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Bdv tImSn P\-ġn-Sbn-tev cm kti bm{X

A trip to spread the message of  salvation
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jun 24, 2011
Views: 17189

A trip to spread the message of salvation.
_mwq: IWm-S-I-bnse 6 tImSn P\-ġn-S-bn kvt\l-n-sbpw kln-jvW-X-bp-sSbpw \mb-I-\mb tbip-{In-kvXp-hns cm ktiw hnfn--dn-bn-p-hm cm kt-i-]-Z-bm{X \S-p-hm Hcp-p-I-bmWv 73 Imc-\mb kphn-ti-j-I tPm tXmakv (]m- ]m-). Pq 19 \p sshInv 4 \v _mwq hn[m kuZ-bn \npw (sk-{I-t-dntbv) Bcw-`n-p cm kt-i-bm-{XbpsS {]mcw-`Xe DZvLm-S\w Pq 5 \v tIm-q G_ Gk tlmkv]n- lmfn dh. tUm. tPm Xmn- DZvLm-S\w sNbvXp.


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a. s. mathew (June 26, 2011)
We are under a false notion that the
people of India and the rest of the world have heard the gospel. It is very
sad to say that, even today, there are
thousands of villages in India where
the seeds of the gospel has not yet
planted. The Christian believers of all
denominations must take a united stand
to spread the gospel of Christ in every
village and city of India, because now
the response to the gospel is so warm
when compared to the olden days. Jesus
has commanded only one thing to the
disciples before His ascension " go into all the world and preach the gospel
to every creature" Mark 16:15. Now we
are greatly interested in building many
real estate empires with a sign board
of "evangelism" at the top level.

Wherever the gospel has reached, we can
see prosperity and blessings, and we all
have experienced it. If we expect
salvation of the souls and
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