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tXmakv tPm (85) Umfkn \ncymX\mbn.

Thomas John (85) Promoted to Glory
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Sep 22, 2020
Views: 6002

Thomas John (85) Promoted to Glory.
Umfkv: KmeUnep auv ko\mbv NNv Hm^v tKmUv k`mwKw CSbmdp XSn hmfwImembn hon tXmakv tPm (85) Umfkn sk]vw_ 18 -\v \ncymX\mbn. imcocIamb oWw \nanw aIs hon hn{ia PohnXw sNbvXp hcnIbmbn. kwkvImc ip{iqj sk]vw_ 25 shnbmgvN cmhnse 10 aWnv \|tlmv ^|Wd tlmw, 500 bpFkv80, knshbn, sSIvmkv 75182 Bcw`nv, XpSv kwkvIcnw.
1955 apX 1975 hsc Cy Banbn anendn Fn\obdnwKv kokkv Unmvsan tPmenbn Bbn. apXv hjw \|tbmn Xmaknv PohnXw \bn ]tcX hnhn[ Khsv kokpIfn tPmensNbvXtijw sat{Smt]mfn {Smknv AtXmdnnbn \nw hncanp. ]m F.kn. tPmPv ip{iqjI\mbn sF.]n.kn \|tbmv Nns Bcw`Ime {]hIw BZys k`m {Sjdmdpw Bbn tXmakv tPm.
Cchnt]cq Ducntb綯v adnbm tPm BWv kl[nWn. a: men (Umfkv), s^\n (kn_n ----\|tbmv). aa: sado\, sPbvk tPmk^v Bcyn (----\|tbmv)
kwkvImc ip{iqjbpsS Xab kwt{]jWw t{]mhnj Snhn bn UpUpUp.s{]mhnj Snhn.C


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