Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Mar 13, 2013
Views: 24453
A stement from the owner of the phone.
_lp-am-\y-cmb hmb-\-mpw Fs Adn-bp Fm {]ob-s--hpw kvt\l-h-\w!
Ccw Hcp hni-Zo-I-cWw \tIn h kml-Ncyw \nġ-dn-bm-atm. Cub-Sp Znhkw 972 213 1404 F \-dntev 678 571 6398 F \-dn \npw XpS-bmbn hnfn-p-p-shpw BcmWv Cu \-dns DS-a-س Fpw ]nt-Zn-hkw Ft-XmWv Cu \-scpw Hcp sskn hm hp. CXn-\p-appw Cu sskn CXp-t]mse ]e Btcm-]-W-fpw m]n-s-gp-Xn-bn-cp-p. Fm Hcp bp-n-\mbn Xm¸cyw Cm--Xn-\m Acw Btcm-]-W-sf kvt]mvkvam kv]ncn-n am{Xta Ip-q. hnfn h ka-bhpw Xob-Xn-bp-sa-m-a-Sw sskn C-tm Cu I-{]-N-c-W-ns kXym-h P\-sf t_m[y-s-Sp-t _m[yX Fn hp tNp. BZy-ambn Cu hm kXy-a Fpw CXn bmsXmcp hn[-]pw F\n-n Fpw _lpam\y-{]o-b-s--hsc Adn-bn-p-p. Ata-cn--bn ]mp sImv {]apJ Iyq- I-\n-bn 20 hj-ambn tPmen sNp F\nv Cu cwK-s-p-dnv kmam\y Adn-hn-m-Xn-cn-p-I-bn--tm. Hcm-fpsS \-dn-tep hnfn-m Fs \ hnfn-p BfpsS t^mWn sXfn-bp-sapw kwkm-cn-p-Xp sdtmUp sN-s-Sp-sapw D Adnhv F\n-p-v. ss{]w Bv UutemUv sNbvXm BcpsS \-cn-tepw IS-p-I-bw \Sn Bscbpw hnfn-m-sapw IS-p-I-bw \S-nb \ sXfn-bp-sapw Cu cwK-p--hdnbmw. {Smv t^mWn-eq-sStbm s\v t^mWn-eq-sStbm \ sXfn-bmsX hnfn-m-sa-n-cns Ccw Imcyw Rm sNbvXp Fp ]d-bp-tm Fhn-sStbm Hcp KqUm-tem-N\ \S-n-cn-p-p-shv kwi-bn-t-n-bn-cn-p-p. Fs-nepw Imcy-ap-s-n t\cn ]d-bp-hm Xt-Shpw ss[cyhpw Dv. CXp-ambn _-sv Rm Fs t^m I-\np \Inb ]cm-Xn-{]-Imcw e`n hnh-c- Xmsg tNp--Xm-Wv.
Rm ]n. kn. F. F. sI. sk{I-dn ]Zw Gs-Sp--tm apX kwL-Sn-X-amb \ne-bn Fs XIp-hm {iaw \S-p-p. Fm Hn-t\mSpw {]Xn-I-cn-t F Xocp-am\w _e-lo-\-X-bmbn Nne ImWp-p-m-Imw. ]nkn\mns hnP-b-n-\mbn bXv\n-p-Ibpw {]mn-p-I-bp-amWv ZuXy-ambn Rm ImWp--Xv. FXnns \Sp-hnepw hnp hcp P\-]n-pW Nne tI{-sf Akz--X-s-Sp-p-pv. hyn-]-c-amb A[n-t-]-ġp adp-]Sn ]d-bm-sa-nepw AXn-s\mw adp-]Sn ]d-tb--h Db-c-n \nv \ymb-ambn sNs F {]m\ am{Xw.
]n. kn. F. F. sI. sk{I--dn, sF. ]n. kn. Fkv. C. doPn-b tPm. sk{I--dn, Avemm s]-tm-kvX Akwn {Sj-d, _neo-thgvkv tPW sNbam Fo \ne-I-fnsemw Fs sSen-t^m \ Ghpw ]cn-Nn-X-am-Wv. AXn-\m Xs sIn--a Ccw Btcm-]-W--fnse Ig-n-mbva P\w Xncn--dn-bpw. {]tIm-]\w krjvSn-p-hm\pw ]n. kn. F. F. sI.bpsS {]h-\s XS-bp-hm-\p-ap X{-ambn am{Xw Rm CXns\ ImWp-p-q. AXn-\m-emWv Ccw Hcp {]kvXm-h-\-bn-eqsS kXym-h ssZh-P-\s Adn-bn-p--Xv.
Ata-cn--bn ae-bm-fn-I-fpsS {ibvv
1. \n Adn-bmsX \n-fpsS t^mWn \npw tIm hpshv CXp-t]mse Bsc-nepw Btcm-]n-m \n Ahsc hnfnv kwkm-cn--cp-Xv. ImcWw \nsf {]tIm-]n-nv \n ]d-bp-Xv dntmUv sNbvXv kaq-l-aty Ah Ah-tl-fn-pw. B X{-n IpSp-m-Xn-cn-p-I. ]Icw t^m I-\n-bp-ambn _-sv ]cmXn \Ip-I. \n-fpsS ]cmXn sdtmUp sNbvXp-shv Dd-m-p-I.
2. DS Xs tIm-tdv skIyq-cnn hn`m-K-hp-ambn _-s-SWw
3. t^m I-\n-bn \npw B Znh-ks dntmv hmp-I. Hw sh_v sskv hmbpw Iyq--dn tkhv sNp-I.
4. ss{]w tIm Bv D]-tbm-Knv \ tmv sNbvXv hnfn-mepw tlmwemv skIyq-cn-n-bn ]cm-Xn-s-m BcmWv hnfn-n-cn-p--sXv Adn-bp-hm Ignbpw.
Fs \-dn \npw Rm hnfnp Fp ]d-bp Znh-ks t^m dntmpw CtXm-sSmw tNp-p.
Cu hni-Zo-I-cWw Fs Adn-bp--h kXym-h Adn-bp--Xn-\mbn am{Xw
cmP Bcy--n
The people of Israel did fasting as a prerequisite and traditional
ceremony, gave alms with the pharisaic obligation and spirit. In Zechariah 7:5 " Ask all the people of the land and Priests, ' When you fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh months for the past sevently years, was it really for me that you fasted? God replied to the same question. 7:9-10 " This what the Lord Almighty said: ' Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another. Do not oppress the widow of the fatherless, the foreigner or the poor. Do not plot evil against each other". It is getting into an alarming trend that true justice-mercy-compassion have evaporated from the believers, but the spirit of ploting evil against each other and an attitude of oppression have taken over us; that spirit is hidden within us, which is far worse than displayed by the political parties. We, the believers, are we different than the politicians?