Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Aug 31, 2011
Views: 23369
An open letter from Pastor John Samuel to IPC South Eastern Region members.
sF.] Cuv doPnb k`m ip{iqjImw hnizmknIw I{p\man h\w.
Pqsse 23\" tevemn IqSnb sF.] skuv Cuv doPnb Iukn aonwKv ]m tPmbn G{_lmw {]mnv BinhmZw ]dtijw, ]m tPm aonwKv ]ncnp hnXnt\msSmw doPnb Iuknepw ]ncnp hnncnXmbn {]Jym]nIbpmbn. Cu hnhcw Xm Pqsse 29mw XnbXn doPnb k`m ip{iqjImw, Iukn AwKw, Nne am[yaw AbXmb Iv \nw e`npImw F hnizkn. doPnbs FIvknqohv In tbmSp t]mepw A`n{]mbw BcmbmsX kzw Xmcy{]Imcw Iukn ]ncnp hn \S]Sn sF.] bpsS `cWLS\w, ^vtfmdnU sk{Idn Hm^v tv sdPnkvt{SUv HmKss\tkj \obanw hnamW' F kXyw \smw AdnbmhpXmWtm. BbXn\m ]m kz C{]Imcw \oba hn]coXambn sk]vw_ 2,3,4 Fo XobXnIfn \Sphm Xoam\nncn doPnb Ihjw ap ]cn]mSnIfpw \Sphm ]mSpXm F hnhcn\' Rm ]m\ (^vtfmdnU) Adnbnnpv F hnhcw doPnb k`m ip{iqjImtcbpw, Iukn AwKtfbpw Adnbn. ASnbcambn sF.] skuv Cuv doPnb k`m ip{iqjImcSnb {]kv_ndn hnfnp Iqn `mhn ]cn]mSnI Xoam\nIbpw, P\d t_mUnbpsS Ana Xoam\n\" hnSpIbpamW' Ctm sNtXv Fv doPnb\nse ]e ip{iqjImw, hnizmknIfpw, sF.] `cW t\{XXznep Nnew Fs AdnbnnpXqamW'. kam[m\]cambn {]i\ ]cnlcnv A{Klns doPnb {]h\ aptmp sImv t]mhm ssZhw klmbnXnw, ssZh `btmsS {]XnImc at\m`mhw Cm H `cW kaXn Dmhmw sF.] Cuv doPnb\" kwKXnbmIs Fw Rm Bin. AXn\mbn doPnbs Fm k`m ip{iqjImw hnizmknIfpw {]mnWw Fv At]jn.
Fv {InkvXphn
]m tPm kmapth
We are so very quick to be judgemental about people not realising that we need to verify the information first hand and to that extent I think our community needs indepth education,sadly these are the same people who will attend church on Sundays and participate in the communion.
Pity these people,they should realise that they are decieving themselves more than anybody else and stooping to a standard which is way below the standard set by our Master.Bible is very explicit on the use of tongue,time our community realises this atleast considering eternity which we may loose,cuz of all vain conversations.Blessings !!!