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An interview with Dr. Valsan Abraham by Pastor Saju Joseph
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jan 14, 2013
Views: 43851

An interview with Dr. Valsan Abraham by Pastor Saju Joseph.
(sF.] bpsS ASp¯ P\d {]knUâmI Wsa¶v sF.] ip{iqjI·mcpw k`mP\§fpw XmXv]cys¸Sp¶ ]mÌÀ tUm.än hXvk³ G{_lmapambn ""dnsshhv''amkn-I F-UnäÀ ]mÌÀ kmPp -tPmk^v \S¯nb A`napJw.)

asämcp CevIjsâ IqsS ap¼n k` h¶p \n¡pt¼mÄ Ignª Bdv hÀj§fmbn P\d sk{I«dn F¶ \nebn {]hÀ¯n¡p¶ Xm¦Ä¡v F´v tXm¶p¶p?

hfsc efnXambn Bcw`n¨ \½psS k`sb IÀ¯mhv A\p{Kln¨v C{Xt¯mfw hfÀ¯n. Bcw`Ime§fn \½psS ]nXm¡·mÀ ]ckv]capÅ [mcWbnepw _lpam\¯nepw AhcpsS NpaXeIÄ GsäSp¡pIbpw AXv \nhÀ¯n¨p hcpIbpambncp¶p. F¶m C¶v k` hfsctbsd hfÀ¶t¸mÄ At\IÀ t\XrXz¯nte¡v BIÀjn¡s¸Sp¶p. Cu t\Xrtamlhpambn bYmÀ° tbmKy-X-bn-Ãm-¯-hÀ hnPbw Dd¸m¡phm³ k`sb cmjv{Sobh¡cn¡p¶Xv A]ISIchpw A]e]\o bhpamWv. B ØnXn¡v ASnb´cambn amäw htc­XmWv. sF.] kvt\ln¡p¶ FÃmhcpw FÃmw ad¶v Cu ØnXn¡v amäw hcpt¯­Xn\v H¶nt¡­nbncn¡p¶p.

AXp sIm­v A§v F´mWv AÀ°am¡nbXv?

\½psS `cWLS\ Ct¸mÄ Xs¶ FÃm Øm\§Ä¡pw Nne an\naw tbmKyXIÄ \njvIÀjn¨n«p­v. F¶m kwLSnXamb \o¡¯n IqsS AXns\sbÃmw Imän ]d¯n {]mtZinI k`Ifn t]mepw kzoImcyX CÃm¯hÀ Øm\am\§Ä IcØam¡p¶ Zpjv{]hWX Ct¸mÄ \½psSbnSbn hÀ²n¨ncn¡p¶p. DZmlcW¯n\v 7000e[nIw {]tZinI k`IfpÅ sF.] t]msemcp k`m{]Øm\¯n Hcp {]mtZinI k`bn Hcp ip{iqjI\mbn Bcpw kzoIcn¡m¯hÀ¡v t]mepw Gähpw D¶Xamb Øm\t¯¡v \n¡¯¡h®w ZpÀ_eamb Hcp sXcsªSp¸v coXnbmWv \½p¡v C¶pÅXv. “""F\n¡v FhnsSsb¦nepw Hcp k`mNmÀÖv Xcmsa¦n Fsâ Øm\mÀ°nXz¯n \n¶v Rm³ ]n³amdmw''” F¶v Ft¶mSv HcmÄ Bhiys¸«m Rm³ F´mWv sNt¿­Xv?

c­p {]mhiyw FXncnÃmsX sXcsªSp¡s¸« hyàn F¶ \nebn Cu {]mhiyw FXncnÃmsX P\d {]knUâmbn sXcsªSp¡s¸Spsa¶v FÃmhcpw hnNmcn¨ncp¶ Xm¦Ä¡v Ahkm\ kab¯v FXncv hcpt¼mÄ F§s\bmWv {]XnIcn¡phm³ tXm¶p¶Xv?

""FXncn\p''” th­nbpÅ FXncnt\mSv sF.] hnizmknIÄ F§s\ {]XnIcn¡psa¶v F\n¡v D¯aamb t_m[yap­v.

