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An open letter to Pastor Heppner
Category: Creatives
Publish Date: Jun 6, 2012
Views: 18320

An open letter to Pastor Heppner.
]qÀW kphntij ssZhk`bpsS Gjybnse {][m\nbmb Xm¦Ä¡v Cu Is¯gpXp¶Xv Cu k`bnse Hcp hnizmknbmb Ipª¨\mWv. apf¡pgbn \n¶v A§v Zqsc tImemleta«nemWv hoSv. \mSnsâ t]cn am{Xta tImemleapÅq. R§fpsS \mSv F´v im´amsWt¶m. AXpsIm­v Atemlyw H¶pw kmbvhn\v tXm¶cpXv F¶v Hct]£. ]qÀW kphntijw F¶Xv t]cns\m¸w {_m¡än tNÀ¯sX´ns\¶v _m¡nbpÅh\v CXphsc ]nSnIn«nbn«nÃ. R§fpsS CSbnse Hcp {]apJ {]kwKI³ ]dbmdpÅXpt]mse {]khapdnbpsS ap¼n kv{XoIÄ¡v am{Xw Fs¶gpXnhbv¡p¶Xpt]mse Hcp t]mcmbva. kmbvth Xm¦sf Cu Ffnbh³ BZyambn ImWp¶Xv 2012 se NÀ¨v Hm^v tKmUv tIcfm tÌäv I¬h³j\nemWv. HmhÀknbÀ Ce£\pambn _Ôs¸«v Xm¦Ä \S¯nb {]kvXmh\Ifpw Xm¦fpsS t_mUn emwtKzPpw Hs¡ hfsc {i²n¡s¸«p. ""]«nI X¿mdm¡n X«n'' F¶v R§fpsS \m«nsemcp aWnt¨«³ ]dªXpt]mse Xm¦fpw ]«nI X¿mdm¡nbncpt¶m F¶v At¶ tXm¶nbncp¶p. Hcmsf e£yam¡n XIÀ¡p¶ Cu coXnbv¡v R§fpsS \m«n I®qÀ tamU F¶pw ]dbmdp­v. kmbvth, R§fpsS \m«n \n¶v Xm¦fpsS KW¯nÂs¸«hsc R§Ä HmSn¨p hn«n«v 65 hÀjambn. C¶v R§fpsS \mSv temI¯nse Gähpw henb P\m[n]Xy cmPyw am{Xaà hfÀ¶phcp¶ temI iàn IqSnbmWv. Aev] kzev]w AgnaXnbms¡bps­¦nepw iàamb Hcp \nba kwhn[m\w ChnsS \ne\n¡p¶p­v F¶v Xm¦Ä¡dnbmtam Ft´m?

kmbvth, C³Uybnse ssZhk` ChnSps¯ skmsskän BIvSv A\pkcn¨v cPnÌÀ sNbvXn«pÅXmWv. hyhØIfpw \nba§fpw Hs¡bpÅ Hcp kwhn[m\hpw CXn\p­v. Cu \nba¯n Iognembncn¡Ww Imcy§Ä \St¯­Xv. F¶m HmhÀknbÀ sXcsªSp¸pambn _Ôs¸«v Xm¦Ä CsXÃmw ewLn¨p F¶Xtà kXyw. \ymbamb Nne kwib§Ä tNmZnt¨ms« kmbvth. Ce£³ \S¯m³ hnÚm]\w Cd¡t­? ssZhk`bpsS t]mfnknb\pkcn¨v \nehnepÅ HmhÀknbÀ XpSctWm th­tbm F¶v ]mÌÀamcpsS lnXadnbpIbtà BZyw sNt¿­Xv? XpScWw F¶msW¦n {]n^d³kv _meätà k`m t]mfnknbn DÅXv? AX\pkcn¨v HmÀUnt\j\pÅ BcpsS t]cpw FgpXphm\tà ip{iqjIÀ¡v AhImiapÅXv. Øm\mÀ°nIsf {]Jym]n¡phm³ ]mSnà F¶tÃ. F¶m Gjybnse ssZhk`bpsS A[n]\mb kmbvhp \S¯nbXp \áamb N« ewL\atÃ. 2 t]sc Øm\mÀ°nbm¡m³ BcmWv Xm¦sf A[nImcs¸Sp¯nbXv. Iogv hg¡a\pkcn¨msW¦n Akn. HmhÀknbdpsS t]ctà ]dtb­Xv. (Ct¸mÄ sXcsªSp¡s¸« hyàntb¡pdn¨v FXnscm¶panà Ipª¨\v) kmbvth CsXms¡ FgpXpt¼mÄ Xm¦Ä¡v kpJn¡nà F¶dnbmw. Hcp]tZin ]{X¯n hnaÀins¨gpXn F¶Xnsâ t]cn D]tZinbpsS HmÀUnt\j³ Im³kep sN¿psa¶ `ojWn I¯bs¨¶p tI«p. kXyamtWm F¶dnbnÃ. kXyamsW¦n kmbvshmcp ]penXs¶bmWv tIt«m. shdpw ]penbÃ, shŸpen. kmbvth ssZhk`bpsS t]mfnknbpsS ewL\hpw C³Uy³ skmsskäokv BIvSnsâ ewL\hpw Xm¦Ä \S¯nsb¶p k]jvSw. kmbvth, ChnsS Xm¦Ä \S¯n¨ HmUnänwKnsâ IY F´mbn? HmUnäp dnt¸mÀ«v P\d t_mUn¡v \ÂIt­ AXp {]kn²oIcn¡t­. Hcn¡Â Ipä¡mc\m¡pI ]ns¶ Ipä hnapà\m¡pI. CsXms¡ \n§Äs¡mcp ckw. ]t£ ChnSps¯ ssZhP\w IjvSs¸«p \ÂInb c­pe£w cq] kzml. Ct¸mgpÅ kwhn[m\a\pkcn¨v AgnaXn¡v Nm³kps­s¶¦nepw I­p ]nSn¨tÃm? ChnSpt¯sXÃmw X«n¡q«v IW¡pIfmsW¶v Adnbm¯hcnÃ. tÌäpIfpsS IW¡pw HmÄ C´ym Iu¬knensâ IW¡pw CXphsc s]mcp¯s¸«p I­n«nÃtÃm kmbvth. kmbvhnsâ Hmtcm IfnItf. kmbvhv \m«n DÃmk¡¸enemWv Ignbp¶Xv Fs¶ms¡ ChnsS ]ecpw ]dªp tI«n«p­v. A{X henb skäs¸m¶pw R§fpsS \m«nse t\Xm¡·mÀ¡v Bbn«nÃ. kmbvth, ChnsS h¶v Icnao³ s]mÅn¨Xpw Xn¶v Nn¡³ Imev ISn¨p hen¨pw ÌmÀ tlm«en Xmakn¨pw, ]©]pÑw AS¡n Ip\nªp \n¶v kmbvhv \ÂIp¶ DÑnjvSw ssI\o«n hm§n sXmgpXpw aS§p¶ R§fpsS t\Xm¡·msc am{Xta Xm¦Ä I­n«pÅq F¶dnbmw. ]pd¯v h¶v ]mhs¸« hnizmknIsfbpw D]tZinamscbpw aÊnepcp«n ImWn¡p¶ ChÀ kmbvhns\¡mWpt¼mÄ ]q¨Ipªp§fmIpw F¶padnbmw. Cu tcmK¯n\v aebmf¯n ]dbp¶Xv kmbv¸ns\ ImWpt¼mÄ Ihm¯p ad¡pI F¶mWv. ChnsS P\m[n]Xyw thWsa¶pw kmbv]nsâ ASnaXzw ths­¶pw hmZn¡p¶hcp­v R§fpsS CSbnÂ. kmbvhns\ ImWpt¼mÄ Hcpan¨ncp¶v NmbIpSn¡pIbpw ]pd¯p h¶n«v kmbvhns\ FXnÀ¡pIbpw sN¿p¶hÀ. R§sf `cn¡phm³ Bscbpw A\phZn¡nsöv Dds¡ ]dbp¶ Chsct¸msemcp {Kq¸v IÀ¯mhnsâ Ime¯pw D­mbncp¶ Imcyw kmbv]v hmbn¨n«pt­m Bthm? tbiphnt\mSv blqZÀ ]dªXn§s\bmWv ""R§Ä A{_mlmansâ a¡Ä R§Ä BcpsSbpw ZmkÀ Bbn«nÃ.'' tdma³ Kh¬saânsâ ASna\pIw tXmfnencn¡pt¼mÄ BWtÃm AhÀ CXv ]dªXv CXpt]memWv