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kn tkm^n hKokv ]nkn-\mv \mj-W teUokv tImUn-t\-

Sis. Sophie Varghese PCNAK National Ladies Coordinator
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Aug 27, 2019
Views: 13242

Sis. Sophie Varghese PCNAK National Ladies Coordinator.
\yqtbmv: 38m-aXv t\m-ta-cn- s]s-tmkvXv tIm^-dkns \mj-W teUokv tImUn-t\--dmbn kn tkm^n hKokv \nb-an-X-bm-bn. Akw-okv Hm^v tKmUv ko\n-b ip{iq-j-I ]m sI. sP. tPmk-^ns aI-fmb tkm^n hKokv \ne-hn sF.-]n.-kn. Cut̬ doPn-b tkmZco kamPw {]kn-Umbn tkh\w A\p-jvTn-p-p. sF.-]n.-kn. ^manen tIm^-dkns \mj-W tImUn-t\--dmbpw tem tImUn-t\--dmbpw Ignhv sXfn-bn-n-p kn tkm^n hKokv anI kwLm-S-I-bm-Wv. ktlm-Z-cn-am-cpsS CS-bnse {]h-\- ZoL-hj--fmbn hym]r-X-bm-bn-cn-pp. {_Z tXmakv hKo-kns kl-[n-Wn-bmb tkm^n \yqtbmv sF.-]n.-F. k`mw-K-am-Wv.

hm: cmP Bcyn (\mjW aoUnb tImUnt\)


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sp (August 30, 2019)
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