FÃm FXncpIsfbpw Xm¦Ä A§s\bmtWm ImWp¶Xv?

k`bn \ne\n¡p¶ A\oXntbmSv {]XnIcn¡phm\mWv X§fpsS Øm\mÀ°nXzw F¶mWv NneÀ AhImis¸Sp¶Xv. k`bpsS {]iv\§Ä ]cnlcn¡phm\pÅXmWv k`bpsS `cWkanXn (Iu¬knÂ). ImemIme§fn Cu `cWkanXn¡v e`yambn«pÅ FÃm ]cmXnIÄ¡pw \oXn]qÀÆamb Xocpam\§Ä FSp¯n«p­v. DZmlcWambn, ]©m_v tI{µoIcn¨p­mb {]iv\§Ä sF.] P\d Iu¬knen h¶t¸mÄ {]iv\]cnlmc¯n\mbn ]mÌÀ tP¡_v tPmWpw At±lt¯msSm¸apÅhcpw Bhiys¸«X\pkcn¨v, lnamN {]tZins\ AXn\pÅ tbmKyXbnÃmbncps¶¦n t]mepw kam[m\ Øm]\¯n\v th­n Hcp tÌäv Iu¬knembn AwKoIcn¨pw ]mÌÀ tP¡_v tPmWns\, tÌäv {]knUâmbpw, P\d Iu¬knewKambpw AwKoIcn¨pw At±l¯nsâ Iogn thWsa¶v At±lw Bhiys¸« ]©m_nepÅ k`Isf lnamN tÌänsâ Iogn \ÂIn sImSp¯p sIm­v P\d Iu¬kn FÃmhÀ¡pw kzoIcyamb hn[¯n {]kvXpX {]iv\w ]cnlcn¡pIbpw AXv AwKoIcn¨v Ignª c­chÀj§fmbn AXv kw_Ôn¨v bmsXmcp {]iv\§tfm ]cmXnItfm ]mÌÀ tP¡_v tPmtWm aämsc¦neptam D¶bn¨n«nÃm¯XpamIp¶p. AtX-k-abw \½psS ]©m_v tÌän Fs´¦nepw {]iv\§Ä Ds­¦n sF.]n.knbv¡v kzoImcy\mb Hcp tamUtdäÀ¡v ap¼n ]©m_nse `cWkanXnbnepÅhÀ FhnsSbpw GXv hniZoIcW¯n\pw X¿mdmWv F¶mWv Fsâ Adnhv.

Xm¦Ä P\d sk{I«dnbmIp¶Xn\v ap¼v ]©m_nsâ tÌäv {]knUâmbncp¶tÃm? bYmÀ°¯n ]©m_n \S¶Xv F´mWv?

]©m_ns\¡pdn¨v ]dbpIbmsW¦n BZyw sF.]¡mc\mb Hcp ssZhZmk³ ]©m_n {]hÀ¯\¯n\mbn t]mbXv ]mÌÀ sI.sP kmapthembncp¶p. At±lw Nne hÀj§Ä emtlmdnepw ep[nbm\mbnepw {]hÀ¯n¨ncp¶p. ]n¶oSv 1976 ]mÌÀ tPm¬ cmP\pw ]mÌÀ tP¡_v tPmWpw Hcpan¨mWv ]©m_n F¯nbXv. ]mÌÀ tPm¬ cmP³ ]mÌÀ tP¡_v tPmWnt\msSm¸w sF.] ]¯m³t¡m«v k`bpsS klØm]I\mWv. ]mÌÀ sI. tImin 1979 ]©m_n h¶v {]hÀ¯\w Bcw`n¨p. 1990emWv Rm³ BZyambn ]©m_n ]mÌÀ sI. tIminbpambn _Ôs¸«v {]hÀ¯\w Bcw`n¨Xv. 1964þ65 hÀj§Ä Ip¼\mSv sl{_m³ ss__nÄ tImfPn ]Tn¨ ]mÌÀ ]n.än. kmapth 1967 t\mÀ¯v C´ybn ]©m_nte¡v t]mbn {]hÀ¯\w Bcw`n¨p. 1972 apX P½pImivaocnse dnbmkn {]hÀ¯n¨p hcp¶p. P½pImivaocnse {]hÀ¯\w sF.] ]©m_v tÌänt\mSv tNÀ¶mWv Ct¸mÄ \n¡p¶Xv. C{]Imcw ip{iqjbn ]©m_n Gähpw ko\nbdmbncn¡p¶ ]mÌÀ ]n.än imapthemWv sF.] ]©m_v tÌäv sshkv {]knUâmbn Ct¸mÄ {]hÀ¯n¡p¶Xv. 1992 ep[nbm\mbn Rm³ ss__nÄ kv¡qÄ Bcw`n¨p. CXn-t\mSIw 1200 ip{iq-j-Isc ]cn-io-en-¸n¨p. AhÀ ]©m-_nepw Npäp-apÅ aäv 8 kwØm\-§-fnepw {]tbm-P-\-s¸-«p-sIm-­n-cn-¡p-¶p. 1995 sF.] P\d Iu¬kn ]©m_v doPnb³ cq]nIcn¨t¸mÄ apX 2006 hsc \mep tSapIÄ ]©m_nse ssZhZmk·mcpsSbpw P\¯nsâbpw XmXv]cy{]Imcw ]©m_v tÌäv {]knUâmbn ip{iqjn¡phm³ F\n¡v CSbmbn. BZy tSapIfn sshkv {]knUâmbncp¶ ]mÌÀ tP¡_v tPm¬ aäv NnecpambpÅ {]iv\§fpsS t]cn Rm³ BhÀ¯n¨mhiys¸s«¦nepw Iq«m¡msX kzbw cmPn sh¨v amdpIbmbncp¶p. A§s\ ]©m_v tÌäpambn klIcn¡msX At±lw \n¶Xn\m Rm³ 2006 sF.] P\d sk{I«dnbmbn amdnbt¸mÄ ]mÌÀ tP¡_v tPmWnt\msSm¸w ko\ntbmdnänbpÅ ]mÌÀ tPm¬ cmPs\ sF.] ]©m_v tÌäv {]knUâmbn Ahn-Sps¯ ip{iq-j-Icpw P\-§fpw sXcsªSp¯p.

