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]mdpsS `mcy hml\m]ISn acWaSp

Wife of pastor (Dr.  Susan Joseph) passed away in tragic accident
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: May 9, 2012
Views: 24153

Wife of pastor (Dr. Susan Joseph) passed away in tragic accident.
_mwq: ]mdpsS `mcy tUm. kqk tPmk^v (25) hml\m]ISn \nXyXbn tNsp. sabv 5 \v tPmen ep \nv kvIqdn t]mIth Sn temdn CSnmWv Ayw kw`hnXv. tImXq sI. \mcmb]pcw sabn tdmUn 399 ]okv tImtPn ]m {]nkv Um\ntbens `mcybmWv tUm. kqk tPmk^v. \qd\mSv hnf\nev hn. Un. tPmk^nsbpw ApnbpsSbpw aIfmWv. ZtUmIvSdmb kqk bv ktmv kvs]jenmbn tPmen t\mpIbmbncpp. sU ]nPn ]T\n\p ap]p CSthfbntemWv _n]nH tPmenp tNXv. ktlmZc: kp_n, sl_vkn


Displaying 2 Comments
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joy chembakasseril (May 16, 2012)
I am saddened to know the tragic demise of this sister, my prayers and condolences to the bereaved family.
pr.jacob (May 15, 2012)
Very sad event indeed.Pray for the grieving family.Hope her soul is already with LORD JESUS!
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