Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jul 24, 2012
Views: 14567
Assaults on Pastors and Bible school students.
Iq: Nv Hm^v tKmUv C CUybpsS ]cnbmcw k`m ]mdpw, auv ]mcm ss__n skan\mcn hmU\pamb ]m DnIrjvWs\bpw, auv ]mcm ss__n skan\mcn hnZymnIfmb Chm. kPn, Chm.{]kmZv Fnhscbpw ]cnbmcv kphntij {]h\w \Sptm Ppsse 6 shnbmgvN 11 aWnv Hcp kwLw kphntij hntcm[nI XSv shv {Iqcambn anp. Cu ev kphntij {]XnI hnXcWw sNbvXp sImncnptm aqpt] ]nXpScpIbpw XpSv IqSpX t]sc t^m sNbvXp hcppIbpw, ChcpsS \o a\nemn ChnsS \npw asmcp hgnbvv amdptm AhnsS Fv t] ]nXpSv apm aWnq XSv shv B{IanpIbpw, ss__nfpIfpw, kphntij{]XnIfpw henv IodnfbpIbpw sNbvXp. ]{v hjambn Nv t{Kmv anjs NpaXebn ChnsS kphntij{]h\ \Sppv, Iq, ImktKmUv, tImgntmSv PnIfnse {]h\ġv t\XrXzw \Iphm X \nebn BUntmdnbhpw, Bcm[\mebhpw, ss__n skan\mcnbpw Fmw ChnsSbpv. hfsc iambn hfpsImncnp Hcp {]h\ taJebmWnXv. ]{v hjambn ae_mdn kphntij{]h\w \Sp ]m DnIrjvW\v CXn\p ap]pw a\tanpv. Cu IrZmkamscbpw, Iq taJebnse {]h\sfbpw Hmv {]mnpI.
Let us pray for the oppressors for their repentance and for those who have been attacked. Where there is oppression, there is definitely a deliverance soon. I pray and wish that at least three of the oppressors might one day take the Holy Bible in their hands and become co-workers of those who have been attacked by them.
If any of them or anyone connected to them happen to read this by chance, we want to convey a message that God loves you and we too because our Lord Jesus Christ has taught us that we should love our enemies.
God bless you.