NneÀ X§fpsS Øm\mÀ°nXz¯nsâ kmKXyw Øm]n¡phm³ \S¯p¶ {]NcWw {i²bn s]«n«pt­m?

FÃm {]iv\§Ä¡pw X§fpsS ssI¿n ]cnlmcw D­v F¶v AhImis¸Sp¶ Bß{]iwkm]camb {]kvXmh\ItfmSv F´n\v {]XnIcn¡Ww. Hcp hnPbw Dd¸m¡m³ Hcp Bßh©\bpw \S¯m³ Rm³ X¿mdÃ; Rm³ BcmWv? F´mWv Fsâ {]hÀ¯\ssien F¶v sF.] bnse ssZhZmk·mÀ¡pw ssZha¡Ä¡pw AdnhpÅXmWv.

thm«p t\Sphm³ hymPamb Btcm]W§fpw AhImihmZ§fpw hmKvZm\§fpw tIÄhn¡msc hnizkn¸n¡p¶Xn\p th­n \S¯p¶ hnImc{]IS\§Ä FÃmhcpw Xncn¨dnbpw F¶pw F\n¡pd¸p­v

Ignª Bdp hÀj§fmbn ]mÌÀ tPm¬ {]knUâpw Xm¦Ä P\d sk{I«dnbpambn t\XrXzw sImSp¯ sF.] bpsS FSp¯p ]db¯¡ t\«§Ä.

]mÌÀ tPmWpw Rm\pw H¸w FÃm FIvknIyq«ohv AwK§fpw tNÀ¶v Hcp Soambn t\XrXzw sImSp¯v Ignª 6 hÀj§Ä k`¡v ssZhIr]bm FSp¯p ]db¯¡ t\«§Ä D­mbn«p­v. Npcp¡n ]dªm k`¡v iàamb hfÀ¨ D­mbn. k`m hfÀ¨mXXza\pkcn¨v (missiological) k`IÄ, sk k`IÄ, ]pXnb {]hÀ¯\§Ä DÄs¸sS Bbnc¡W¡n\v k`IÄ sF.]nkn¡p­v. DZmlcWambn _olmdn 2006 300 Xmsg -Bbncp¶ k`IfpsS F®w 2012 \hw_dn GItZiw 1700- - A[n-Iambn DbÀ¶p. FÃmbnS¯p \n¶papÅ icnbmb IW¡v e`n¨n«nÃ. A§-s\-sb-¦n `mc-¯n-em-I-am-\-ambn k`-bv¡p-­m-b hfÀ¨ \n§Ä¡v IW¡p Iq«m-hp-¶-tX-bp-Åp.

t\«-§Ä Npcp-¡-ambn kqNn-¸n-¡s«:þ

C´ybnse an¡ hSt¡ C´y³ kwØm\§fnepw iàamb sF.] t\XrXzhpw {]hÀ¯\§fpw.

]pXnbXmbn D¯c{]tZiv (5 tkmWpIÄ), shÌv _wKmÄ (aq¶p tkmWpIÄ), cmPØm³, D¯cmJmÞv, aWn¸qÀ, t]m­nt¨cn F¶nhnS§fn anj³ skâdpIÄ Bcw`n¨p.

19 tÌäv I¬knepIÄ, 14 anj³ sktâgvkv, 15 doPnb\pIÄ.

FÃm anj³ skâdpIfnepw tkmWpIfnepw Ignhpä kaÀ¸nXcmbn tImþHmÀUnt\ä·mÀ.

Ip¼\mSv I¬h³j³ IqSpX kPohambn hnjbmkv]nX ktµi§Ä, ]Xnhv ]cn]mSnIÄ¡v ]pdta, bq¯v AUzm³kv, InUvkv t{]m{Kmw, {]tXyI lnµn kt½f\§Ä, anj³ Ne©v skj\pIÄ, {IaoIrXambn ]cnioe\w t\Snb I¬h³j³ sIzbÀ, t{]m{Kmw, kw`mh\ enÌv F¶nh DÄs¸Sp¯n at\mlcamb I¬h³j³ ]m«p]pkvXIw. I¬h³j\v hnimehpw at\mlchpamb ]´Â, hoUntbm, {]t£]Ww, t¢mkv kÀIyq«v än.-hn.kv{Io\pIÀ XpS§nbh.

