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t^m DSas {]mh\

Rajan Ariyappallil
Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Mar 13, 2013
Views: 24453

A stement from the owner of the phone.
A stement from the owner of the phone
_lp-am-\y-cmb hmb-\-mpw Fs Adn-bp Fm {]ob-s--hpw kvt\l-h-\w!

Ccw Hcp hni-Zo-I-cWw \tIn h kml-Ncyw \nġ-dn-bm-atm. Cub-Sp Znhkw 972 213 1404 F \-dntev 678 571 6398 F \-dn \npw XpS-bmbn hnfn-p-p-shpw BcmWv Cu \-dns DS-a-س Fpw ]nt-Zn-hkw Ft-XmWv Cu \-scpw Hcp sskn hm hp. CXn-\p-appw Cu sskn CXp-t]mse ]e Btcm-]-W-fpw m]n-s-gp-Xn-bn-cp-p. Fm Hcp bp-n-\mbn Xm¸cyw Cm--Xn-\m Acw Btcm-]-W-sf kvt]mvkvam kv]ncn-n am{Xta Ip-q. hnfn h ka-bhpw Xob-Xn-bp-sa-m-a-Sw sskn C-tm Cu I-{]-N-c-W-ns kXym-h P\-sf t_m[y-s-Sp-t _m[yX Fn hp tNp. BZy-ambn Cu hm kXy-a Fpw CXn bmsXmcp hn[-]pw F\n-n Fpw _lpam\y-{]o-b-s--hsc Adn-bn-p-p. Ata-cn--bn ]mp sImv {]apJ Iyq- I-\n-bn 20 hj-ambn tPmen sNp F\nv Cu cwK-s-p-dnv kmam\y Adn-hn-m-Xn-cn-p-I-bn--tm. Hcm-fpsS \-dn-tep hnfn-m Fs \ hnfn-p BfpsS t^mWn sXfn-bp-sapw kwkm-cn-p-Xp sdtmUp sN-s-Sp-sapw D Adnhv F\n-p-v. ss{]w Bv UutemUv sNbvXm BcpsS \-cn-tepw IS-p-I-bw \Sn Bscbpw hnfn-m-sapw IS-p-I-bw \S-nb \ sXfn-bp-sapw Cu cwK-p--hdnbmw. {Smv t^mWn-eq-sStbm s\v t^mWn-eq-sStbm \ sXfn-bmsX hnfn-m-sa-n-cns Ccw Imcyw Rm sNbvXp Fp ]d-bp-tm Fhn-sStbm Hcp KqUm-tem-N\ \S-n-cn-p-p-shv kwi-bn-t-n-bn-cn-p-p. Fs-nepw Imcy-ap-s-n t\cn ]d-bp-hm Xt-Shpw ss[cyhpw Dv. CXp-ambn _-sv Rm Fs t^m I-\np \Inb ]cm-Xn-{]-Imcw e`n hnh-c- Xmsg tNp--Xm-Wv.

Rm ]n. kn. F. F. sI. sk{I-dn ]Zw Gs-Sp--tm apX kwL-Sn-X-amb \ne-bn Fs XIp-hm {iaw \S-p-p. Fm Hn-t\mSpw {]Xn-I-cn-t F Xocp-am\w _e-lo-\-X-bmbn Nne ImWp-p-m-Imw. ]nkn\mns hnP-b-n-\mbn bXv\n-p-Ibpw {]mn-p-I-bp-amWv ZuXy-ambn Rm ImWp--Xv. FXnns \Sp-hnepw hnp hcp P\-]n-pW Nne tI{-sf Akz--X-s-Sp-p-pv. hyn-]-c-amb A[n-t-]-ġp adp-]Sn ]d-bm-sa-nepw AXn-s\mw adp-]Sn ]d-tb--h Db-c-n \nv \ymb-ambn sNs F {]m\ am{Xw.

