Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jul 14, 2013
Views: 25164
Any and All unmeritorious conference analytics will be aptly responded after July 16th in Journal.
31þmaXv ]nkn\m¡ns\ F§s\bpw \njvImk\w sN¿m³ I¨sI«nbnd§nb k¼qÀ® ]cmPbaSª s]ê¼mhqsc tPymXnj hcy³ Ct¸mÄ Iq«epw lcn¡epw KpWn¡epw Ingn¡epw Hs¡bmbn ho«n sNmdnæ¯n Ccn¸mWv. ]nkn\m¡v hnPbn¡mëÅ ImcWw tXSn N§mXn Ct¸mÄ Hê ""hnebnê¯Â I½ojëambn'' cwK {]thiw sNbvXncnçIbmWv. sXcsªSp¸p Ignbpt¼mÄ ]cmPbs¸Sp¶ cm{ãob I£nIÄ P\§fptSbpw FXncmfnIfptSbpw ap³]n ]nSn¨p \nev¡m³ thn Nne sN¸Sn hnZyIÄ {]tbmKn¡mdpv. Hê At\zjW I½ojs\ \nbançI F¶XmWv AXn H¶v. asäm¶v IqsS \n¶hÀ Imep hmcnsbì ]dªp ]c¯pI, {]NcWw icnbmbnÃì ]dbpI, ""AX§s\ h¶XpsImmWv C§s\ h¶Xv, C§s\ kw`hn¨Xv sImmWv A§s\ kw`hn¨Xv XpS§n P\§fpsS ap³]n ]nSn¨p \nev¡³ ]e coXnIÄ cm{ãob¡mÀ {]tbmKn¨v Rªm ]nªm ]dbmdpv. s]ê¼mhqÀ at{lmëw Ct¸mÄ Cu ]mX ]n´pSê¶ Xnc¡nemWv. FgpXn FgpXn ssI Ing¨Xv an¨w. tIm¬^d³kp hnPbn¡mëÅ ImcWw tXSn tIm¬^d³knsâ \mev Znhks¯ X·m{X IjW§sf em_n C«ncnçIbmWv Bim³.
tIm¬^d³kv XpS§nb hymgmgvN Xs¶ N§mXn I«bpw ]Shpw aS¡n s]«nbn C«p. tIm¬^d\kv Ignªt¸mÄ shSn sIm ]¶nsb t]msebmbn I£n. ""Cã\v GtXm km[\w Ifªp In«nsbìw, kq£n¨p t\m¡nbt¸mÄ AXv IXn\ BsWìw, Pqsse 16 \v tijw IXn\m s]m«nçsaìw ]dªp Cã³ Ct¸mÄ cwK {]thi\w \S¯nbncnçIbmtW.
tIm¬^d³kv \qdmbn s]m«psa¶ km¯m\y {]hN\w ]cmPmbs¸«t¸mÄ JPm³Pn hoSp hm§nbXv tIm¬^d³knëtijamsW¶ IÅ¡YbmWv Ct¸mÄ {]Ncnç¸nç¶Xv. Hê e£w ISw hêsaì {]N¨nh\nXm cp e£w hnehê¶ hoSp hm§nbXns\¡qdn¨v ]dbpì. C\nbpw Fs´ÃmamWv sI«nNaç¶Xv Fì \½Äç ImWmw.
Cu tIm¬^d³knë kvssIem_v hogv¯psaì hmin ]nSn¨ N§mXn, BZy dumb LSIw Ignªv Ct¸mÄ Ahkm\ dumb ASn LSI¯n F¯n \nev¡bmWv. \nc]cmXnbmb F_ns¡Xnsc FgpXnb sI«pIY t]mse an\ªpmç¶ IÅ IY XpSÀ¶m Cu N§mXnbpsS hnizkvXcmb GPâpamÀ {]tXyIn¨ \|tbmÀ¡v, Umfkv, ^vtfmdnU,v Aävemâm, Nmä\qK GPâpamêw ZpJn¡m³ CSbpmImXncn¡s«.
GXmbmepw Pqsse 16þ\v tijw N§mXnbpsS hnebnê¯Â I½oj\v kpµc adp]Snbpambn tPÀWepw hê¶Xv sImv ]gb t]mse shůn hoW IXn\mbpsS Xncn \¡n \nÀ¯tW!
who do you think are balans agents? i know in ny is kallu thoma ( tk ipa) and moni and fake bishop wilson. i am not sure if kunjumon rowdymon samuel from salem is also one of them and so is micheal thara johnson. but we all heard how kunju rowdymon samuel tried to stop pcnak 2013 youth co-ordinator not to speak in that church. somehow that did not happen. the big boys of that church asked him to shut his trap before they speak their mind to him. kunju rowdy mon.. had no other option but to be like his brother johnson pennupidiyan and be a loner and have his quiet time with lord. i am also not sure why another big ny church never participated for pcnak at all-- maybe the kallukudiyan thendi murripels influence over micheal chota rajan thara johnson or his influence over his old kallukudi sangam might have been the reason. whatever the case might be-- we know these fools lost big time.. only few churches contributed for the annual donation and in spite of that pcnak was a huge success..