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sF. ]n. kn. P\-d {]kn-Uv m\-tv ]m tUm. n. hճ G{_-lm-ans A`y\

A request by Dr. Valsan Abraham
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 14, 2013
Views: 117945

A request by Dr. Valsan Abraham.
Ign H]Xv ]Xn-m-p-I-fmbn Xncp-h-N\ kXy--fn ASn-bp-dv tbip-{In-kvXp-hns ico-c-amb k`-bpsS `mK-ambn Cym s]tmkvXp ssZh-k-`bvv \ne-\n¡p-hm CS-bm-b-tXmv Rm ssZhs kvXpXn-p-p. Cu k`-bpsS AwK--fm-bn-cn-p-hm ssZhw \apv Hmtcm-cp-pw `mKyw \In-bn-cn-p-p. \s Ign hj--sfmw Ir]-bn \nnb ssZh-n\v \apv Fm-hpw Hnv alXzw An-mw. A\p-{K-loX t\Xr-Xzs \In ]cn-ip-m-mhv k`sb CXp-hsc \bn-p. XpSpw \bn-t--Xn-\mbn \apv {]mn-mw.

Fs hey-- ]m sI. Cu G{_lmw kan-Xcpw kphn-ti-jm-m-hp--h-cp-amb ]mtgvkv ]n. Fw. imap-th, ]n. n. Nmtm, sI. kn. sNdn-bm XpS-nb \nc-h[n ssZh-`r-Xy-m-tcm-sSmhpw XpSv ]mam-cmb n. Pn. D, kn. sI. Zm\n-tb, hn. n. tPmk-^v, ]n. Fw. ^nenv XpS-nb {]K--cmb \nc-h[n IrZmk--mcpw t\XrXzw sImSpv hfnsmp-h sF. ]n. kn.-sb-p-dnv Rm hfsc A`n-am-\n-p-p. Fs ]nXmhv ]m n. Fkv. G{_lmw Xs PohnXw apgp-h sF. ]n. kn.bvmbn tkh\w sNbvXp. ssZhoI \ntbm-K-mepw k`-bnse Ir ip{iq-j-I-m-cp-sSbpw ssZh-P-\-nsbpw Xmev]-cy-mepw sF. ]n. kn. k`sb tkhn-p-hm ssZhw F\nbvpw `mKyw \In.

bph-P-\-ġn-S-bn sF. ]n. kn.-bn ip{iqj Bcw-`n Rm Ign 45 hj--fmbn hnhn[ Xe--fn ip{iqjm cwK-m-bn-cn-p-p. Ata-cn--bnse temkv B-e-kn 1987 sF. ]n. kn. k`-bmbn Cym {InkvXy Akwn Bcw-`n-p. Ctm AXns ko\n-b ]m-dmbn ip{iq-jn-p-Ibpw sNp-p. 1986 apX sF. ]n.- kn.tbmSp _-n s]mXp-cw-Kv ip{iq-jn-p-hm\pw t\XrXzw hlnphm\pw F\nv Ah-kcw \In-b-Xn ssZh-tmSpw k`-tbmSpw F\nbvv \nbpw hfsc IS-mSpw Dv. 1995 apX sF. ]n. kn. P\-d ]n. ssh. ]n. F.-bpsS {]kn-Umbpw 1995 apX 2006 hsc ]m_v tv {]kn-Umbpw {]hn-p. 2006 apX Ctm hsc sF. ]n. kn.-bpsS P\-d sk{I--dn-bmbn {]hn-p-hm\pw ssZhw Ir]-tb-In.

sF. ]n. kn. P\-d sk{I--dn-bmbn Ign Bdv hj- {]hn--tm {]nb Ir-Zm-k\pw ssZh-a--fmb Fm-hcpw F\nbvv \Inb kl-I-c-W-n\pw kvt\l-n\pw {]m-\bvpw lrZ-bw-K-amb \n Rm Adn-bn-p-p. k`bvv s]mXp-shbpw {]tXy-Inv hSs Cy-bnepw Ign Bdv hj- henb hf Dm-Ip-hm ssZhw klm-bn-p. ]pXnb anj sk-dp-I cq]o-Ir-X-am-bn. \qdp-I-W-n\v ]pXnb k`-I an hSt Cy kwm-\--fnepw DS-se-Sp-p. Ip-\mSv Ihj hnhn[ ]pXnb t{]m{Km-ap-I-tfmsS IqSp-X kPo-hhpw A\p-{K-l-{]-Z-hp-am-bn. BtKmf hym]-I-ambn k-cnv an cmPy--fn-ep-ap sF. ]n. kn. k`-Ifpw {]h-\-fpw kin-p-Ibpw t{]mm-ln-n-p-Ibpw sNbvXp. k`m Bm-\v hfsc AXym-h-iy-amb ]e \nmW {]h-\-fpw \S-p-hm\pw {]tXy-Inv hfsc {]Xn-kn Df-hm-nb amen\y {]iv\w amen\y {Sop-sav mv \nnv ]cn-l-cn-p-hm\pw CS-bmbn. k`-bpsS `c-W-X-e-n-ep--hcpw Am--h-cp-amb \nc-h[n Ir-Zm-k-m-cp-sSbpw hnizmknIfp-sSbpw kl-I-c-W-tm-sS-bmWv AXv \S--Xv.

sF. ]n. kn. P\-d {]kn-Umbn sXc-s-Sp--s-m hy-amb Zi-\-tmSpw ey t_m[tmSpw IqsS k`sb aptmv \bn-p-hm Rm {]Xn-m-_--\m-Wv. \psS bphXe-ap-dsb k`-bn kPoh ]m-fn-I-fm-p--Xn\pw \ne-\np--Xn\psamw i-amb kphn-ti-jo-I-c-W-n\v Ahsc k-cm-p--Xn\pw Rm B{K-ln-p-p. k`-bpsS Bo-bX Imp kqn-p--Xn\v Bh-iy-amb `c-W-L-S\m t`Z-KXn, ip{iq-j-I-m-cpsS taw, _pn-apv A\p`-hn-p ssZh-a-ġv thn Poh-Im-cpWy ]-Xn-I XpS-n-b-hbpw \S-m-t--Xp-v.

amdnsmncnp kmaqlnI kmwkvImcnI ]men bphXeapdsb t\Sphm\pw k`bn Ahsc kPoh ]mfnIfmphm\pw ]pXnb Bob ]XnI \SmWsaXpw Fs eyamWv. ssZhm Bcw`w Ipdn sF.] k` 2020 BIptmtgv Cybnse Fm ]ntImUpIfnepw IpdXv Hmtcm tem k`sbnepw D k`bmbn hfcWsaXmWv Fs B{Klhpw Zi\hpw.

22mw XobXn \S-p P\-d Iukn Ce--\n {]kn-Uv m\mn-bmb F\nv
\n-fpsS hne-tb-dnb {]m-\bpw ]np-Wbpw A`yn-p-p.