]n. kn. F. F. sI. sk{I--dn, sF. ]n. kn. Fkv. C. doPn-b tPm. sk{I--dn, Avemm s]-tm-kvX Akwn {Sj-d, _neo-thgvkv tPW sNbam Fo \ne-I-fnsemw Fs sSen-t^m \ Ghpw ]cn-Nn-X-am-Wv. AXn-\m Xs sIn--a Ccw Btcm-]-W--fnse Ig-n-mbva P\w Xncn--dn-bpw. {]tIm-]\w krjvSn-p-hm\pw ]n. kn. F. F. sI.bpsS {]h-\s XS-bp-hm-\p-ap X{-ambn am{Xw Rm CXns\ ImWp-p-q. AXn-\m-emWv Ccw Hcp {]kvXm-h-\-bn-eqsS kXym-h ssZh-P-\s Adn-bn-p--Xv.

Ata-cn--bn ae-bm-fn-I-fpsS {ibvv

1. \n Adn-bmsX \n-fpsS t^mWn \npw tIm hpshv CXp-t]mse Bsc-nepw Btcm-]n-m \n Ahsc hnfnv kwkm-cn--cp-Xv. ImcWw \nsf {]tIm-]n-nv \n ]d-bp-Xv dntmUv sNbvXv kaq-l-aty Ah Ah-tl-fn-pw. B X{-n IpSp-m-Xn-cn-p-I. ]Icw t^m I-\n-bp-ambn _-sv ]cmXn \Ip-I. \n-fpsS ]cmXn sdtmUp sNbvXp-shv Dd-m-p-I.

2. DS Xs tIm-tdv skIyq-cnn hn`m-K-hp-ambn _-s-SWw

3. t^m I-\n-bn \npw B Znh-ks dntmv hmp-I. Hw sh_v sskv hmbpw Iyq--dn tkhv sNp-I.

4. ss{]w tIm Bv D]-tbm-Knv \ tmv sNbvXv hnfn-mepw tlmwemv skIyq-cn-n-bn ]cm-Xn-s-m BcmWv hnfn-n-cn-p--sXv Adn-bp-hm Ignbpw.

Fs \-dn \npw Rm hnfnp Fp ]d-bp Znh-ks t^m dntmpw CtXm-sSmw tNp-p.

Cu hni-Zo-I-cWw Fs Adn-bp--h kXym-h Adn-bp--Xn-\mbn am{Xw

cmP Bcy--n


Displaying 17 Comments
The views and opinions expressed in the comment section are strictly those of the comment authors alone and do not necessarily reflect and represent the views and opinions of Believer's Journal.
a. s. mathew (March 16, 2013)
The people of Israel did fasting as a prerequisite and traditional

ceremony, gave alms with the pharisaic obligation and spirit. In Zechariah 7:5 " Ask all the people of the land and Priests, ' When you fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh months for the past sevently years, was it really for me that you fasted? God replied to the same question. 7:9-10 " This what the Lord Almighty said: ' Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another. Do not oppress the widow of the fatherless, the foreigner or the poor. Do not plot evil against each other". It is getting into an alarming trend that true justice-mercy-compassion have evaporated from the believers, but the spirit of ploting evil against each other and an attitude of oppression have taken over us; that spirit is hidden within us, which is far worse than displayed by the political parties. We, the believers, are we different than the politicians?
sp (March 15, 2013)
viswasy from ny, mone dinesha is too old. mone valsa is the new version.
sp (March 15, 2013)
a new yorker, please write correctly and then send your articles for award.
a new yorker (March 15, 2013)
We need Righters' forum award this year as usual. No one is going to believe Balan. I have a couple of article to send to. Even if he says something I am okey.
a believer (March 15, 2013)
No. Pat Robertson is a right prophet. Not like Balan say. thousands of people have testified it.

