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ew -am--n\p ssIqen At\z-jWw thWw : hnizmkn {]Xn-\n-[n-I

Bribing for church transfer - Enquiry needed
Category: Current Affairs & News
Publish Date: Jul 11, 2011
Views: 15548

Bribing for church transfer - Enquiry needed.
Cu hjw \S sF. ]n. kn. ip{iq-j-I-cpsS ew am-n-\mbn Nne sk ]mam ssIqen hmn-sb Btcm-]-W-s-p-dnv At\z-jWw \Sn Ip-msXnsc \S-]-Sn-sb-Sp--W-sa Bh-iy-hp-ambn tv Iukn-ense hnizmkn {]Xn-\n-[n-I cwK-v. tv Iukn AwK-amb ^nn. ]n. amXyp-hns ]{Xm-[n-]-Xy-nepw tv sk{I--dn-bpsS IpSpw-_mw-K--fpsS Npa-X-e-bnepw \S-p kzo-b-[z\n ]{X-n Xs Ccw Btcm-]Ww hXv Kpcp-X-c-am-Wv. GsXms sk ]mam-cmWv ssIqen hmn-b-sXv At\z-j-W-n-eqsS ]pd-p-h-c-Ww. CXv t_m[y-s-npw Fp-sImv \S-]-Sn-sb-Sp-n-m-sbv tv sk{I-dn adp-]Sn ]d-b-Ww. [mn-I-Xbvv \nc-m Ccw {]hn-I sNp-Xv F{X D-X-cm-bmepw Ahsc Xm-\-p- \nv amn \nn At\z-jWw \S-p-hm\pw kXyw ]pdv sImp-h-cp-hm\pap Bhw t\Xr-Xz-n-en-cn-p--h ImWn--W-sapw Ah tPW-en-t\mSv ]d-p. CXv kw_--amb Iv Iukn-en\v \Ip-sapw sXmb Btcm-]Ww BsW-n CXv ]nhenv k`-tbmSv amp- ]-d-bp-hm Npa-X-e-m Xm-dm-I-W-sa pw Ah Bh-iy-s-p.


Displaying 3 Comments
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a. s. mathew (July 20, 2011)
Jesus has never mentioned any other subject in equality with God but with a confronting context like " God and money". (Jesus spoke in the aramaic language and mammon in the aramaic laguage is money). Now the influence and predominance of money, both in the high and low level are at the top. People with money control the church affairs, poor pastors look at the rich pastors as " specially blessed by God". But, accepting money for the pastor's transfer is a terrible news to read. Those pastors who could donate the biggest amount to the persons in charge of transfer might have landed in rich churches of the mega cities. The believers are going to suffer with the inefficient pastor in the wrong place. This the worst kind of corruption and whosoever have accepted bribery in transfer must be removed from all the responsibilities of the Church.
jobin (July 15, 2011)
achanmar kai koole vangiukkum thettu ennu paranjaaal athu daivavum avarumayee ennu parayum!!!
bose, riyadh (July 14, 2011)
this social menace is prevalent in every congregation and ipc is not an exception. ipc is a big organisation which is infamous for breaking every article of indian penal code. aashaaanaksharam onnu pizhachaal shishyarkkethra pizhakkum? all transfers and new postings should be done with the written approval of every local church. otherwise missionaries without mission and visionaries without vision will be forcibly imposed upon the local congregations. let us be bold and unite to protest against this injustice. thank you.
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