Displaying 128 Comments
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a. s. mathew (October 3, 2013)
contd:2 how many man-made sins in various denominations. tea and coffee sin. recent studies show that tea is a very potent medication for skin and stomach through its regular use. mustache sin. i met a group of off shot mennonite believers in trivandrum, no mustache but beard, looked very weird. their church won't permit hair at the upper lips. wearing necktie sin. i preached in a church, no ties were permitted, but the pastor's son had a tie. ornaments sin-wedding ring sin. one kerala pastor was boasting in a meeting, i will not allow anybody to take lord's supper if that person is wearing even the wedding rig. medicine sin. hair sin, long hair sin for the men. short hair sin for the women. side burns sin. many of these crept in to various denominations through the extreme spirituality they felt and while discarding everything worldly possible. " sin is the transgression of the law" 1 john 3:4. they are the divine laws, not man-made laws at their will and spirit.
a. s. mathew (October 3, 2013)
dear brother true: thank you. i am writing all these series of comments with the full honest intention and due respect to everybody. as a curiosity seeker by nature, especially with religions and denominations, i was led to some conclusion with greater confusions in my younger days. when dr. billy graham started preaching in the street corners and mobile parks while attending bible college in florida, he had a gold plated watch. the listeners began to look at the watch at times, so made a decision that nothing special in his body should draw attention while he is preaching; so started wearing a stainless steel watch with black strap. if it were the head of some denominations in india, especially in kerala, that person might have introduced a new sin " gold plated watch is a sin". the pioneers of the pentecostal movement might have introduced many new dress orders with the full intention of social equality in worship, but it became a solid tradition. contd:-
a. s. mathew (October 3, 2013)
Contd:2 The car used specially for Rev. Oral Roberts was the huge blue colored Chevrolet car of one sister from the U.S. who was holding some teaching and administrative duties at the Assembly of God Bible college in Punalur. When she went to Thonniyamala to attend the marriage of a student, I happened to see the car while passing through Pathanamthitta. The M.L.A. quarters were empty that time and many of the visitors were staying there, including Pastor K. E. Abraham (we paid a brief visit with him). Even with a small advertisement, the crowd was from everywhere from all different denominations. After attending the Billy Graham crusade in Kottayam in 1956, the Oral Roberts meetings was the 2nd largest one conducted by any foreign evangelists (Maramon convention is not included).
a. s. mathew (October 3, 2013)
brother joy chemabaseri: this is the recollection of oral roberts crusade in tvm, even though it is almost 50 years behind us, still the vivid memories are very plain and clear. it was friday night, my dad and myself had a brief talk with pastor a.c. samuel (assembly of god ovrseer, brother of kumbanad kunjikachan who had a printing press). music in malayalam and tamil. rev. oral roberts was introduced by rev. bob deweese, his close associate. when i met rev. bob deweese in 1972, i told him about his introduction of rev. oral roberts, he was very happy, and told me two touching things. they were the white colored dress of the believers, also the invitation by the royal family of chithira thirunal balarama varma for the evening tea and the prayer at the palace. rev. p.d. john translated rev. oral roberts. i tried to get a closer look at rev. robert in the day time where the special meetings were conducted, but he was not there. contd: 2
a. s. mathew (October 2, 2013)
dear brother true: thank you for your kind response. " for thus saith the high and lofty one that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is holy; i dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones" isiah 57:15 " the lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of contrite spirit" psalms 34:18. 40 days fasting-21 days fasting etc are the old time traditional format putting big sign board. if that is done with a contrite and broken spirit with true spirit of humility and forgiveness, then the lord will answer. else, the fasting can turn into something else. it is high time to have a total change to humility now because the craze for authority and fame etc are the core focusing of some people in the religious world. i am not judging any denomination or individual, but a general observation.
true (October 2, 2013)
Dear brother a.s mathew thanks for your replay.walson abraham paraunnathe athehathe electionil vijayippichal uvathalamuraye athmeyathayilekku konduvaran pravarthikkam anne.appol atheham ithuvare enthane cheyunnathe?

Kazhinja sept.13 sankeerthnam magazineil kumbanattu adipldi ennu kandu.althe vadhasramathinu court,police case ayi.kazhinja 40 day fasting prayer valare anugrhamayirunnu kayyittu varikalkke. crores ane kittiyathe.ethoru nalla business ayi eppoleduthirikkuayane.athayathe inimuthal kumbanadu convensione maumbai 40 divasathe fasting prayer..prastapichathe sakshal business karan kc john.jenam kayiyadichu sweekarichu..uddeshyam oru kudakkezhil randum..pavam jenam..ente kazchapadil dayvathinu kodukkuka ennathe pavanghalkku kodukkuka.kalyanam nadakkatha nammude sahodharimar,education cheyyan pattathvar patients averkku kodukku..allathe 1000w soundil veruthe alachukeerunnorkkalla..keralam innu 95% educated ane.a verkku bible vum meaning manasilakkanum kazhiunnunde..
a. s. mathew (September 29, 2013)
contd:3 that taking medicine is a sin and lack of faith, then i must question myself, how far i am ignorant in the word of god. st. thomas brought the gospel to india, but the modern evangelization of india was undertaken by the missionaries from england-u.s.a-holland-germany-dutch etc (cms-lutheran-moravian-methodist-presbyterian-pentecosal-plymouth brethren etc) whatever they have preached and practiced became the theological standards, and it began to shift from one generation to another generation as the solid word of god. now the age of prosperity gospel, but winds are going to blow on the prosperity gospel. it is high time to sit down and study the word of god with a totally open heart, think and pray earnestly to reveal, whether all the doctrines taught and learned were truly biblical or partially man-made. putting holiness tag on dress-food- etc are not biblical at all, that is man-made.
a. s. mathew (September 29, 2013)
contd:2 winston churchill's father was grateful to alexander fleming and sent him to medical college and he invented the penicillin which saved the lives of millions of people down through the years. winston churchill was sick with pneumonia, alexander fleming treated him with penicillin and churchill told him " you rescued me the 2nd time". from where we get the medicine? from plants-trees etc, now there are many other drugs but the basic source of every medicine is from the creator. god didn't give us any finished product, but all the raw materials and since god wanted us to work and productive, people with different brain power create various products for human consumption. it breaks my heart that my close friend who was of the ceylon pentecostal faith had some liver problem, his father and the pastors didn't allow him to take medicine but he wanted to take medicine. i have been divinely healed many times, but if i preach contd:
a. s. mathew (September 29, 2013)
" ...they that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick" mathew 9:12. jesus told the tax collector mathew to follow him, and he did and at the feast with the bunch of mathew's co-workers and publicans, when the pharisees questioned jesus about sitting with the sinners and eating, he specifically replied about the medical care. luke was a physician, jesus never told him to stop the medical practice, he had no time for medical practice since following jesus full time. healing with medicine or without medicine is from god. even today, before surgery, 99% of the doctors pray. dr. ben carson, the internationally known neurosurgeon before his highly complicated surgeries took time to pray for divine guidance to do the correct surgery. alexander fleming's dad was the gardener winston churchill's father. they were good friends and while playing at the pond, once alexander fleming rescued winston churchill from drowning. contd:
a.s. mathew (September 29, 2013)
Brother TRUE: You are very clearly shedding light on a great reality yet to be faced within Kerala. The over-emphasize given to the external holiness and the bankrupt teaching given to internal holiness by the pioneers of the Pentecostal movement was not promptly rectified by the second generation, but blindly continued by the 2nd generation. I do still remember a Pastor after getting medicine for his wife from my father, walking through the back door with fear of believers. One rich person of our village, every morning he will walk more than a mile in prayer to the Church to take the mass, then he will return likewise. He won't give even the rotten fruits to the poor people across his home. We must worship GOD, but GOD is not merely expecting routine worship-formal piety and external holiness, but something deeper and internal holiness. Sad to say that the authoritarian rule infiltrated the mindset of the early leaders along with blinded external holiness spirit.
true (September 29, 2013)
2020il new generation church ella pinkodilum kanum.valyappachanu pattiya abatham anello ornaments nirodhanam.ornaments illatha karanam pentacost streekalkku joli polum eduthu padichityum oru karyavum illa..appacahnte vyakkyanayhil pattipoyathanello athe.Pavam visvasikal joli illathe nettotamodukayane.Appol thankal uvajenanghale kuduthal athmiyarakkuvanum indiail sabha stapikkanum pokunnu.adutha uvajenahaal IPCil vittu new generation churchil pokum.pavapeatta visbasikalude makkal mattu sabhakkarude school college hospital ivail admissionu chellumbol waiting listil polum kittunnilla.adhava kitti padichal thanne joli arum kodukkilla.private sthapananghali ornaments illathavete arum jolikku edukkunnilla. Entine pentacostukarude sthapananghalil polum edukkunnilla.inghane poyal ee thalamura kazhiyumbol IPC il vadakke indiail ninnum koolikku ale edukkendi varum.
rr (February 7, 2013)
Seems like all of you writing comments are doing it merely in response to either an 'editorial' or 'article' - all which are biased.