vishwasi from ny (March 15, 2013)
"Mone Dinesha poyi verre pani nokke" Don't worry about the believers of North America. If we can come to NA then, we know how to live in NA. We couldn't care less of your opinion. Worry about your pimps in America especially Thampan, Thomma and those pastors who have nothing to do in church because they depend on visiting pastors to minister. Therefore, they can focus more on other's business. Shame on you! All conferences and meetings will go on as scheduled.
detroit believer (March 14, 2013)
There you go man. We need to have someone stand against this devil. This is an uphill battle but if we all stand together we can destroy this Egyptian. He claims for all the good thing is his baby like the "ettikalimammuju". Can u believe latest one is that he saved 10 crores for IPC? Now he is going to start some new strategy. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
michael (March 14, 2013)
It is a sensible idea to Start a counter web site so that we can challenge his false claims.
truthteller (March 14, 2013)
even if he wanted to, there are man legal and illegal ways to threaten ts balan. this is clearly not one of them.

the defender has brought out a lot of bad activiites, although especially in us related matters this hill billy does not know what he is talking about. the real culprits are the ones who give him unverified info and some so called 'pastors who write holy articles to support it.

in the case of mr. rajan, defender is just going against him because of pcnak related issues.

the proper revenge for this matter is to make pcnak a huge success.
sam thomas (March 13, 2013)
Today it is Rajan A. who became the victim. Tomorrow it can be anyone- may be your wife or daughter. Their reputation and name will be tarnished by some unscrupulous elements of the so called "Pentecostal" community.

Someone can use your phone ID to threaten the president or send Al-Qaeda messages and put you in trouble. But the Homeland Security can trace these fake calls and bring the culprits to justice.

Here the true victim is not RA; but the ignorant guy who jumped into conclusions and published it in a website. What a fool! He did not get the practical joke some one played on him!!
chandy thomas (March 13, 2013)
Technology is far advanced, since 2010, anyone can fake their phone number to any desired phone number and make a phone and the receiver`s caller id will display the fake phone number.All the tele marketing companies doing samething, calling from out of state and the the receiver`s phone will show a local area code number. Iam a business man not involved any malayalie politics and attending services in a non malayalie pentecostal church.If someone come forward to stop these type of nonsense to start a website or anything and I will take care of all the financial expenses.
techy.. (March 13, 2013)
guys...this is 2013 and technology is so adavanced now. Balu should catch up with changing technologies... Anyone can fake their Phone Number to any desired phone number and make a phone call. The receiver's caller ID will display the faked phone number. You could have done this in 2010 even forget about doing it in 2013. This tool is the bread and butter of the Telemarketers...and it's there to trick people..
mathew-tx (March 13, 2013)
i wish someone can start a website to counter attack his claims. it is good to bring out the darker side of pentecostalism so that they can correct it and move on. but, purposely destroying people and organization is bad and not tollarable. please someone come forward and start a website so that people can express their opinion. let people express their opinion through the site. i willing to donate money if you need. i don't like papers.
new yorker (March 13, 2013)
I know R..A. well and he doesn't need to make any prank call to anyone at this time. On this issue, he is well aware of the phone system in America and the capacity. Therefore, the article published by Offender is baseless and used to trash people in America especially, trying to destroy the PCNAK. Believers, please don't fall in to Offender trap. He is acting like a snake. In the Bible, serpents are depicted as a paradoxical combination of wisdom and evil—beautiful yet repulsive. They have a fluid grace if viewed from a safe distance, but they are to be feared because they strike from hiding places and strike without warning. A serpent symbolizes craftiness that mesmerizes its victims. He mix and match facts and fictions so that innocent people will believe everything he writes. Be aware of his trap.
a believer (March 13, 2013)
I have heard the same from different people. This one of his tricks in which the innocents are trapped.
yogurt seller (March 13, 2013)
Dear believer
You are right. I know this offender guy and this is his business. Just ignore him.

believer (March 13, 2013)
Good,you clarified your side. This is what Offender do. Who is this guy?? He is trying to destroy the whole community. Let's pray for him.
May God help him.
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