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Atacn¡³ hntij§Ä: temIw km¼¯nI amµy¯ntet¡m? cmP³ Bcy¸ÅnÂ

Rajan Ariyappallil
Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Mar 8, 2011
Views: 16212

American Viseshangal - Is the world headed to a financial crisis and recession?.
temI cm{ã§fn I¯n¸Sê¶ kzX{´y kacw ]pXnb hgn¯ncnhnse¯nbncnçIbmW". Bthiw DÄs¡m­ P\X X§fpsS kzmX{´y¯n\mbn Hcnan¨p IqSpt¼mÄ NneXv A{Iamkàamæì. _lvssd\n XnI¨pw hyXykvXamb kac apJamWct§dnbXv. KmÔn kpà§Ä Dêhn«v ]m«p ]mSn P\w AlnwkbpsS amÀ¤w tXSnbt¸mÄ en_nbbnepw, Ham\nepw, sba\nepw A{Ia¯nsâ ]mXbmW' kzX{´ZmlnIÄ XSnbXv.

temI¯nse Xs¶ sNdnb cmPy§fnsem¶mb bn{kmtbenë Npäpw Ac£nXmhØ hÀ²nçIbmW". temI¯nsâ KXn hnKXnIÄ FÃmw Cu sNdp cmPys¯ Npän¸änbmW¦nepw kacw \Sç¶sXÃmw aäpcmPy§fnemsW¶Xpw {it²bw. kacw ImcWw {IqtUmbn hneæXn¨pbêIbmW".

Hê km¼¯nI amµy¯n \nìw sasà IcIbdnhê¶ temI cmPy§Ä¡v Cu kacw Xncn¨SnbmæIbmW". hne¡bä¯m s]mdpXn ap«nb P\§Ä¡v Iq\nt·Â æêsh¶t] mse F®hne hÀ²\amhpIbmW'. Cu ØnXn \ne\n¶m temIw ho­pw Hmê km¼¯nI aµy¯nteç \o§psa¶Xnë kwibw th­.


Displaying 4 Comments
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anna mathew tn (March 20, 2011)
@bush- I am little skeptical about the thought process and your point of reasoning, show wisdom to listen, when others talk !
bush (March 14, 2011)
@joy chembakasseril: Some people are crazy and nothing better to do in life. They act like they know everything especially the politics. This article doesn't say about Bush or about American politics and no one wants to hear your explanations which doesn't make any sense. Find another forum to vent your frustrations about bush, obama or whoever..
joy chembakasseril, u s a (March 11, 2011)
[continued from my previous narration]---a 'presidential council' a small group comprising of non-politicians, belonging to experts in different walks of life is adviceable at this point! "pakshe puucchakea arru manni kettum"! this presidential council should comprise of lawyers, professionals, theologians, artists, sportsmen, social-worker etc etc-- were a president is 'required' to take into confidence 'the advice and premission of this group about any sensitive issue's confronting the nation before proceeding any further is adviceable. what do you all think ? "pakshe puucchakku aaroo manikettum" well having said i believe i unloaded a heavy load from my mind, i think i served the purpose in life -- rajan masserrrr your report was precise and commendable about 'sambathika mannyam'! good work !!!
joy chembakasseril, u s a (March 11, 2011)
my observation is the mis-doings of the previous u. s. president, based on his lies on iraq and the following incidents waisting huge lump-sum money on wars even though sanctioned by congress and the un-necessary support given to anything and everything that the small nation of israel did has a lot to do with the latest state of affairs in the world today. war is not a answer to any situation_going to war should be a last resort. i believe peaceful deliberations and dialogue's are the only proper way to any problems, even though it may be a slow process. we have to earn the respect of the opponents by our dealings and proceedings before we even talk to them, so that they listen, that's the way to solve problems. remember "mahatmaji", but 'samaran' is not always good. i can only see justify kuwait-war even that to a certain extend. i think its time for a change in the american-governance. [will be continued]
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