Most of you DO NOT seem to really know the facts as they are. You are re-acting and responding to someone else's comments and opinions. Sad.

If you knew the facts as they are your comments would have been very different. But thank God the truth will prevail and will be there for all to see soon!!!
alex george (February 5, 2013)
may be that is pr m i joseph, but he was not an overseer, also one rev sdr simon kotoor from catholic background accepted jesus as his personal saviour and were regularly attending eraviperoor church , and now he is in united states , i heard he also went back to episcopal faith.

s p (February 5, 2013)
i heard a priest (acchan)came to cog and was a leader and preacher for a while and went back and died kissing the cross. old story and have no idea in detail.

alex george (February 5, 2013)
from my knowledge i heard that pr m i joseph was not an overseer of church of god,in fact he was educational director ..... can someone knows the truth...??
sp (February 5, 2013)
dear thomasvemmelil, can you please write little bit about late pastor m i joseph.
thomasvemmelil (February 5, 2013)
@Alex George

Answer:- Pastor M I Joseph
truthteller (February 5, 2013)
Thank you genious!! You have been blessed with a lot of knowledge
alex george (February 5, 2013)
can someone clarify about anil kodithottam statement regarding the church of god overseer. he mentioned that one overseer went back to episcopal faith and "kurisu muthi marichu". i know pastor m v chacko joined ipc , but who is the person joined episcopal church ?

can someone know this ? please narrate it here
truthseeker (February 2, 2013)
to truthteller-- the Halleluyah and Sankeerthan WEBSITES CRASHED, you know when you don't pay to maintain them they crash. Now they are down the drain. hee hee heeeeee
truthteller (February 1, 2013)
anyone knows what happened to Hallelujah, sankerthana websites?
sp (February 1, 2013)
brother john, i never read jalakam. i am just saying what he wrote was right. as a leader, whether it is dr.valson, or dr.kc, or pastor jacob john, try to understand the worries of common people and try to be one of them who cares for them. we need pastors(shepherds who care for the sheep), not reverends(bhayankaranmar).
john (February 1, 2013)
@ SP this anil kodithotam written in jalakam that Pr Valson Abraham would win though Jacob John garner some votes. Even Anil kodithotam thought valson Abraham will win and now he is criticizing him for not knowing the pulse of common people. THis is called avasaravadham in malayalam.
sp (January 31, 2013)
brother anil kodithottam explained in detail why dr.valson lost the election. good job.
a. s. mathew (January 31, 2013)
contd:2 we don't have any details, whether jesus gave a long lecture

about his sins and an extra dose of external holiness, not at all any such indication. jesus's gift of salvation and grace to zacchaeus and his family was instant without any legalistic chains attached. zacchaeus stood, and said unto the lord; behold, lord, the half of my goods i give to the poor; and if i have taken any thing from anyman by false accusation, i restore him fourfold. and jesus said unto him, this day is salvation come to this house. forsomuch as he also is a son of

abraham. what a very great and honorable promise and grace and blessings to the sincere truthseeker zacchaeus!
a. s. mathew (January 31, 2013)
dear bro. thepraize: thank you for your great response. as the lord leads me, by the guidance of the holy spirit, i would like to touch certain biblical topics. as you have said, how freely and easily god has opened the way to find peace-joy and eternal life through his only begotton son jesus christ, but the vast array of man-made red tapes and check points of holiness will blow our brains! zacchaeus' was rich and leader of the publicans, and he wanted to have a close look at jesus. how many rich and leaders will climb the tree to view their political or religious leaders like the pope or the metropolitan of the church? the street people may climb the tree to see the religious leaders. our jesus came to the exact location, looked up and called him by his name to come down, and offered that jesus was going to eat lunch with him. luke 19:6, he came down in a hurry, probably with some minor bleeding through rubbing his skin on the bushy sycamore tree.
thepraize (January 31, 2013)
@asm : sir i think you covered the entire spectrum of the society and if i can go a step further bible is the most liberal holy book which connects to God.Just come as you are,thats what Jesus taught to the society then,and now we set aside conditions to meet our own Father,can there be more mockery of things,malayalee high priests teach,that if you need to meet your own Father,there are conditions involved.I doubt any father would want to deal with his daughter and son as he would be dealing with a professional - meet only with appointments or please be dressed formally...

Something we need to think.

a. s. mathew (January 31, 2013)
Dear Bro. Joy Chembakaseril: Very true. What Karl Marx said

"religion is an opiate of mankind" is somewhat applicable while we watch the vast majority of the believers in the Christian denominations. How deeply and

blindly we all are forced to believe certain traditions in each denomination! If the believers will take time to read repeatedly what JESUS has taught in the four gospels, also His personal encounter with the rich-poor-sick-hugry-pharisees-sinners-women-lepers-men-Samaritans-publicans etc, it could have made a big difference in everybody's insight in real spiritual matters to be followed.
thepraise (January 31, 2013)
@ jc: welcome back sir after a long sabbatical, i wished you on new years,guess you missed my mail,anyways,i do not subscribe to the views of holding anybody hostage in the name of trivial things under the cover of holiness,we involve into all kinds of non sensical issues,and when it comes to access to god,depriving anybody for non adherence to code of dress pattern which is scripturally non relevant cannot be accepted. it was a very irresponsible declaration from the dias by pjj and this is also known as false teaching in biblical terms.blessings
joy chembakaseri (January 31, 2013)
to a s mathew & thepraize- "vaancchi eppoozhum thirunnakkaareea thanneea" after all those talking in the media about 'reverence to god' in reference to wearing ornaments, clothing and the aspects of using other expensive things in the world, through the eyes of a true follower of christ. you all will recall what i talked about on these matters before.

no matter what you wear or don't wear --- its your conscience in reverence to god which is at stake .

"chilarr, etthreea paranjhaalum colliyaalum, avaarr paddhicchatheea paadduu" !
a. s. mathew (January 30, 2013)
Contd:2 It really hit on my nerve because there are thousands of such followers of Christ, but keeping a secret identity and low profile. We have a great responsibility to interact with those people and to make them grow in Christ. The Catholic and Protestant missionaries suffered terrible pains to reach India, the first Church Missionary Society missionary took 6 months to reach the cost of Travancore from England. They did start "pallikoodangal" (all the primary schools were very close to the CMS Church), and education became an integral part of the Christian missionary work. When we look back the cross taken by those bygone missionaries of all denominations, we all must feel a real guilt in our lack of zeal and purpose in the evangelization; but were fighting each other in between the denominations for simple doctrinal issues, and kept aloof many truth-seekers through creating man-made barricades.
a. s. mathew (January 30, 2013)
Dear Bro. Thepraize: Thank you. Indeed, while watching the underlying motives of all the denominations, they all so eager to protect the size and strength of their denominations without shifting into depletion. The well known Bishop of Kerala for his sense of humour told that in his church, 25% decline in the membership, because the members are marching forward to the charismatic and full gospel churches. While waiting to catch a flight from Trivandrum, in the T.V. at the waiting area, there was a Christian Preacher. The person who was sitting very close to me was very anxious to watch this programme. I did compliment his zeal, but when he told me his personal story, I got a real shock. He told me that he went to a Christian school to get education. He told me that if the Christian didn't establish a school there, he never could have educated. So, he told me that he is so much obliged to the Christians and a follower of Christ but still has a Hindu name.
thepraize (January 30, 2013)
@ asm : thank you sir for your thoughts and i completely agree with you, i was aghast to hear that comment,because we are called to bring people to the fold of christ and not decide for them,whether they should take part in communion or not,which is a very individual choice based on one's personal relationship and conviction,to me this sounded more of a hostage situation wherein somebody else decides what i should be doing in my relationship with God. And just to add,these non relevant self proclaimed doctrines help these branded churches to shrink by the day,and give way to more dynamic churches that we see in Kerala these days. Time to come out of conventional rigid stigmas to a more realistic and easy approach to our God and Father undeterred by all these gatekeepers who deny access and claim to be seated on the pedestal of holiness or is it sheer arrogance coupled with ignorance? Readers decide
a. s. mathew (January 30, 2013)
Dear Bro. Thepraize: Mathew 23:23. JESUS declared woe unto the Scribes and Pharisees, and called them "hypocites" because they ignored the weightier matters of the law like Judgment, mercy and faith. They swallowd the camels but strain at a gnat. It is upto every human being to eat whatever they want to eat and put the clothings of their choice with modesty and decency. Ornament is part of the dress from the very beginning. When JESUS made an abrupt vist to the tax collector Mathew's home or while feeding the thousands of people of all religious background, He never mentioned the issue of dress or ornaments. Mathew might have sent somebody to his home in a hurry to tell the women to hide their ornaments! The Church of God in the U.S. never even mention to have baptism before taking the Lord's supper, and the Pastor's wife may be wearing more ornaments to match her dress with maching shoes. Let the believers make their own decision about their dress code.
a. s. mathew (January 30, 2013)
dear bro.mathew kerala: in the church of god denominations in the u.s.,