C´y¡v shfnbnepÅ doPb\pIÄ kwLS\m]cambpw Bßobambpw iàam¡n.

bp.sI bnepw Bkvt{Senbmbnepw sF.] doPnb\pIÄ¡v cq]w sImSp¯p.

hSt¡ C´y³ kwØm\§fnepw `mcX¯n\v shfnbnepÅ doPnb\pIfpw {Iaambn k©cn¨v {]hÀ¯\§Ä hnebncp¯pIbpw {]hÀ¯\s¯bpw {]hÀ¯Itcbpw t{]mXvkmln¸n¡pIbpw sNbvXp.

P\d Iu¬kn skj\pIÄ H¶p t]mepw tImdw XnIbmsX amän sht¡­n h¶nÃ. IrXyambn an\nävkpIÄ X¿mdm¡n FÃm AwK§Ä¡pw Hcp amkw ap¼v Ab¨p sImSp¯p.

P\d Iu¬kn aoänwKpIÄ hfsc im´hpw kPohhpambn \S¯n.

Ip¼\mSv I¬h³j³ ssaXm\w hn]peam¡n, CâÀ\mj\ _nÂUnwKv ]pXnb \ne ]WnXp, sl{_m³]pcs¯ amen\y{]iv\§Ä¡v ]cnlmcambn amen\y{Soävsaâv ¹mâv (STP) ]Wn ]qÀ¯oIcn¨p.

I¬h³j-t\m-S-\p-_-Ôn¨v 100 Znh-ks¯ {]tXyI D]-hmk{]mÀ°\ hnhn[ k`-I-fn-embn \S-¯n.

I¬h³j³ ka-b¯v FÃm skj-\p-I-fnepw {]tXyI {]mÀ°-\-bv¡mbn ip{iq-j-I-scbpw \ntbm-Kn-¨p.

FÃm P\d I¬h³j\pIfpw IS_m[yX IqSmsX \S¯n.

sF.] ¡v th­n sNbvXXmbn Nne XpIIfpsS IW¡v aXvkc¯nepÅ NneÀ ]dbp¶tÃm? IGO t]mepÅ kzImcy kwcw`§Ä¡mWv Xm¦Ä ]Ww sNehgn¡p¶Xv F¶ Btcm]Ws¯¡pdn¨v?

ssZhw F\n¡v \ÂIn X¶n«pÅ FÃm DdhnS§fnepw _Ô§fnepw IqSn IÀ¯mhnsâ the¡mbn sNehgn¡p¶ ]Ww {][m-\-ambpw sF.] bpsS Bhiy§Ä¡pw hfÀ¨¡pw th­nbmWv. C´ym tKmkv] Hu«v do¨v Hcp anj³ HmÀKss\tkj\mWv. {]kvXpX HmÀKss\tkj³ Ip¼\mSv C´ym ss__nÄ tImfPpw CXcØm]\§fnse ss__nÄ kv¡qfpIfpw \S¯p¶Xn\pw kphntijIsc klmbn¡p¶Xn\pw AXymhiyambn k`mlmfpIÄ ]mgvkt\PpIÄ XpS§nbh t\mÀ¯v C³Uybn ]Wnbp¶Xn\pw, 1984 apX Ignª 29 hÀj§fmbn km¼¯nI klmbw \ÂIphm\mbn {]hÀ¯n¡p¶p. AXn\p ap¼v 1973 apX Xs¶ sF.]n.knbpsS hnhn[ {]hÀ¯\§sf klmbn¡phm³ ssZhw F\n¡v CSbm¡nbn«p­v. A§s\ \ÂIp¶ ]W¯nsâ apgph³ {]tbmP\hpw sF.] ¡mWv e`n¡p¶Xv. IGO C¶p hsc {]tXyIw k`IÄ Øm]n¨n«nÃ. sF.] AÃmsX asämcp k`bpw F\n¡nÃ. _olmdn C³Uym anj³ AhnSps¯ sF.] {]hÀ¯\§sf klmbn¡p¶Xp t]mse am{Xta IGO bpw sN¿p¶pÅq.

DZmlcWambn Ip¼\mSv C´ym ss__nÄ tImfPv, ]©m_v ss__nÄ tImfPv, lnamN ss__nÄ tImfPv, KpPdm¯v ss__nÄ s{Sbn\nwKv skâÀ, Hdokm ss__nÄ s{bn\nwKv skâÀ, antkmdmw ss__nÄ tImfPv, UmÀPnenwKv ss__nÄ tImfPv XpS§nhbneqsS CXphsc ]cnioe\w e`n-¨-h-cn 95%Dw (Bbnc¡W¡n\v) sF.]n.knbpsS ip{iqjI·mcmWv. A¸¨sâ Imew apX IpSpw_ambn sF.]¡p th­n apS¡nbn«pÅ XpIbpsS IW¡v ssZhw Adnbp¶p. AXnsâ ^e§Ä C´ybnepS\ofw sF.]n.kntbmSv _Ôs¸«v ImWphm\pw Ignbp¶p.

