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sF.]n.kn.tIcfm tv Ce- \nb-a-t]m-cmw XpScpw

State Election Commission of the IPC The legal battle will continue
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jun 8, 2019
Views: 5421

State Election Commission of the IPC The legal battle will continue.
Ip\mSv: 2014 Xncp-h Ba-q k` ]m cmPq ]qh-m-e-bpsS {]b sk k`-bvs-Xnsc Zqc-]-cn-[n-ew-L\w Btcm-]nv \Inb ]cm-Xn-bn ]m cmPq ]qh-m-embvpw k`-bvp-sa-Xnsc 2018 HIvtSm-_-dn tImSXn hn[n Dm-bn. sF.-]n.-kn. `c-W-L-S-\-b-\p-k-cnv Hcp {]mtZ-inI k`-bn \nv cp Intem-ao- AI-e-n am{Xta asmcp k` Bcw-`n-p-hm A\p-hmZw Dq. Cu ]cn[n ewLn-p-shv tImS-Xnv t_m[y-am-b-Xn-\m {]b sk k`-bnse ip{iq-j-It\m {]Xn-\n-[n-Itm P\-d, tv, sk P\-d t_mUn-bn- ]s-Sp-p--Xnt\m sF.-]n.-kn.-bpsS t]cv D]-tbm-Kn-p--Xnt\m A\p-hmZw D-X-.
Fm tImSXn hn[n ewLnv sXc-s-Sp-n a-cn-p-Ibpw ]cm-Xn-I Ah-K-Wnv Ce- Io-j \ma-\nti ]{XnI kzoI-cn-p-Ibpw sNbvXp.- C-Xn-s\-Xnsc Nne tImS-Xnsb hopw kao-]n-s-nepw Ce- {]{Inb Bcw`n--Xn-\m a-cn-p-hm A\p-h-Zn-p-Ibpw tImS-Xn-hn-[nv A\p-k-cn-p-am{Xw Npa-Xe G¡p-hm \nt-in-p-Ibpw Bbn-cp-p.
A-tbm-Ky-am-bn sX-c-s-Sp--s- ]m- cm-Pq ]q-h-m-em-sb am-n ]-I-cw X-\n-v A-h-k-cw \-I-W-sa- ]m- ^n-en-v ]n. tXm-a-kn-s I-v C-e- I-o-j A-h-K-Wn-p F--dn-bp-p. C-Xn-s\-Xn-sc Xn-cp-h- ap-kn-^v tIm-S-Xn-bn A-t-lw tI-kv ^-b sN-bv-Xp. Pq 12\v hm-Zw tI-pw.
\n-e-hn ]m- cm-Pq ]q-h-m-em-bv-v tI-c-fm t-v {]-kn-Uv ]-Z-hn G-s-Sp-p-hm-t\m Iu-kn-en C-cn-p-hm-t\m I-gn-n-n-. H-w B k-`-bn \n-v {]-Xn-\n-[n-bm-bn sX-c-s-Sp--s- kmw-Ip-n Nm-tm \n-e-q-cn-s Im-cy-n-epw A-\n-n-X-Xzw Xp-S-cp-I-bm-Wv. sF.-]n.-kn. tI-c-fm t-n C-\n \n-b-a-bp--n-s Im-e-am-Wv. A-Xv F--h-km-\n-pw F-v ]-d-bm-dm-bn-n-. ]m- cm-Pq ]q-h-m-em-bv-pw k-`-bv-pw F-Xn-cm-b hn-[n Xm-ev-Im-en-I hn-[n A- F--Xn-\m A-t-lw a--cn--Xpw t\m-an-t\-j kzo-I-cn--Xp-sam-s tIm-S-Xn A-e-y-n-s `m-K-am-sW-v F-Xn-]-w ]-d-bp-p. G-Xm-bm-epw Cu hn-[n \-S-n-em-bm sF.-]n.-kn.-bn Zq-c-hym-]-I-am-b {]-Xym-Lm-X-n-\v C-Xv h-gn-sh-pw F--Xn-\v kw-i-b-an-. `-c-W-L-S-\ A-tX-]-Sn \-S-n-em-p-tm B-scm-s ]p-d-m-Ip-sa-v Im-n-cp-p Im-Wmw. \n-b-a-bp-w A-h-km-\n-p-n-.


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