when they were formed, they were very ultra conservative in the doctrines of holiness; so medical treatment and ornaments were prohibited. now they rush to the hospitals, and ornaments are not prohibited, since they think of ornaments as "grey points" of the bible. if you are attending a church of god lord's supper, they will say that anybody who has accepted jesus as their lord and saviour can participate. they will not mention "baptism" at all before taking the lord's supper. i have seen even very young people participating the lord's supper. the church of god from cleveland will not question the indian church for taking off "rev" and shifting to "pastor". a few of the eposcopal churches keep the strict tradition of "closed communion" which is given exclusively only to

the beleivers of their own denominations, but the church of god is following the "open communion".
thepraize (January 30, 2013)
while reverend was denounced my greatest shock came in when PJJ announced from the dias that they will not be serving holy communion to anyone wearing ornaments, my question is who is he to decide on ones' relationship with God,if they do not adhere to certain dress pattern,it sounded very fundamental and uncharacteristic of Chrisitian vision and as ever malayelee penetecostals donot build bridges with God they remain exclusive.Bible advocates not to judge each other and i thought that applies to State Overseer too :)

a. s. mathew (January 30, 2013)
cond:-3 i do respect great people in all religions and denominations. today when i read about the crown prince of u.a.e., general sheikh mohammed bin zayed al nahayan, how he stopped his car to help an 11 year old crying stranded girl. he offered to take her home, but she was afraid even though she knew him by looks and name; so the crown prince waited outside and sat on the roadside until her father came to get her. that is what jesus expects from us as his true followers, and that way of caring and compassion for the needy and helpless is the real worship of god. it will be such an honour for me, if i could touch his feet and salute him for his greatness, real compassion and humility.
a. s. mathew (January 30, 2013)
Contd:2 We must be open-minded to learn and take the good sides of everything. Have we paid any attention to James 1:27, his true definition of religion? One of the largest Church of God Church in the U.S. located in Tennessee has a special worship service a few Sundays in each summer. The believers are instructed earlier to come to church in work outfit with some tools to cut grass and to do some

menial jobs. What they did was, after the prayer, on Sunday went to the poorest areas of the city, painted the houses of the poor people-school-cut the grass etc. That Church was the center of operation when the helpless people came to the city due to the hurricane Katrina. The Indian Churches, instead of simply and blindly following the denominational hierarchy, must concentrate on practical Christianity, and must follow from any available sources.
a. s. mathew (January 30, 2013)
Since England ruled India for more than two centuries, even today we have huge direct and indirect English influence in India. The English language and the Railway system are the biggest contribution of England, but the antiquated and royal British bureaucracy is practiced in India in high esteem. The U.S. state Governor is the most powerful administrator in the state, but when he or she is paying a visit to any place, nobody will know about it. But look at the Governor's visit to any place in India? He is simply representing the Federal Government in New Delhi. Likewise, the Indian churches have greater influence of the foreign churches because they came to preach the gospel, and our forefathers came to know the Lord likewise. The influence of American way of life in the eating habit as well as in the dress fashion is widely spreading in India now. Likewise, the American church formalities are blindly followed in India, like the prosperity gospel.
mathew, kerala. (January 30, 2013)
dear thomasvemmelil, thanks for your insight. cog in india is financed and operated by cog, tennessee and how come there are 2 standards and titles for the cog in india and in us? these public announcements are made for convenience and not based on principles. if cog in india denounce the title reverend in india why these leaders are not objecting the same usage in us or at least express their suggestion and opinion about this. to me this is called double standard. stand for principle and not for person. thanks!!!!!!
thomasvemmelil (January 30, 2013)
Good to hear that COG in India has denounced the usage of "Reverend" to the names of their pastors for it is unbiblical. This was vehemently declared by PJ James on the last day of their convention last week. Their pastors in India are no longer eligible to be the Reverends because he says it is UNBIBLICAL. Thank God for this great revelation though not too late. But the question still remains about their Reverends in the USA? Are they not Biblical? Or do they have a different Bible? This needs to be answered.
nikhil (January 30, 2013)
dear a s mathew sir , can i see that pandora box please ?


a. s. mathew (January 27, 2013)
dear bro. thomasvemmelil: thank you for your great reponse. the vast majority of the commentators were born in the pentecostal churches, and now saw the wrong plight of the churches and greatly alarmed. i was born in an episcopal church, our family opened doors for the pentecostal churches and brethren church because we all have the same saviour. when the late bishop geevarughese osthathios of the orthodox church used to preach in an orthodox church close to our home (then he was m.v. george achen), i went to hear him because his deeply touching messages greatly inspired me. in his autobiography, he mentioned meeting many old time great men of god in all the denominations like mahakavi k. v. simon of the brethren church-dr. stanly jones- bishop newbegin of the cms church, sadhu kochukunju upadesi etc. first of all, all those who are following christ as their lord and saviour irrespective of their denominational affiliation must understand
a. s. mathew (January 27, 2013)
Contd:-2 As the Catholic church claims as their first Pope, Pope Peter was married because JESUS healed his mother in-law who was suffering from high fever or may be acute pneumonia. The Popes used to get married for several centuries, but it was changed, and the Priests also lost the freedom and privilege of marrying. It is bloodcurdling to watch, even in the totally Bible believing churches, how new titles and formats are added every year by the leadership of various denominations to receive the " Rabbi" honour in the market place!
a. s. mathew (January 27, 2013)
" But you, are seeking great things for yourself? Do not seek them"

Jer 45:5. In Mathew 23, JESUS's condemnation towards the Pharisees in their public shining habit was highly intolerable, and directly warned His disciples either accepting or giving huge and honorific titles. The religious hypocrites love public respectful greetings like "Rabbi", but none of the disciples were addressed by the public

as "Rabbi". We can read certain religious titles like Prophet-elders-deacon-evangelists-Bishop-leaders-apostles in the Bible, but the long arrary ecclesiastical tiles of the Christian leaders like Reverend (only GOD has that title)archbishop-cardinal-pope-primate-metropolitan-canon-curate etc can't be found anywhere in the New Testament. How we can question those denominations where the Bible is not the exclusive foundation of their doctrine and administration for creating and using many titles as they wish?
truthteller (January 27, 2013)
I was born and brought up in a Pentecostal church and was attending churches for 25 more.
thomasvemmelil (January 27, 2013)
pentecostalism has now become a religion like any other religion destined for the great babylon. i was born in pentecostalism and grew up in pentecostalism, it gave me the bible and the gospel of the lord jesus, i also received most religious help and traditions from pentecostalism, yet at the same time i was deeply damaged by pentecostalism. i must admit that it is hard to be rid of its influence completely. however, i am no longer under the yoke of religiosity but i am now in the body of christ which is the one and the only body in the whole universe. hallelujah!! i am in the body, of the body, by the body and for the body!!!
thomasvemmelil (January 27, 2013)
dear brother asm, this cannot be a secret for ever. we need to open pandora's box together for the sake of the church today. let our pens be the pen of our king of kings! "reverend" is not just a title of our god, it is the very name of our god. it is written "holy and reverend is his name". god commanded in exodus 20:7 that "thou shalt not take the name of jehovah thy god in vain; for jehovah will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain". i challenge these leaders who are the fellow beings of lucifer to come forward and prove this from the scriptures to their favour if they can. we should no take the name of our god in vain, but someday god himself is going to write his name on our foreheads. oh! i am waiting for that glorious day to come soon! oh what a glorious day that would be!!!
chumma dr (January 27, 2013)
Hope Pastor Jacob John will keep as a humble pastor title...not like

