s. mathew (October 13, 2012)
prekshagan: indeed, you are drawing attention to an important issue. the ministers of the gospel must have proper clothing, not in any way overdressed or underdressed. if i am wearing a three pc suit while ministering to the poor people with torn out clothing, i am overdressed because they will watch my clothing instead of listening to the preaching. while attending a marriage ceremony with very cheap dress to show my high simplicity and spirituality, there i am a fake actor through my underdressing. in the u.s., only those ministers of the catholic-episcopal and lutheran churches have a priestly dress or a white pastoral collar to identify themselves as priests. other denominations like the baptist-methodist-presbyterian-pentecostal etc don't have that system. in kerala, most of the ministers of all the denominations have a tendency to reveal to the public " i am a pastor or priest" through their dress code. is it biblical or based on the blind traditions?
prekshagan (October 13, 2012)
@cog well wisher & shiju : friends do we have more relevant issues to discuss than waste our productive time in contemplating what undies and colors should national overseers wear,how we are insane, on non relevant issues is much obvious thru these pages,please discuss on how effective can we be in evangelisation,how effective can beleievers be in today's society and in shaping generation next and few related topics,which we should focus on rather than getting involved into trivial issues.Welcome all of you to be more responsible netizens while forwarding your thoughts.GOD BLESS
cog well wisher (October 13, 2012)
@shiju ..old shirt and pants means..old mode of dressing bfore the appointment..not old shirt and pants..
cog well wisher (October 13, 2012)
@shiju, I am stating here that he has the same more bfore and after the appointment. He is following good and neat dress code.. Am not against using tata safari like cars... Here some believers telling he changed a lot and not recognizing somebody after the appointment.. Better to use good and neat dress that normal believers use than long juba and safari suit. In Other christian churches bishops and members are differenciated with the dress code.. We rejected the priesthood that follows the episcopal churches. In New testament all are brother..
shiju mathew (October 13, 2012)
Pentacostal leaders should have a standard of dressing,using old shirts and pants are not acceptable in this generation.Our leaders are not inferior to other main line church is good to travel in Innova,fortuner,safari or any other,cars other than KSRTC.
shiju sharja (October 13, 2012)
I don't believe in such simplicity like traveling on ksrtc bus ,wearing old shirt,pants and sandals after being an is non sence.can you imagine,your overseer comes to attend a marriage ceremony by ksrtc bus while the ordinary people come by Innova,safari,or by Alto? It must be the real simplcity is within,not outwardly...!He must dress neetly,so that he may get respect from others.
cog well wisher.. (October 11, 2012)
pr pj james is same as bfore.. he is travelling in ksrtc buses(without luxurious tata safari) and wearing the old shirt and pants( without the loha like white and white safari suit..the most anointed church of god directors use).. he is recognizing me as bfore even i am a ordinary believer..he is leading the same simple life..then how the believers says he is having that "thalakkanam"??.. he is the only one overseer after mv chacko sir showing the same mode of dressing before and after the appointment as overseer ...
k v philip (October 11, 2012)
sam is mad at me...i know ,enna parayana...i stand for truth
xavier rajiv (October 10, 2012)
@shajan emirates,and jerrin, it is sad to see how the christian valuese are decreesed in pentecostalism, by reading above comments.most of them are condenming pr kunjappy....phalam ulla mavinitte yeru kunjappy was fruitful in his time.
jerrin pampady (October 9, 2012)
@Shajan Emirates,so sorry to hear that.I also heard similar case that someone asked for help to new overseer,without giving any advice,he simply said i will pray about it.surely, prayer is needed,but there must be a necessary step to be taken from church kunjappy was very smart in handling issues.
shajan emirates (October 8, 2012)
By reading all the comments I realise that above are strong oponants of Pr Kunjappy.But recently heard,one of my friend is a cgi pastor now is facing a serious issue regarding protest against his church by outsiders,and he asked for help to Pr James,was not able to give proper advice...and he said he will ask the bible college students to pray about it.What do you think about it..?its a major issue this the way an overseer should respond..?tell me ....looking forward to hear from you guys.
a. s. mathew (August 6, 2012)
brother truth teller: great and strong comment. mahatma gandhi had dislike for the christians while he experienced discrimination in england, and later on in south africa while practicing law, from the so called church attending christians. the 5th chaper of st. mathew, the beatitude of jesus christ totally influenced and changed him. he did apply that divine principles to win freedom for india. we read very plainly and openly in verses 9 " blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of god. but, when we watch the general body meetings-election meetings-financial meetings etc in our churches of all the denominations, we can see totally a different spirit of confrontation and arrogant attitude to win our selfish motives to exalt ourselves as winners through dirty fighting. how to judge them according to verses 9? win the game through humility,