R§Ä ae¦cbnse ssZhk`¡mcpw. CXnsâ ImcWw Cu ASp¯Ime¯mWv shfns¸«Xv. R§Ä \¼qXncnamcmsW¶mWv C{Xbpw \mÄ IcpXnbncp¶Xv. F¶m R§Ä blqZcmsW¶v CubnsS I­p]nSn¨p. s]´t¡mkvXÀ¡v Cu Imcyw a\Ênem¡n¯¶Xv Hcp A¨mb\mWv. kmbvth Ct¸mÄ kwKXn ]nSnIn«n¡mWpw. kmbvhv \pIw R§fpsS tXmfn Xs¶ sht¨m. CS¡nS¡p R§Ä ASnaIfà F¶p ]dbpw A{Xam{Xw. ImcWw R§Ä blqZcmbnt¸mbntÃ. kmbvth Xm¦Ä ImWn¨ tIm{]mb§sfms¡ Xm¦fpsS cmPyambn Im\Ubnembncps¶¦n tKmX¼p­ Xnt¶­n hcntÃ. (Ct¸mÄ ChnsS N¸m¯nbpw a«³Idnbpsams¡bm. kmbvhnsâ \m«nse skä¸v Ipd¨pIqsS sa¨ambncn¡pw AtÃ). kmbvth, R§fpsS \m«nse {InkvXym\nXz¯nsâ ]mc¼cy¯n\v 2 kl{km_vZt¯mfw ]g¡ap­v. Xm¦fpsS Gjybn tIcfw Ignªm ]ns¶ FhnsSbm ]¯p t]cpÅXv? kmbvhnsâ BØm\amb ^nen¸n³kn NÀ¨v Hm^v tKmUv FÃmw FÃmw \jvSamsW¶p tI«tÃm? DÅsXÃmw hnäp Xpe¡ps¶t¶m, tImfPpIÄ \nÀ¯ps¶t¶m Hs¡bmWtÃm hmÀ¯IÄ. kmbvth Xm¦Ä ]penbmsW¶dnªpsIm­v ]dbs« R§Ä thZ]pkvXI¯n hnizkn¡p¶p. ssZhss]X BsW¶Xn A`nam\n¡p¶p. H¸w Hcp `mcXob\msW¶Xnepw. Fsâ cmPy¯nsâ ss]XrI¯n A`nam\n¡p¶p. ChnSps¯ \nba kwhn[m\§sf _lpam\n¡p¶p. R§fpsS \m«n h¶v ]mhs¸« aÕys¯mgnemfnIsf shSnsh¨p sIm¶n«v c£s¸Sm³ {ian¨ Cäen¡msc Xf¨ \nbakwhn[m\amWv ChnsS DÅXv. Cäen¡mcpsS hnc«Â X{´¯n\v ap¶n XebpbÀ¯n \n¡p¶ Cu \nbakwhn[m\¯n A`nam\hpap­v. am[ya§sf hnc«nbm ^eansö Imcyw HmÀ¡pI. kmbvth, Xm¦fpsS KW¯nÂs¸« \Ãhcmb At\Isc ae¦c¡dnbmw Ip¡pkmbv]pw Imcnkmbv]psams¡ B KW¯nÂs¸Spw. AhcpsS tkh\§Ä R§Ä \µntbmsS HmÀ¡mdp­v. ChnSps¯ \nba§sf shÃphnfn¡p¶ Xm¦tfmSv ]dbs« kmbvhns\ ImWpt¼mÄ Ihm¯pad¡m¯hcpw ChnsSbp­v. ChnSps¯ \nbaw A\pkcn¨v Hcp `cWkwhn[m\w ChnsS thWw. GIm[n]XnIfpsS Imew Ignªp. P\m[n]Xyw sImSnIp¯n hmgs«. ]eÀ A[nImcw ]¦nSs«. ImcWw HcmÄ Xs¶ ssIbn«phmcmsX ]eÀ hmcs«. At\IÀ tImSn]XnIfmIs«. A§s\ P\m[n]Xyw iàns¸Ss«. C{Xsbms¡ FgpXnbXpsIm­v kmbvhn\v s\ms´¦n GgtbmSv s]mdp¡pI. CsXms¡ Xamibmbn I­m aXn. R§fn§s\ms¡¸dbpw kmbvhv ImcyamsbSp¡mXncp¶m aXn. hÃXpsams¡ taibn \n¶v s]mgn¨n«m aXn. AsXms¡ s]dp¡n Xn¶v R§Ä Igntªmfmw. ImcWw R§Ä blqZcmWtÃm.


