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]m ]n. sP. sPbnwkn\p kzoIcWhpw ]m Fw. Ipnp bm{Xbbpw BKv 29 \v

Send off for Pastor M. Kunjappy and Welcoming of Pastor. P.J James
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Aug 27, 2012
Views: 22423

Send off for Pastor M. Kunjappy and Welcoming of Pastor. P.J James.
apfpg: m\samgnbp Nv Hm^v tKmUv tIcfm tv Hmhknb ]m Fw. IpnbpsS bm{Xbpw ]pXnb Hmhknbdmbn sXcsSps ]m ]n. sP. sPbnwkn\p kzoIcWhpw NpaXetb¡epw BKv 29 \v aqpaWnbvv apfpg kntbmIpn \Spw. CsXmcdnbnmbn IcpXn Fm ip{iqjIcpw hnizmknIfpw, kvt\lnXcpw, A`ypZbImwnIfpw NSn ]sSpWsav Nv Hm^v tKmUv tIcfm tv sk{Idn ]m amXyp sI. ^nenv At]np.

]m ]n. sP. sPbnwkv NpaXetb¡pXnt\mS\p_nv HmKv 27 apX sk]vXw_ 1 hsc apfpg kntbm Ipn D]hmk {]m\ \Spw. Fm Znhkhpw sshInv s]mXptbmKw Dmbncnpsapw tv sk{Idn Adnbnp.


Displaying 2 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
thomas (August 30, 2012)
heartly welcome man of god Pr P.J James
bless (August 29, 2012)
Church of God doesnt have a State Secretary. He is State Council Secretary
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