which will be respected and last for long!
truth teller (August 6, 2012)
There are believers in churches with their sole intent to create discord and break the unity of churches. And some of them are even famous pastors kids. They are demon possessed and are destroying other families. The reach of these so called fake believers are extreme and are completely manipulated by devil. These folks don't even know that they are doing destructive work and tarnishing the truth.
chandy daniel (August 5, 2012)
God will judge all his careful so-called servants.byeeeee
a. s. mathew (May 9, 2012)
TRUTH TELLER: you have said the truth very openly. Now, it is Sunday Christianity and Monday-Saturday pure worship of materialism. The day is coming very soon, GOD will make an abrupt detour of this march and many will be lamenting. The idol of materialism is cracking piecemeal and the economic crisis is not getting better but getting worse.
truth teller (May 9, 2012)
Who is the righteous ones among the big wigs? Let God Judge them. But in totality most of the so called servant of God have become corrupt. Money has just won them over. They are serving churches/organization for money. And there are so called fake belivers following the footsteps of these greedy and destructive pastors. They are glutons,lover of money, fame, envious, jealous, destructive and overall a hypocrite. These are characterless people with malicious and wicked intent to destroy churches and the belivers.This is happening in India and also in US.
rajeev (May 9, 2012)
P J James's tactics to become an overseer was not appreciable.I believe all the issues against Pr Kunjapy was fake and cooked up stories.
sam thomas (April 20, 2012)
i am not angry to any one. pointing out the dos & donts according to the word of god is not the result of angry to any person.i am sure on one thing;that is 'uppu thinnavan vellam kudikkum'.
shibu tvla (April 20, 2012)
i agree with bro.shaji atlanta. thanks brother 4 the support.
shaji atlanta (April 20, 2012)
@sam thomas, you will turn against p j james very soon.coz,the way you express your anger against pr kunjappy proves it.will you ask some one to audit p j james project work at mulakhuzha ...??? no you will not..if you ask for an audit,p j james will be in trouble.some day james will be thrown out of his position and face more consequance than kunjappy.
sam thomas (February 11, 2012) opinion expressed 3 weeks back about Pr.M.Kunjappee's tactics to collect money by permanently exhibiting the names of donors.It has again proved by his expression in the face to face with the editor, 'hallelujah',recently that even if Pastor P.R.Baby is not fully accepting the policies of holiness and separation of c.o.g;he is accommodated and projected as a prominent preacher is only because he is donating huge amount to c.o.g.It proves during his(mk's)period in c.o.g,money was the master,which the true God can never accommodate. I sincerely pray for the real time intervention of God in all Pentecostal sectors, especially in Kerala,to save the souls left worldly religions in the hope of eternity with Jesus Christ and to be useful witness for the true Gospel of salvation.Onnaam noottaandile sabha anubhavam velippeduvan thadassamidunna satane sahaayikkuvaan nethruthwathil irikkunnavar puramthallappedanam.Let only 'Holy Spirit anointed'to be in leadership under Jesus Christ.
john mathias (February 8, 2012)
I strongly feel that Man has no right to declare any punishment to a man of God. Fear God do good. You r also going to stand in front of the Judgement throne of GOD.
2nd'thotz (February 2, 2012)
pastor kunjappy was a very good organizer. i think the church of god organization will miss him dearly! i have no reasons to suspect him about the mis-appropriation yof money! i think somebody is organizing the gang-up against him because of some reason, may be his style of performance!
joy chembakasseril. (January 27, 2012)
to a s mathew- bro mathew, i recently went to india, the place i was living was right under the nose of a temple. i had to wake up everyday hearing the narayana, narayana,chantings and that too very loud. every single day, i wake up because of this nuisance and can't sleep after that, i felt like running back to united states, which i did ultimately. i tried to reason with the christians there, they some of them seems to be forgiving after being so used to it all their life, some are scared to complain because of a possible back-lash from the majority hindus, and some funny christians, i would say, has developed some sense about the historical importance of each temples. the muslim mosques are no different. but i noticed one thing different in indian cities, the courts banned loudspeakers in public in the cities and can only be used with permission. all this happens only when you make legal complaints in court, my question is when are the christians in the villages going do that !
joy chembaksaaeril. (January 27, 2012)
to a s mathew- bro mathew, i recently went to india,
a. s. mathew (January 27, 2012)
brother joy chembakasseril: when i was staying in my friend's apartment in delhi, i heard a