Displaying 13 Comments
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cog believer (July 2, 2012)
Church of God nannavanamenkil ippolulla counciline pirichu vidanam. COGyil Servicil Seniors aaya pastors(above 20 years)(councilil ithuvare member aakan sadhikkathavarkk prethyeka parigananyil) ne select cheythu avarae electionil kudayo narukitto thiranjedukkuka.. Avashyamillatha dept.heads and deptments in pirichu viduka.. Evangelism directorum, crusade directorum growth mission directorum home mission directorum okke thammil entha ithra sthanathil vythyasam..sthanam kittan enthu research cheythu kandu pidikkaam alle.. enthanu field secretoryum council secretoryum thammil vythyasam.

enthanu ee co-ordinator and distict pastor difference.. ithu manusheekamaya enthenkilum organization polae aano??

PJJames sir can do these things if the pastors and believers support him. PJJames has the seniority in COG than Pr M Kunjappy..
cog believer (July 2, 2012)
pr kunjappi kku adhikara mohamillayirunnu enkil asst. overseer post church of godil undakillayirunnu.. pr k c john ne oru churchof god electionu thazhayirakki... athintae nyaya vidhiyayanu veroru conventionil kunjappi pastorkum kittyathu..Kunjappi pastorae adhikara kaserayil ninnum irakkan chila council members cheyha pravarthikal orikkalum cheyyan padillathathaanu. Senior Pastorsine bahumanikendathu ella junior pastorsum cheyendathaanu..
kochumon (June 29, 2012)
dear rajiv

history is repeating , don't you remember how pr. k c john mulakuzha lost his overseer post ? !. i don't think pr p j james played a politics in this matter, if he played , surely after 3 or 4 years same scenario will repeat (if god permit we can see that). i am not a fan of any leader, but i loved our former overseer pr. p a v sam , unfortunately these politicians played their game while he was ruling and destroyed all the goodness he contributed to church at that time
rajiv, ekm (June 29, 2012)
@kochumon, what you have mentioned above is partially true.because you think that he is bit educated and speak very good english.indeed,he is eligible for this position.however,the game he played to become an overseer was not he is not worthy to hold this position at this moment.
kochumon (June 28, 2012)
pastor p j james is the only eligible person for the post of overseer in cgi at the moment
sebastian (June 27, 2012)
Oru Re election nadathiyaal, P J James thatti pokum ennu urappanu, Kunjappy sir nu world vision apology letter ayachathu thanne daiveekamaya karam aanu...sathyam orikkalum moodi vekkan pattilla...! James was little hurry to become an overseer....!
joby (June 18, 2012)
viswasikalkum koode pradhinithyam undayirunnengil,P J James nu keranda varillayirunnu.
cog believer (June 18, 2012)
@a cog believer:thankal paranjathinodu (assist.oversear post)njanun yogikunnu oru cog member enna nilayil.ennalum senior pastor ennulla pariganana enkilum kanikamayirunnu.evide journal parayunnathu shariyanenkil policy aanusarichu(pref.ballot) mathram alle oversearine thirenjedukan padollu.athu evide attimarikkapettu.chodyam cheyyan aarkum avakasham illalo.saipu theerumanikunnathu anusarikuka,athra thanne.viswasikalkum koode pradhinithyam unadakenam oversear,council thirenjeduppil..
a cog believer.. (June 18, 2012)
asst. overseer enna post church of god kerala statil engane undaayi??..aa katha ivide comment cheyyunna believersinu ariyaaamo??.. pinne enthu keezhvazhakkamanu asst. overseer overseer aakanamennullathu..ethu policyil ullathanu??.. asst. overseer post undakaan karanam adhikara moham mathramanu..
joby t rajan (June 11, 2012)
Good i like this ,congrats Kunjacha.......
believer (June 9, 2012)
i totally agree that its high time we rethink the organizational hierarchy of cog. however, when this election was conducted why did not be believers, candidates, pastors protest against not following the policies and procedures. literally a reelection has to happen in church of god following the policies. i am sure that james sir will be reelected but let him happen according the rules of cog. i would expect james sir as a respected man of god to resign and do a new election, following the bylaws of cog.
jibin (June 8, 2012)
satyam thuranu kattiya journal nu congrats..........ith church of god le pastors & belivers kude manasilakuka
mathews dubai (June 6, 2012)
yadartyam thurannezhuthan journal kannikkunna dairyam abhinandanarham aanu.god bless you
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