]mÌÀ sI.C. G{_lmansâ Ime¯n\p tijw Ip¼\mSv sF.]¡v Hcp skâv `qan t]mepw hm§nbn«nà F¶ {]kvXm-h-\-sb-¡p-dn¨v?

]mÌÀ sI.C. G{_lmansâ Ime¯n\p tijw {]KÛcpw BZcWobcpamb \nch[n P\d {]knUâpamcpw P\d sk{I«dnamcpw sF.]¡v D­mbncp¶p. AhÀs¡ÃmhÀ¡pw FXnsc BWtÃm Cu {]kvXm-h-\. AXpsIm­v CXn\v adp]Sn ]dtb­Xv Rm³ am{XaÃ. ]t£ F\n¡v H¶dnbmw. Ip¼\mSv sF.]¡v `qan hm§n¡q«p¶Xà sF.] bpsS hfÀ¨. tIcf¯nepw `mcX¯nepw `mcX¯n\p ]pd¯pw sF.]¡v tÌäv slUvIzmÀt«gvkpIÄ, skâÀ Øm]\§Ä, k`m Øm]\§Ä XpS§n F{Xtbm Gsd `qanbpw Øm]\§fpw XymK]qÀÆw {]hÀ¯n¨ IÀ¯rZmk·mcpsSbpw hnizmknIfpsSbpw {]mÀ°\IfpsS ^eambn D­mbn«p­v. AXv hnkvacn¡m³ ]mSnÃ.

AtX kabw ]mÌÀ sI.C. G{_lmansâ Ime¯v hm§nb hkvXp Aev]w t]mepw \jvSs¸SmsX `wKnbmbn Im¯p kq£n¡phm³ Ip¼\m«v slt{_m³]pc¯v Xmakn¨ Fsâ ]nXmhn\pw IpSpw_¯n\pw Ignªp F¶Xpw k`bv¡v Imem\pkrXhpw Bhiy\pkcWhpapÅ HmUntämdnbw, Hm^okv sI«nS§Ä F¶nh Fsâ ]nXmhv ]mÌÀ än.Fkv. G{_lmapw ImemIme§fn NpaXe hln¨ncp¶hcpw k`bv¡p th­n ]WnXncp¶p F¶Xpw HmÀt¡­XmWv.

sF.]¡p th­n Cu hn[¯n km¼¯nIw apS¡nbn«pÅXmtWm t\XrXz¯n XpScp¶ Xm¦Ä¡v Gähpw henb kwXr]vXn \ÂIp¶Xv?

F{X ]Ww apS¡nbmepw ssZhw AXp sIm­v Dt±in¡p¶ ^ew e`n¡p¶nse¦n {]tbmP\anÃtÃm. AXn\p hfsc {]mÀ°\bpw Bßobt\XrXzhpw BhiyamWv. Ignª At\I hÀj§fmbn, {]tXyIn¨v Rm³ sF.] P\d sk{I«dnbmbncp¶ Ignª 6 hÀj§Ä tIcf¯nepw C´ybnse hnhn[ kwØm\§fnepw C´y¡v ]pd¯pÅ an¡ doPnb\pIfnepw hn{iaanÃmsX bm{X sNbvXp ]mkvtÌÀkv tIm¬^d³kpIÄ, kphntijoIcW skan\mdpIÄ, tÌäv / doPnb³ I¬h³j\pIÄ, bq¯v skan\mdpIÄ XpS§nbhbn kw_Ôn¨v ip{iqjn¡pIbpw, t\XrXz¯nencn¡p¶hÀ¡pw ip{iqjI·mÀ¡pw k`m P\§Ä¡pw ssZhIr]bnem{ibn¨v hN\¯neqsS t{]mXvkml\hpw amÀ¤\nÀt±i§fpw \ÂIpIbpw {]hÀ¯\§sf hnebncp¯pIbpw sN¿p-hm³ Ignªp. Ignª 6 hÀj§Ä¡nSbn ap¼v th­Xp t]mse {]hÀ¯\§Ä CÃmXncp¶ hSt¡ C´ybnse kwØm\§fn anj³ skâdpIfneqsS \nc-h[n k`IÄ Bcw`n¡phm\nSbmbXpw, an¡ hSt¡ C´y³ kwØm\§fnepw sF.]¡v henb hfÀ¨ D­mIp¶Xv ImWphm\pw CSbm¡nbXpamWv Gähpw A[nIw F\n¡v NmcnXmÀ°yw Dfhm¡nb Imcyw.