malayalam christian song. it was not loud, buy some hindu

neighbours complained about the singing. i am totally against

making loud noice in religious or any function but this ruling can

give indirect and direct motivations for many people to harass

even the silently singing neighbours.
joy chembakasseril. (January 27, 2012)
to a s mathew & jhon--- "whoever make noise in public, hurting and disturbing others peace of mind should be condemned"-- kidannu bahalam vaikkaathea odayathampuraan paranjhapooleea jheevicchaal pooreea!ee bahalom vaykkunnathinue ooru pshycology oonndoo,subconciously this is what they mean---- nookkuu njanghal bhakkthanmmaarr,njanghal maatthram bhakkthanmaarr- njanghal eeppool swarrggha raajyatthiloottu pookunnu-- ninghallkkum veenamengghil varaam,allenghil evidheea kidannu narakikkum!

christains sound pollutionu ethireea complaint cheyyunnilla, majority hindussinneea peediyaanu indian villagessil!

i know this for fact the loudspeakers are banned for hindu temples in cities, because they complained and can only used with special permission. even the political meetings on street side is banned, because it causes accidents and can only be conducted with special permission.

the christians in villages should complain too about the sound pollution from temples and mosqu
james (January 27, 2012)
@sam mathew

If you are so irritated you can stop posting or even reading any article. That will give you more peace of mind.
sam mathew (January 27, 2012)
Don't be irritating, all keep manners to have live and useful discussion in this forum.
sam (January 27, 2012)
@joseph . Please read what MR kvphilip is posting on the other article related to this. He is defending Pr Kunjappy left and right and calling me wicked for pointing that he is corrupt. He is quoting verses from bible and telling me to read so i can become holy like him. Can you imagine the hypocrasy in this world? Not sure if I should be silent when a so called Man of God's focus is just money.
Maybe i should be silent and not get judged. Well i do have right to tell other brothers and sisters what the truth is. How can someone call me evil or wicked for this.
joseph (January 26, 2012)
Now Pr Kunjappi can fully engage in blade business. He will have great success because now he has good connection with believers all over the world. As long as there are a bunch of fools in every church, these Kunjapplies can come back to power any time, beware.
alex (January 26, 2012)
Who's is this "cherian ranny" ??? is he a pastor with Pastor P J james??
a. s. mathew (January 23, 2012)
JHon: It is very true that some prayers meetings at home, when get
highly emotional will last longer, and it will destroy the peaceful
sleep of the neighbours. The believers must be very cautious and
courteous to conduct the prayers meetings at home. But, this ruling
by the High Court of Kerala will open an easy avenue for many
anti-Christian elements of the society, even to bother the next
door neighbour while they conduct the prayer meetings within the frame
work of decency and courtesy. Anybody can file a complaint to the
local police office, and some police will come to question them and
get kick backs, then they need to get a lawyer and it will greatly
depress them.
jhon (January 23, 2012)
@a.s mathew problm is with prayer meeting in home. not conducting in temples or churches.. No one have any problem in family members praying in their own home. if you arrange prayer meeting in the home,lot of people come in that home started making noices, it surely a disturbance to neighbours. so high court decision is a well thought judgement. atleast negibhours can sleep without any disturbance..
praise kartha (January 23, 2012)