Rev right left most or Dr.....even though 99% are chumma Dr and Ravas... Rava /Dr KC, Rava /Dr BV Rava /Dr VA and so on....Common chummaa Ravas and DRs, shame on you.
a. s. mathew (January 27, 2013)
Dear Brother ThomasVemmelil. You are opening the pandora's box. In the Pentecostal denominations, Pastor title was used in the good olden days of spiritual fire. In the Brethren Churches, they have elders. Now among the Pentecostal Churches, the Pastor title is almost out, but "Rev" title has deeply established the roots. The Bible says "only GOD is holy and Reverend", but simply see the extra weight given to the "Rev"; like very Rev-Right Rev-Most Rev, and the recently inaugurted "Rev Rev". We may hear "Holy Rev" and " most holy Rev" within a decade. But another thing is added abundantly with the "Rev" Dr. Without Dr., now the "Rev" has no value or weight. Our merciful GOD is watching from the outside all these Tower of Babel circus.
mathew (January 26, 2013)
Bible says i timothy if you desire to be a bishop its good thing. they should be reverend, husband of one wife, not quarellers etc. In old days before 1997 they is no desire for position fathers nominated a person to secretary and president. But today business people hold the church. They have money so they want to use it for fame. THats why people are running for election. I think in coming years Pastor Jacob John and his team will take strong step to avoid panel elections in our church. As peter said we will spend time in preaching and prayer select wise and spirit filled person among u to administer the needs of the church. business people please dont try to control the church. Give your money let the wise and spirit filled people contral the church. Then only Gods glory will be revealed.
thomasvemmelil (January 26, 2013)
@Richard:-IPC has become an organisation just like the other political organisations. It has lost the ground of the true Church and it is standing now on the Babylonian ground. All these rubbish will take place only in Babylon and not in the true Church. All these leaders are the so called "Reverends", and I do not understand where in the Bible these leaders have taken up this title from? The Bible says "Holy and reverend is His name" (Psalms 111: 9). This title is used only once in the Bible and that is for God alone. The fallen angel Lucifer before his fall wanted to be as reverend as God. These Reverends of today are the fallen leaders like Lucifer and have become one with Babylon the great. "Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, and is become a habitation of demons, and a hold of every unclean spirit, and a hold of every unclean and hateful bird". Pray that these people may receive the vision of the CHURCH!!
richard (January 26, 2013)
cannot believe ipc has become worse than the world political party. i am sure due to this bad guys (ashamed to call them as pastors) even the organization will be cursed by god soon. believers please do not follow these bribers. they are trying to become rich by using god's name in vain. don't know what will be their end. praying that people won't backslide from christianity to other religion. ashamed about this situation. never ever dreamt in my life that this organization will take this direction during these end days. sorry for the believers of ipc that they have to go thru this. guys time to start praying that the satan wont use this situation to destroy ipc.
sp (January 26, 2013)
truth teller, you mean you are not part of the pentecost movement either. then you don't know the real truth of politrics in pentecost. neither kcjohn nor valson did any thing for ipc. kc started nedumpuram church and it is still his church. is it running according to the ipc rules. valson started only one church in Los Angeles. is it running according to ipc rules. no. if you don't know the truth, how you can tell the truth. kc won because there was not a strong candidate against him. if jacob john can win with out any canvassing, this will give more strength for people to come against kc too. if jacob john did some canvassing, valson may loose kettivachakasu.
truth teller (January 26, 2013)
Kc John won because he has followers valson Abraham and kc John are not looting Ipc all financials are available for public to see we may not like it but there is no stealing evident. Also their other activities have benefited Ipc as well.

What does the bible say about the responsibilities of Ipc president? Come up with a pension plan and a waste treatment plant ? Does it really ? This is all man made and God has no part in it

I don't belong to Ipc and is not a part of the 'Pentecostal movement' have seen the goodness of God and the wickedness these 'churches' will keep my faith but will have nothing to do with any of these folks
sp (January 25, 2013)
dear truth teller, after gaining a position by playing panel tricks, kc john tried to enlarge his business. is it true. power vision is his business.

same thing with valson. he gained position using his dad, and now in the business of igo.

they are not working for the poor believers or pastors. leaders should work for their people. when some pastors are in jail, where were these big leaders?

if jesus did fasting for 40 days, what is wrong with Jacob John fasting.
dr. punjabi (January 25, 2013)
@truthteller, i agree with your quote on valsan and kc john upto a certain level. but unfortunately being the leaders of ipc they were working hard for the upliftment of their own organizations than ipc. i think it is better to fast and pray for 40 days @ hebron puram than wasting time for ecumenical companionships and doing unnecessary and unholy things which their forefathers would never agree with.
mathew, kerala. (January 25, 2013)
@truthteller. a leader is one who has followers. to be called as a leader an individual must provide some contributions to others and the society where they are a part of. dear truthteller, how can we call valson and k.c as leaders? whats their contribution to ipc? whats their service to ipc? they claim their fathers and forefathers worked hard. i agree but they are reaping by using their name. these so called leaders are possessed with the gehizi syndrome. elisha's priority was healing the lepresy of naman but gehizi wanted to become rich because of his master's anointing and healing ministry. this is what exactly happening now. when elisha realised gehazi syndrome, he cursed gehazi and he became a leper. i think these so called leaders will come to realise this fact one day. now one leader is out and soon the other will be out because god will not tolerate this for ever. in malachi god is calling his people as thieves because they didn't pay tithe. now how about stealing others?
truthteller (January 25, 2013)
Valson Abraham, KC John etc are leaders who are capable of providing leadership tp an organization. They are not perfect, just like all of us, but in todays' socety we need leaders.

What is Jacob John going to do? Fast for forty days? See the joke that is going to unfold this year.....
a. s. mathew (January 25, 2013)
Many are speaking out openly and loudly like Thomasvemmelil-S.P. Kumbanad-MathewKerala-Simon Joseph-Wellwisher of IPC-Sanjari etc etc.

