Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 11, 2011
Views: 15267
AG Convention Ended.
]p\\-eq: ssZh-n\\v Ign-bm Hcp Imcy-hp-an-söpw Xe-ap-d-Isf \\ne-\\np-Xv ssZh-ns {]tXyI Icp-X-em-sWpw Akw-okv Hm^v tKmUv kwm\\ kq{]v tUm. ]n.-F-v. ^nenv {]kvXm-hn-p. Akw-okv Hm^v tKmUv k`-bpsS kwm\\ Ihj ]p\\-eq G.- -Pn. tUn-b-n DZvLm-S\\w sNbvXp kwkm-cn-p-I-bm-bn-cpp At-lw. Pohn-X-n Dbbpw XmgvNbpw A\\p-{K-lhpw im]hpw ssZhs At\\z-jn-p--Xns\\ B{i-bn-mWv kw`-hn-p--sXpw ssZh-`n hnm-\\-ns Bcw-`-am-sWpw Atlw ]d-p.
what philip said is same that said by all church leaders. what's special in it? nothing new. he has no new thoughts to present and the statements in effect is hollow.