veetu prarthanakkethirayulla kodathiyude neekam apalapaneeyam.
ber itty (January 21, 2012)
pj james 590 vote,m kunjappy 162 vote,assadhu 6 vote.this iscorrect possition
a. s. mathew (January 21, 2012)
Kerala High Court's decision to ban prayer meeetings at home without the permission of the District collector is a one sided and discriminatory decision. Very close to my home, there is a Temple, they will start their Bhajana very early in the morning and end by mid-night, also they use a loud speaker system. India is not a silent society, but whether in the road or at home, we are bombarded with noice. In such a predicament, why only the prayer meetings at home by the Christian community is isolated and discriminated? It is a good idea that all the religious meeting, when using the loud speaker system inside the building, let that be used for the listeners, not meant for the public. What the High Court has done specifically targeting the Christian community is high questionable. Any anti-Chrstian neighbour can file a complaint with the police when their Christian neighbours are praying and singing at home.
cog believer (January 21, 2012)
rev. dr. korah (original) (January 21, 2012)
Ee valiya kallu aaru urutti mattum ennairunnu chindha. ho....ethayalum athoru "BIG MOVE" aairunnu.....HO...HO....HO...
k c john (January 21, 2012)
I learned lesson from this, now I know how to control Valsan! Oh Power....
sunny (January 21, 2012)
good decision by kerala high court to ban the prayer meeting in home without the permission of collector.. it was a nuisance to the entire surroundings..
joe thomas (January 21, 2012)
i think above comments are true. Congrats to Rev. P. J James. Lord be with you.
sam c (January 21, 2012)
Pr.M Kunjappy:162 vote
a. s. mathew (January 21, 2012)
congratulations and prayers for rev. p. j. james in his new appointment as the overseer. since i am not a member of the church of god, i am apprehensive about writing anything, but some noble memories are now recollected. starting with pastor t. m. varghese, i have met most of the overseers of the kerala church of god. pastor p.a.v. sam was known while he was working for ciba, then pastor a.v. abraham (in india and u.s.a), pastor k.c. john and pastor kunjappy met only once at my home. as a young college student, while observing many leaders of the pentecostal churches, i was greatly influenced by pastor t.m.varghese for his self-less nature-extreme generosity and his love for the believers of other denominations. he had a black royal enfield motorcycle at that time, very jovial and sincerely worked for the kingdom of god expecting no monetary gains. he had greatly influenced my spiritual life.
dr.korah m abf (January 20, 2012)
deepa sthambam mahachryam nammukkum kittanam nalla sabhayum sthanavum.
cherian ranny (January 20, 2012)
enne polullavar p j jamesinte koodeyum kanum.njangal kulamakkum.ennittu jamesineyum ithu pole irakki vidum nokkikko.ayyada maname........
james (January 20, 2012)
Condolences to Pr Kunjappy. I am sorry you cannot mint money as before. Why cant the rich become richer? What is wrong with being rich?
sam thomas (January 20, 2012)
Office complexnte panikku 50000/-roopayil kooduthal kodukkunnavarude perukal kettidathinmel ezhuthi pradharsippikkum ennu prakhyaapichappol thanne kunappy sirnulla deivika nyaayavidhi vannu kazhinju. panam pirikkuvaan vendi dheivavachanavirudhavum roman katholikkar polum upekshichathumaaya ee paripadi parayuvaan idhehathinu engane kazhinju? Kashtam!iniyullavarkkum ithoru paadamaaayirikkatte.
bethel (January 20, 2012)
Kunappai pastor should be an oversear of blade company, not over church of god.
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