ip{iqjI·mÀ¡pw hnizmknIÄ¡pw t\cn«v ImWp hmt\m kwkmcn¡phmt\m Xm¦fpsS ASp¡Â kmh Imiw e`n¡mdnà F¶pw Hcp kwkmcapÅXns\¡pdn¨v?

taÂ]dªXp t]mse sF.] bpsS hnhn[ doPnb\pIÄ, tÌäpIÄ, ss__nÄ kv¡qfpIÄ, hnhn[ kt½f\§Ä XpS§nbhbn XpSÀam\ambn ]s¦Sp¯v bm{X sN¿p¶ Rm³ tIcf¯n an¡t¸mgpw Npcp¡w kab§sf Nnehgn¡m³ IgnbmdpÅq. Cu kmlNcy¯n Rm³ B{Kln¡p¶Xp t]mse FÃmhtcmSpw kwkmcn¡phmt\m CSs]Sphmt\m IgnbmdnÃ. At¸mÄ Xs¶ e`n¡p¶ Ahkc§Ä \½psS ip{iqjIcpambpw ssZha¡fpambpw kwkmcn¡phm³ Rm³ Ahkcw FSp¡mdp­v. XpSÀ¶v A{]Imcw IqSpXembn Ahkcw D­mIphm³ Rm³ BßmÀambn B{Kln¡pIbpw sN¿p¶p.Fs¶ ip{iqjbv¡mbn £Wn¡p¶ an¡ k`Ifnepw skâdpIfnepw sN¶v ip{iqjn¡phm³ kab¡pdhv aqew IgnbmsX t]mIp¶p­v. At¸mÄ Xs¶ tIcf¯nepÅt¸mÄ ]e skâdpIfpw k`Ifpw amdn amdn kµÀin¡phm³ Ir]bm CSbmbn«pap­v. ssZhZmk·mcpsSbpw P\¯nsâbpw k`IfpsSbpw ]e Bhiy§fnepw Iq«mbvaImWn-¡p-hm\pw Ignªn«p­v.

sF.] bpsS `mhnsb¡pdn¨v Xm¦fpsS ZÀi\w H¶v ]¦pshbv¡mtam?
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Displaying 29 Comments
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a. s. mathew (February 19, 2013)
Contd: 2 The low key born-again person and myself had to use extra talk to get the drivers to eat with us, and the drivers were quite surprised to see our love towards them. The born-again person will share his testimony, how he led a life on drinking-smoking and fighting and giving hardship to his wife, and how JESUS changed his life. He planted the seeds, and one day there will be a reaping time. The preacher buddy looked at me with certain dislike of the personal witnessing of our friend. Brother Truth Teller, we are now at the end times, there is no question about that. Those people with any burden for the souls must spend their energy-money-time-influence and everything else possible, keep away from this politically influced Church business and the entertaining of the power hungry religious hierarchy. Else, the day of lamentations will be faced with later on; sooner than we all think!
a. s. mathew (February 19, 2013)
Dear brother Truth Teller: You are telling nothing but the whole truth openly seen in the denominations. The Church splitting on the one hand-grabbing of members from other congregations on the other hand; and JESUS is totally kicked out from the fancy worship halls of marvelous pageantry. While travelling in a mission trip years back with two other friends (Indian origin but lived in the U.S.) I could learn some hard lessons of human nature. One person is a well known preacher, in a greater hurry to stand on the pulpit, and will never shut his mouth in arguing with believers of other denominations about minor doctrines. The other person was a low key person, led a wild life; came to know Christ through the influence of a Christian lady from Pakistan while he was working in an African country. We had to rent car to move from one city to another city, and the poor drivers of different religious background have never heard about Christ.
truth teller (February 18, 2013)
the bible emphatically warns us in 2 timothy 3:1-2 about what to expect in these last days:

“this know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. for men shall be l0vers of their 0wn selves…â€

if you see church leaders in atlanta, you would see the word spoken in bible come to light. we can see facebook being used for glorifying churches, themselves and their families. the fight is more about getting more friends than winning soul to christ. the fight it to get more people from another church to boast their church headcount. fight is to sell books to get fame money for themselves whereas christ is on the wayside.