commendable job, and this can widely open the history of the Pentecostal movement in Kerala which is totally an unknown history for this generation. The forefathers of the Pentecostal movement in Kerala

suffered much, their tears and prayers were answered; their

posterity was greatly blessed; and the material blessings have indeed

misgudied this generation to the religious politics and deep craving for power. It is high time to humble before GOD. I do remember and I was wounded as a young boy to watch the pain, how the children of the Pentecostal believers were ridiculed by the children of the denominational parents, more than half a century back.
mathew, kerala. (January 24, 2013)
Valson is claiming that k.e.abraham is the reason for ipc. let me tell you this God is the one who worked behind all these and God is the only one deserves praise and glory for ipc+ beginning. If any man can claim pastor k.c.ommen can claim more than k.e.abraham. pr.k.c.ommen donated everything he had for God's work when he had 4 unmarried daughters. He allowed pr k.e.abraham to move from mulakuzha to kumbanad. what valson is taking about? he enjoyed life because of his grand father's name and he became a multi billionnare because of his grandpa's name. give us a break.
thomasvemmelil (January 24, 2013)
@Simon Joseph:- Yes, the whole universe now knows that IPC is far better than Congress party or any other political parties. How sad it is to see that IPC has become one among the other political parties !! It has been degraded or equalled to the level of the worldly organisations!! But where is the Church? Where is the true Church, the Body of Christ? The "Father's House" is become a house of merchandise! Full of traders! What a shame it is!!
simon joseph (January 24, 2013)
ipc proved that they are better than congress party in terms of electing their top leader. congress members believe no one in india is qualified than a nehru family member. but, i am proud of ipc members for their recent leadership election. thousands of pastors, with high vision received from above completed their bible degree from various bible colleges and started their ministry in kerala or any other remote villages of india. they, along with their family members sacrified a lot for christ. no leder wanted to hear about their life or situations they face. often, they don't want the leaders to know what they do for christ. did valson abrham ever worked as an ordinary pastor in any church in kerala or india before to challenge for the top most leadership in position in the organization? what sacrifices he had for christ or for the organization? if he is passionate about gospel and concerned about the perishing souls, let him start his ministry in humble and obedient way.
well wisher of ipc (January 24, 2013)
it would be fitting gift to next generation if the ministries of these heros of faith could be compiled from different sources which would be less biased than when written by one person. can be unveiled at the ipc general convention. who labored for the growth of ipc all over india. i encourage pastor jacob john, if he could take this assignment, so that the true essence and mission of the early ipc pioneers would be known to present generation.which would encourage and lead many to desire the similar experiences of pioneer fathers of this great movement of the church in india.
well wisher of ipc (January 24, 2013)
paul always mentioned the names of the men of god who co-labored,with him what a man of humility and leadership, the world has ever seen. when he writes to the church of corinth he begins his address with these words i paul, called by the will of god to be an apostle of christ jesus, and our brother sosthenes, considering others better than us. pastor vv thomas,karamelil mathaichan, kuttapuzha kuriachan, vandamed chacko, valiyal mathaichan, puvakala kuriachan, ullayam cheriachan, ashtamudi ommachan, mk chacko, some of those precious jewels in the history of ipc, who made supported pastor ke abraham, they were no less than him in ministry only thing was they supported, him in all with ministry,life and money. i think it will be a rare thing to see again men of god of that stature. we hope to see them in the presence of jesus, their works follow and speak even today, whom the world was not worthy.
sanjari (January 24, 2013)
Congratulations to Pastor Jacob John - a visionary and a missionary

let me check with our readers:-

are we agreeing to the fact that Dr. Valson Abraham was a bigger crook than he looks to be ?

Did he contribute at all- not financially, but otherwise to the development of missions in India ? because if in a democratic set up,people rejected him, its an endorsement of his non contribution to the organisation and to the growth of the church as a whole.

I might sound extreme here but now is the time for an audit of his financials and people who rejected him should ensure that all the wealth he generated through generous contribution of the faithfuls should be audited and be distributed to mission fields and pastors laboring for the Lord.Remember Valson should be held accountable for fiancial misappropriation which might run in millions - all in the name of God,inviting all faithfuls to stand up for this cause.

God Bless All
sp (January 24, 2013)
john abraham, now you got the pulse of poor believers and pastors.
sp (January 24, 2013)
why are we worrying about pioneers of ipc? god is the one worked behind all those annointed people. now their sons and grandsons are using their name to make their own simhasanam. who baptized pr. k.e. abraham? pandalam mathaichan. he is the pioneer before pr.k.e.abraham.

pioneer of ipc (January 24, 2013)
the people that forgotten by the former president and secretary..

pr. vv thomas, pr tk mathew, pr ke thomas.....and so on...

these great men were with pr ke abraham from the begining...and were

with the first three ipc general conventions..

it was in ranny..kalakkattu puradam where less 500 people gathered the first ipc general conventions...same sunday to ssunday.

former genral treasurer eapen thomas is son pr. ke thomas.
history (January 24, 2013)
who is the pioneer of ipc

ke abraham or pm samuel?
alex george (January 24, 2013)
congrats dear pr. jacob john. eventhough i am not a member of ipc , i am really glad that you are elected. now as per pastor prathap singh message in 2013 kumbanadu convention , i hope you will treat small business person and large business person equally. but i am worried while a big business person is sitting in your next chair, how you manage ? may god bless & give strength
snail (January 23, 2013)
Look like money has power in ipc too.
michael (January 23, 2013)
Angana Walsan Thamburan defeated
j.t. joy (January 23, 2013)
I pity the condition of the church of God! These men who are supposedly the men of God striving and crying out loud for positions and leadership in the church!! What a pathetic state it is! Using the life of his grandfather and great grandfather for votes! The life they lived is not the same as the life the present generation lives!!! All i can say is, Serve Jesus! Instead of wailing and bribing for votes!!
thomasvemmelil (January 23, 2013)
@IPC Member:-This indeed is a serious crime bribing electorate with money power for buying votes. Brother, being an IPC member you must disclose your identity in order to make your claim valid. Bribing is a criminal act. Any one who has won the election with his money power will have no legality to remain in that position. This should be investigated, proved, and exposed.

"If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true [riches]?"

mathew, kerala. (January 23, 2013)
Glad to hear about the outcome of IPC election. Change is good but the change is not replacing one person who has private business with another private investor. There's officials who spent laks of ruppees for vote and position, who has no sacrificial or sincere ministry record. At the same time there are 2 true leaders among this who has no personal agenda or looking for money or fame. Hope this 2 spiritual leaders can do some spiritual leadership and change to ipc. Need young leaders with charisma and vision to lead ipc. glad we have in this team.

ipc member (January 23, 2013)
change is always good. i hope change will happen in all directions. when it comes to election things was going out of hand. ministers was using money to win the election one of them is rev. dr. baby varghese throwning thousand of dollars to buy votes. we need spirtiual leaders to run ipc not someone who is looking for fame and glory. give opportunities to godly servents of god to preach in ipc general convenction. years and years pastor m.s.samuel was preaching saturday night. thousand of beleivers comes to listen to word not about visting hawaii island and steve jobs.
joy mangalasseril (January 23, 2013)
dear brothers and sisters. i am so glad to hear that pastor jacob john (sunnychayan) become the general president of ipc. its god's plan and i am sure that there is a great revival is going to come in ipc soon.i personally known pastor jacob john since we both were in anjilithanam ipc church. pastor jacob john is a man of god and give him all spiritual support to lead the church to a higher level according to god's plan and for his glory alone.
observer (January 23, 2013)
Epic fail!
samuel thomas (bahrain) (January 23, 2013)
hearty congrats to the new office bearers of ipc. i am very pleased to see pastor jacob john become the new general president of ipc. i have great respect for the work pastor jacob john has done for decades in punjab and now in himachal. i am sure his term will be a turning point for ipc and the usual politics will disappear. i hope pastor k c john becomes a supportive partner alongside pastor jacob john.
mathew (January 23, 2013)
this is the end of family rule in ipc - believers are not fools , they have done the right thing ... let valsan n family move from the bungalow... end of looooooting of so many years!!!!
a. s. mathew (January 23, 2013)
Hearty congratulations and prayers for the newly elected officials of the IPC, and this is a new chapter in the history of the IPC. Many still have a totally wrong conception and misunderstanding about my comment, but I am reiterating that, those people who are called for the ministry with any special gift of preaching-teaching-singing etc must make use of it for the glory of GOD's kingdom instead of wasting time in the Church politics and frictions; thus fighting with tooth and nail for elevated chairs! If denominations are being used like political parties to hold on to power from generation to generation as a family enterprise, there will be an end someday. Brother John Joseph is my old friend from the college days, a true-loyal friend with great hospitality spirit. My special congratulations to Brother John Jospeh. Another day is coming when the believers will take control of the administration, and the Ministers are obliged to be in the full time ministry.

