Author: Rajan Ariyappallil
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Nov 23, 2011
Views: 17045
Bullets on white house and removal of wall street occupiers.
HSp-hn hmkv{Sov ka-c-msc IpSn-sbm-gn-n-p. N-Ifpw \nba \S-]-Sn-I-fpsS k-fpw Hs tNsmcp \S-]-Sn. GXm-bmepw ka-c-m Dbnb hnj-b- Cv P\w N sNp-I-bm-Wv. Ah Dbnb {]Xn-tj[w temI-sapw hym]n-p. `c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-Iġv P\w \Ip ap-dn-bnv Ah apJ-hn-e-bvs-Sp-p-n-s-n kacw i-ambn Xncn-p-h-cp-hm km[yX IqSp-X-em-Wv. P\ lrZ-b--fnse I\- s\cn-tm-Sp-I-Ws AXv \odn ]S-cp-I-bm-Wv.
AXn-\nsS sshv lukn\p kao]w Dmb shSn-shbv]pw hmm-{]m-[m\yw t\Sn. sshv luknse P\m-e-bn Xd shSn-bp--bpsS ]nnse Dt-i-e-y- t]meokv NnI-bp-I-bm-Wv. thUv t{SUv sk B{I-a-W-n-\p- tijw Fn-s\bpw kwi-b-tmsS hon-p t]meokv Hcp-p kpcm kwhn-[m-\--fnse sNdnb hogvN-tmepw Kuc-h-ambn Xs-bmWv ImWp--Xv.
@ tom- yes, your talking out of context- and reading lines wrong- the banks do not lend money to anybody who cannot afford to pay back when they lend the loan. The Banks always ascertain the income capacity when they lend loan to individuals or families or business enterprises and that's why they have a loan-specialist there! The problem generated right now is that people lost their jobs due to the recession and thereby lost their source of income and cannot pay back loans,now who is to blame? Please read and understand things clearly! Now note the statement RN'S make more money than Engineers!Your statement that RN'S responsibility ends at the end of the shift is not very true! About CEO'S and Manager's, you don't have to tell me what they do or what they make, I already know what they make and how hard they work!Most of they climb up there by clicks and connections,ofcourse some of them may have degrees,but I am little skeptical about their skills! If they had the right skills?