a. s. mathew (February 8, 2013)
cond:2 god was very kind to me and i had the opportunities to dine with

some american church leaders and preachers. while i observed their mannerism and humility, and that of the indian religious hierarchy, i was caught up in a profound confusion. in 1975, after eating the supper in his church at the same table on wednesday, the internationally known t. v. preacher (changed lives) pastor ben haden collected the disposable cups and plates from the table and put them in the trash bags, i was really shocked. how, our church leaders will act in india? the same religion and bible, but entirely two lifestyle!
a. s. mathew (February 8, 2013)
Dear Brother Thomasvemmilil: These things are deeply rooted traditions, getting far worse every year; and very hard to change even if we preach very loudly. When I came to know about the amount spent by a small Indian Church with a very few churches in the U.S., to give official reception to their newly elected Bishops; I was indeed flabbergasted. The religious manifesto presented to the first century believers by Apostle James was " Pure religion and undefiled before God and the father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world" James 1:27. Whenever they visit the U.S., they could have accepted the red carpet welcome mat. The cross-bearing divine calling taught by our Lord and Saviour is a bygone chapter of the Churches in India. But the Churches have adopted a lot of things from the politicians and other religions willingly or unwillingly.
thomasvemmelil (February 7, 2013)
Jacob John after being elected as the President of IPC is seen receiving formal receptions from different corners along with the other members of the council. If he is genuine in his motives as the president of IPC he should avoid such meetings. If we want to receive Reward from men, we will not be able to receive reward from God in the future. We cannot enjoy a big name in the world and also have a position in the kingdom. Therefore, Jacob John should refuse receiving all the glory and praises from men so that he will not lose the reward from God. Let him seek only the glory before God and before His angels.
rr (February 7, 2013)
Listen,do you know what the Kumbanad Convention involves? Very many of the convenors appear only on the stage to take their seats. Most who do the work are those who are not known to anybody nor do they desire publicity. So, please refrain from making statements that may be far from the truth.

msp (January 23, 2013)
it is great to hear pastor jacob john is the general president for ipc. he is a praying man of god. i seen it first hand his ministry and life in punjab. i even read the harassing letters these so called leaders sent him several years ago trying to get him out of punjab, were he has been ministering for the last 30 plus years. god has raised an army of natives through his ministry in punjab and himachal pradesh. i visited with him many of these churches. i pray the conviction with which he ministered in punjab he will lead ipc. not let others derail him from the vision." house shall be called the house of prayer." ( matt 21:13) church needs to get to the basics ...prayer and word. temple needs cleansing before we go out and tell others. let christ be seen in us. if our lives is not a representation of what we preach then we are fooling ourselves. church needs to get to the basics. .....let us come back from we're we have fallen. keep on pressing, life is short.
a well wisher of ipc (January 23, 2013)
the history ipc has to be amended there are many precious men of god who's name and pictures have been forgotten from the ipc history, i pray pastor jacob john would try to bring this truths to the younger generation. karamvelil mathaichan has been forgotten from the history of ipc brief history of ipc karmavelil mathaichan who was otherwise known as pastor t. k. mathai was a fiery minister of god. he was given as a miracle child to his parents. his parents therefore, dedicated him as a slave for the church. while he was in his youth, he had the chance to know the lord. ever since, he had been an active member of the church. he was full of graces and gifts of god. he was always zealous for the lord. his ministry was accompanied by the miracles, signs and wonders of god. the name of karamvelil mathaichan was one of the seven founders of the indian pentecostal church of god (i. p. c.). the names of k. e. abraham, k. c. cherian, k. c. oommen, v.v. thomas, v. e. mathai, p. t. varughese
abraham (January 23, 2013)
congrats to Jacob John...

now dont be a puppet under KC john, try to bring change
mathew john (January 23, 2013)
congrats to jacob john and his team. i think u will definetely amend our ipc constitution which is unbiblical. in addition, i support pr valson. its really painfull but if you can spend full support to ipc, people will select you and i think pastor jacob john himself will support u next time if you donate ur money wealth and everything to ipc and gods kingdom. pls avoid ballot system in ipc. god bless
thomasvemmelil (January 22, 2013)
An election by ballot that based upon a person's position, political power, education, wealth or talent will lead the church to end up with hierarchy but to set apart a person by the Holy Spirit is based upon the spiritual life of that person so that the church might obtain leading in spiritual matters.