abraham (January 23, 2013)
Thanks for voting for Pr Jacob John. Now Pr K C John can rule as Both President and Secretary.
spiritual leader (January 23, 2013)
Praise God! Nice to see the IPC results. It proves that the grace of God is more needed than money,(english fluency),etc and all..
thomaskutti (January 23, 2013)
Angane aa divasam vannu... IPC kunjadukallkk sabha nannavannamenne bodhamond ath kondannallo vallyappachante mone thoppichath..Jacob John enkilum sabhayude ippozhathe avasathakk ore mattam varuthiyirunnekil...!

critic (January 23, 2013)
ellam poyille..ini irunnu karayuka...dhaivasannidhiyil thottathinalla...dhaivam thankale anugrahikkum
angevilayil (January 23, 2013)
achoda....valyappachante kochumon thottu. feel like crying... :)
simon (January 22, 2013)
while 1000 vote counted, Jacob john, KC John, Baby Varghese & John Joseph are leading
simon (January 22, 2013)
While 1000 votes counted, pastor Jacob John is leading.
alex george (January 22, 2013)
Vote for Pr Jacob John, I think he is a good candidate
pavam vishwasi (January 22, 2013)
i would recommend rev.valsan as ipc president, if he could utilize his time, abilities and money(which he collected for ipc)for the betterment of ipc instead of his private organizations.
original achayan (January 22, 2013)
hello as mathew, on one post you say you are not worried about the rating. then on the second thought you are lamenting about the negative rating you get here. dear, how poor inconsistent you are, i knew about that long time ago. you are simply concluded here about me having a key role in the red dots. infact i wanted to comment here after seeing all the negative ratings you got here. sure i do rate others, both good and bad. i am not that hypocrite like you to say i do not vote negatively because that would offend others.

you are not what you claim? i wonder all your international readers in other publications !!!
angevilayil (January 22, 2013)
I really hope Valsan Abraham wins... please forgive if i offend anyone.
thomaskutty (January 22, 2013)
Brother Joseph,

You have no write to say bad about Pr Jacob John. Pr Valson also claims lots of untrue statements such as claiming all the achievements of all IPC all over the world as his. That is not true.

Pr Jocob John at least stay very close to Himachal Pradesh. some times he visit that state. so he can claim that he is the reason for all the church growth in that state. So choose him to be the leader of the Band of Liars.
mathew (January 21, 2013)
Dear Voters,

Don't vote because you got an envelope with money.

Don't vote for someone act very godly and announce all hypocritical lies.

Some people act like very spitrural but their real color is evident now- they too are crazy for power.

Let them learn Jesus model of leadership - servant leadership.

Lord, Save IPC.
a. s. mathew (January 21, 2013)
thank you all my christian friends for putting red dots on my comments. thank god, in a day, the number was tremendously increased which shows that there is some individuals deliberately working to create all the red dots. if i wrote anything vulguar or anti-god, i could have easily understood about the red dots; but this is quite surprising. if these red dots are appearing for some minor disagreement, then, can we imagine the discord created in the church politics? dear original achayan, you have played the key role in creating so many red dots. thank you. i have never put a red dot on comments of those people who may disagree with me, including your comments. jesus said, love your enemies, so my love and congratulations to all those great readers for putting red dots. but, please understand that none of you can discourage me through red dots! i even got *** threats from fanatical anti-christians for speaking out about the attacks on the christians in india.
a. s. mathew (January 21, 2013)
original achayan: i simply laugh while reading your comment about the rating i am getting! please remember that i am not writing for the rating. i am a regular commentator in several international publications, touching the current economic crisis and moral issues; and i get very high rating from the secular readers. as i have written openly that i am not the least concerned with the rating, and i am not writing for positions in any denomination or fund raising. there are some people who are totally negative and they are waiting to put a negative sign for everything, how they can be converted? how many people supported the old time pentecostal leaders-how the denominational leaders treated the pentecostal movement? not very supportive at all, but with bitter hatred. now, the denominational leaders and even the political leaders would like to be friends with the pentecostal denominations. thank you for your concern in my low rating, which came from a loyal friend.
dr kunjappy (January 21, 2013)

ammaaavan aaanakeriyaal ananthiravanu thazhampundaaakumo?

valyappachanu yadhaarttha daiva krupayum daiva viliyum undaayirunnu. ennaal reva valson upadeshikku (ingane vilikkunnathil kshamikkane) nenchatthu kai vachukondu melparanja vasthukkal thaankalkkundennu onnu parayaamo?

original achayan (January 21, 2013)
AS MAthew , look at the rating you got here for all the comments you made here. That shows you in very poor light. God bless you too.
a. s. mathew (January 21, 2013)
respected original vallyachyan. many got a wrong conception about my writing, sorry for the misunderstanding caused. i don't know personally any of these current ipc leaders, never got favour from any of them and don't expect any. i see the half-glass of water as half full, not half empty! i wrote specifically that rev. valsan must be fully engaged in preaching. even before writing that comment, i have repeatedly written that those people who are called for the ministry must be totally engaged in the ministry, and avoid getting involved with the politics of the church. all these so called spiritual leaders, trying very hard to hold on to their elevated seats, merely wasting money-talents and creating divisions. i have heard many american preachers, but hardly any current indian preachers; talked with some of the american ministers personally years back. you belong to the majority, enjoy the habitual fault-finding hobby! thank you for reading my comment, god bless you.
original achayan (January 21, 2013)
i wonder as mathew is an agent of valson? though he has not endorsed valson for the post, he has made it such away valson's capability as good english orator. as mathew has not seen many indian preachers who are excellent communicators in english, so pity mathew. i was not willing to write here due to previous heading with mathew in the past, but i am compelled to do so now.
joseph (January 21, 2013)

Elect a godly man but at the same time he should be a good administrator too.

Education also matters to lead a leading organization in India and around the world.

Please don't be carried away by Pr Jacob John's statements - 50% of all what he claims is lies. He doesn't have 100 of churches and 8000 believers in Himachal Pradesh.

this is big lie. He is trying buy few workers from other organizations and create a imaginary region there. but almost failed it. Now trying to get the top post in IPC. Shame
spiritual leader (January 20, 2013)
pr. valson has been claiming his grandfather's ministry and raising votes and funds, but what he did, apart from securing for private trust and making own organisations what they have done for ipc?, so this time vote for jacob john, he is a anointed servant of god,who started ministry in north-india and has established many churches,after his studies from sabc bangalore. in between he has raised lakhs of money for the bible college building of ipc, even today he stays in a rented house in pathankot, a true apostle ,prayer-warrior,and a holy man of god. if you wish for a spiritual leadership in ipc the only option is pr.jacob john. . . vote for jacob john.
dr kunjootty (January 16, 2013)
Ayyo kashtam ennallaathe enthaa parayuka. Puramukalil irillunna thutthukulukki pakshi ithilum bhedamaaaaaaa maaaalorey !!!
a. s. mathew (January 16, 2013)
Dear brother JOSE, KERALA: It is high time to have a reformation in the demominations. The believers will have to take the administration of the Church. Let the Ministers go to the highway and jails to preach the gospel and undertake humanitarian activities.

a. s. mathew (January 16, 2013)
Dear brother THEPRAIZE: Even though I have clearly written that those people with special gifts must make use of whatever gift they have for the kingdom of GOD, and do not waste for politics at all; but many are confused. Now, religion has been used as a big business by the vast majority of the leaders, which is totally a shameful thing; and GOD's judgment will fall upon them in due time for misusing the money for personal use or hoarding for the posterity. I don't know personally any of these leaders. While some denominations with far less painful and less crowded administrative format, everything is going well and far less fight for the high chair; whereas the ever growing catch for leadership and elevated chair in some denominations had gone beyond any sanity. The spirit of controlling and dominating other people is not exactly a divine quality but based on pride. Let the believers pray and be guided to elect the humble and selfless person.
hai (January 16, 2013)
why nobody is speaking about Sudarsanan Pilla?
jose,kerala. (January 15, 2013)
@thepraize, i agree with you. many malayalees can speak english very fluently and prach with better oratory skill, many hindus can fluently preach about christ than valsan. what is the big deal in fluently speaking english? look how many crores of ruppees he raised for the work in india and diverted that amount for his personal and family trust. do these called business minded so called leaders ever think about the day when the secrets of all hearts will be revealed? look valsan exploiting the ipc at large and controlling the poor and innocent pastors with integrity. they are claiming spiritual legacy and taking advantage of god's name worse than the skilled business man and dirty politicians. ipc needs a big change. let valsan and k.c. leave the chair for motivated and sacrificial leaders with vision and passion. i am not personally against both these so called leaders but their intention behind the position is my problem.
thepraize (January 15, 2013)
@ james & english : i agree friends, english is not the qualification to be the leader of the biggest pentecostal churches in India or shall i say globally, u need to be a businessman,womaniser and undoubtedly a crook, all at the same time,need diligent followers like you too, i wonder why asm still continue to challenge these dwarf minds time and again who fail to even comprehend a simple compliment to their leader,as i have been mentioning all thru my posts,these malayalee community will continue their struggle with their limited thoughts and would die likewise without discerning the true purpose and calling of their lives.

@asm : while i share the same thoughts on Valson,about his oratory skills,i would not want to comment on the shady side of his lifestyle in this column. As i always commented,malayalee pentecostals are a community with misplaced priorities and they will continue so for obvious reasons,Blessings !!!!
jose, kerala. (January 15, 2013)
Dear pastors K.C and Valson, did you hear what Pastor K.Joy preached right in front of you on Tuesday night in Kumbanad convention? Please listen the CD very carefully and follow that. He said clearly the panel makers, leaders and followers are cursed. he also said if Christ is all follow Christ with his humble spirit and not to exalt self.
a. s. mathew (January 15, 2013)
dear brother james: indeed, even though i have nothing to do with the

ipc election, i have been pushed to a whirlpool. i wrote my comment with my humble opinion that, since dr. valsan is a gifted speaker, he must spend time in speaking. if he is involved with the politics and administration of the church, he will be forced into the church politics. i do strongly believe that the administration formalities must be handed over to the believers, and the ministers of the gospel,

whether they are pastors or evangelists must spend full time in the ministry for which they are called to do. this must be applicable in all the denominations. take each denomination, how much evangelism and feeding the hungry are done by them? now the denominations have been turned as an entity like political parties. believers journal readers, may i declare openly that i didn't endorse any candidate. please pray and be led by the holy spirit and then vote.
a. s. mathew (January 15, 2013)
dear brother english: well, thank you for reading my comment, but your response is as if without reading my comment with full attention. please read my comment once more. i have written very specifically about the three christian ministers in the u.s. and dr. valsan as a minister of the gospel from india, spoke very attractive english. indeed, as you have said, there are a lot of people speak excellent english in the secular and business world. when dr. p. c. alexander came to speak in our college in 1965 while he was working for the ilo under the un, (later on he was the principal secretary of indira gandhi-ambassador to england-governor or tamil nadue and maharasta) his command of the english language hynotized me, but none of our english teachers fascinated me in their command of the english language. i have heard the broken english of some of the ministers in india, and many of them had a business card full of degrees with m.div-d.d. etc etc.
james (January 15, 2013)
Dear Mathew, make it clear, what is the qualification of being a leader in the biggest pentacostal church in India. Fluency in English language???? I feel pity of you.
sam (January 15, 2013)
gospel vs business that what is going on in ipc. kc john and his group involved in several businesses including tv channel, news media, real estate, bible college, nursing college etc. all these busines people want kc john to win and continue. in order to have progress in his busienss kc is making unholy allance with political leaders and episcopal church leaders as well.

dear brothers and sisters, this election must be a turning point, please don't vote for kc john or vaslan abraham. it is time to take the whip and kick them out of ipc leadership.
dr.punjabi (January 15, 2013)
@kurien, at least we should try someone else to expect some changes, which never happened in many decades.
english (January 15, 2013)
i think as mathew has gone mad with the valsan and english...where did that come from? give me a break...there are many people here in us who's language skills are far better than him.
sp kumbanad (January 15, 2013)
dear kurien, what confidence you have that dr.valson can change ipc? no one in the world can change ipc. do you know that?
a. s. mathew (January 15, 2013)
dear brother john abraham: thank you for your response. my comment may cause some misunderstanding for the readers. what i said very openly and honestly was this, dr. valsan abraham is a gifted speaker and wasting his time in the administrative politics of the church is less productive. dr. billy graham had many offers to be the president of colleges-ambassador job offer to israel and even as a presidential candidate. ruth graham said " you don't want a divorced president". many gifted people with great calling in life lost the calling and wasted their lives by the wrong choice they made in settling in the u.s. from india. i don't know any of the ipc candidates personally, it is up to the believers to make the right decision. i do strongly believe that the ministers of the gospel must spend their time in the ministry, not wasting time in the dirty politics of the church administration, as s p kumbanad has repeatedly indicated.
kurien (January 15, 2013)
you can vote for jacob john. what confidence you have that he will change ipc for better?????
m v philip kbd (January 14, 2013)
pr.jacob john prarthana manushyananenkil ee kaserakkai enthina mathsarikkunnath. prathikara chintha daiveekamano.ivideyano prethiphalam kittunnathu?ivideyano kassera kittendath?.?appol ee kanikkunnathum prekadippikkunnathum ellam kapadam alle?ellavarkkum vendathu kassera mathram
john abraham usa (January 14, 2013)
i totally agreed with a.s. mathew. i think dr. valsan abraham is the best candidate for the ipc president position. i am not saying pr. jac john is not good candidate but pr. valsan abrhams become president it is good for ipc. vote for pr. valsan if you have vote. i know some ani ipc people do not like good leadership in ipc. i know valsan is going to be our next president for the ipc.
doulos (January 14, 2013)

change is happening all over the world. pastor valson was secretary, now going to contest for president position. in other churches we do not see these dramas.congratulations pastor jacob john for your boldness to contest. shalom.
dr.punjabi (January 14, 2013)
Hahahaa.. Church has growth only in North Inida??? In Kerala everything is growing as executive's personal properties(Private Ltd Companies). Vote for Jacob John who sold his properties and gave the money to IPC.
sam (January 14, 2013)
vote for Jacob John
s p kumbanad (January 14, 2013)
why pastor jacob john (pathankottu), an anointed servant of god running against dr.valson? punjabil koduthal kumbanattu kittum.
a. s. mathew (January 14, 2013)
Contd: 2 I knew his grandfather-grandmother and the rest of the family personally. His grandfather baptized me. Dr. Valsan Abraham, you are greatly gifted in preaching with a special style in delivering it, which is a special gift from GOD. You must speak in the Universites of India, which can draw great audience, instead of involving with the denominational politics, which will be less productive. This is my humble opinion, that is all. Wish you all the best and GOD's blessings.
a. s. mathew (January 14, 2013)
among the preachers i have heard, i was greatly impressed with the superior command and fluency of the english language in three preachers in the u.s. rev. c. m. ward of the assemblies of god, dr. ravi zachariah and dr. harold j. ochenga, former president of the gorden college and seminary. i do remeber like yesterday, this young man wearing white clothing, sitting down on the floor while he came from andhra pradesh to attend the kumbanadu convention. when he delivered a sermon at the pentecostal convention in july 1987 at new jersey, dr. valsan abraham's fluency and command of the english language greatly impressed me, and i must tell it openly that i have never heard an indian minister preaching with such a superior command in the english language. i am not interfering with the internal politics of the ipc because i am not involved with that church.
lj (January 14, 2013)
Vallyappachante perum panranju thudangiyittu kure nalayi...Vote for Jacob John...
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