mathew, kerala. (January 21, 2013)
@thomasvemmelil i totally agree with you for the valid picture you have painted. these preachers are professional and their motive is mony and fame. kumbanad convention is the inheritence of two families. valson and k.c. look the dramas they both play. they share pulpit and not allowing any spiritual and qualified men of god to minister. i hope everybody watching the response of valson and k.c's face and response when pr.prathap singh preached about business men in god's temple. he said both money changing and dove selling are business. igo and power vision both are business. these business men should come out and let christ clean his church. look at valson for the last 6 years when he was in chair, he was the convention cordinator plus music cordinator to accommodate his family. poor and innocent men of god do the least and time demanding department like prayer and so on. let this business and so called leaders come out from position and spend time in fasting and praying wait 2 term
thomasvemmelil (January 21, 2013)
today we live in an age of democracy, and people everywhere talk about democracy. but the church the body of christ is a spiritual entity where democracy or autocracy will not work. in the kumbanad convention this time kc john was glorifying the local politicians of kerala on the stage and was shamelessly accepting donation from one of them in public for the church. i would rather ask kc john to leave aside his preaching and start reading the bible from genesis to revelation and find out where from he has received this revelation to accept money from an unbeliever for the church! and what a shame it is to announce the same in the public!! ipc has now been deformed and degraded to the uttermost !! ipc has been deviated from the scriptures!! i truly cry out out of my spirit for these shameless leaders!!
mathew kerala. (January 21, 2013)
respected pastor valson abraham, i read interview. thanks. but let me ask you this, whats your contribution to ipc? you raised funds from various sources in god's name. did you really and honestly spent that fund for ipc or for your private trust? pastor, you should be an example as a leader being faithful before god. you received the funds not because of your education or profession but because of the good heart of god's people. but you have love for money and position than the love for perishing souls. my friendly suggestion to you is to prove yourself as a good steward of god in the coming 3 years by leaving any official position in ipc. just focus on igo and move on. if you prove faithful ipc will call you. how much money you are spending for this election these days lakhs and lakhs. you collected the money for god' work and bribing voters. please remember the purpose of the giver. please note there is accountability for the money you raised. now you know how to talk to pastors
mathew thomas (January 21, 2013)
in recent comment pr jacob john told that he is ready to withdrew his candidature if pr valson give 50 percent of his wealth to IPC. Why not take it as a challenge and avoid a election to the president post. The forefathers consider everything as common. we ask pr valson to become ipc president from generation to generation. on one will field candidate against u. But as the president of ipc spend your full energy to ipc and not to IGO. No one can stand in two boats in water or serve two masters at a time. we pray for both the pastors. They two are one way or other good for the kingdom of God. One has administrative skill for a organization and other as the apostle leadership of the church to plant churches and to nurture. Let Gods will be done pls avoid this type of election in the future God bless ipc and God bless u.
a. s. mathew (January 21, 2013)
Dear brother Philip: I do agree with you 110%. Those leaders with varying spiritual gifts in the ministry must fully concentrate in the ministry, and the administration must be done by the capable believers. What we see as an age old tradition in all the denominations "believers, come and worship-tell what the Lord has done for you-donate the money and keep quite. We the religious hierarchy are in an exclusive charge of conducting the worship and administration". How many unheard religious entities are in our denominations to create positions to exalt individuals? In some denominations, the religious hierarchy won't know the anything about the spiritual and social problems of the believers because they are totally engaged in the real estate business to add more buildings to the denominations. Now I wonder, whether the Church is a spiritual body or a secular business corporations?
philip (January 21, 2013)
We need Fathers to Mentor the younger leaders, not Political leaders in Churches. For Administration appoint some one who is able and godly.

Spiritual Leaders should devote their time to minister to the church.

And Administrators should be below 60 years of age. if Govt's can not keep someone beyond 60 as a Clark. why should we?
real (January 20, 2013)
The pioneer of the ministry in Punjab was Capt.Samuel
thomasvemmelil (January 20, 2013)
It is foolish to think that anyone can alter the condition of today's Pentecostalism. No one can be greater or more capable than God to do that job. Martin Luther wanted to reform Catholicism resulting which nothing happened to Catholicism but many other "isms" formed and Pentecostalism is one among them. Catholicism still remains the same or even more stronger than ever before as the greatest threat for the true Church. To hope to correct Pentecostalism and eliminate its mistakes is just foolishness. No one can do it because God is not doing it. Of course, if God wanted to do it, He would have a way. The situation of the Church in Lavodicea was nothing but Democracy. The word Lavodicea in Greek means "the opinion of the people". The situation is same with Pentecostalism today.
anonymouz (January 18, 2013)
We need Change.
sp kumbanad (January 18, 2013)
we don't need business ceo's in our leadership. they are always looking for money, like the elephants looking for kaalamundam. please vote for anointed servants with no private businesses.
dr.punjabi (January 18, 2013)
I totally agree with Saji Thattayil. Seems like the inevitable change is going to happen in IPC leadership.
jomon (January 18, 2013)
kollam ,muyhalali thozhilali abhimukam.
saji thattayil (January 17, 2013)
Change in leadership is always welcome.
jacob (January 17, 2013)
Vote for pr.John Jacob
sadharana vishwasi (January 15, 2013)
ente pinnil veckan Rev,Dr. Pr onnumilla.Pakshe njanoru sadharana manushyananu.Ithu vayichappol oru cheriya samshayam.Last 6 year " Thiruvachana sathyathil adiyurachu" allayirunno???? ini adiyurackan pokunnathe ulllo???? njan vayichathil thettu pattiyathanel sadhayam kshamickuka.
great (January 15, 2013)
Great interview. Wonderful man.
jose, kerala. (January 15, 2013)
These leaders, please listen Pastor K.Joy's message Tuesday night in Kumbanad convention. You decide then. He said cursed are the panel leaders and followers.
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