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am[y-a-hn-Nmcw: am[ya--fpsS amdp \ne-]mSv

Anil Kodithottam
Author: Anil Kodithottam
Category: Editorial Beat
Publish Date: Jul 23, 2011
Views: 15448

Changing strategies of Christian News Magazines.
dq]tm amtUmv F BtKmf `oas ]X\w BImw--tbmsS hne-bn-cp-t h-am-\-Ime Ah-m-hn-tijw hnNn-{X-sa--msX Fp ]d-bm. cmPym-c cl-kyfpw, Bbp[ CS-]m-Sp-I-fpw, `c-W-IqS Agn-a-Xn-Ifpw shfn-p sImp hcp am[y-a- kXy-k--X-bpsS I]-S- apJw AWn-bp sNm-bv-fm-sW bmYmyw Hcn-IqSn sXfn-bp-p. Htsd Agn-a-Xn--Y-I cwK-p-sImp hn-p ae-bmf at\m-c-a-bpsS ktlm-Zc m]-\-amb Fw. B. F^ns hymP--W-\n-t]s-p-dn--dnv s]mXp-P\w Ap-X-s-n-. Imc-Ww, aWn-sN-bn Xn-n-s\-p-dnv hmsX hmNm-e-am-Ip at\m-c-a-bpsS Ct{K-Uv ^n\mkv \nt-]-I-cpsS Ctm-gs Ah Adn-bm-hp--h-cmWv ae-bm-fn-I.

FIvkv{]kv th tIc-fs cmbn ]nfcpw F hmZ-ap-bn hm-I krjvSn amXr-`qan Cv thjw amdn hcp FIvkv{]kv th Iv Bh-em-Xn-s-Sp-n-. ]Icw Cu sslth-bn-eqsS aq-c-a-Wn-q-dp-sImv tImgn-tmSp \npw Xncp-h-\--]p-c-s-m th "hoc-"Ir-Xy-ns AWn-bd A`y-k-\--fn-emWv. "am[y-a- [mnI aqey- Dbn-n-Sn-Ww", F ioj-I-n ap t]Pn hmm kw{Klw \Inb Nne ]{X--fp-v. AXn Hcp ]{X-ns hnJym-X-amb mv sabn-enwKv X{--sf-p-dnv Cu teJ-I hkvXp-X-I tiJ-cn-p-h-cn-I-bm-Wv. If-n-Xsc Xnc-p-]n-Snv ]cn-ip--cmbn hmgvn kn-sav {]N-cn-p-tmsg hmb-\-m hnNm-cn-p-sIm--Ww, Ccw am[ya tKl-kn-I-fpsS A-nepw \b-ams IpjvT-tcm-K-ns AWp--fp-v.

apJ-kvXp-Xnbpw N-c-hmpw ]d-v, hnUvVn-Ifpw hnh-c-tZm-jn-I-fp-amb Ipsd kphn-ti-j-tIm-td-p-Isf Nmn-em-p \memw-InS Xcn-In-S-I-fmWv Cv {InkvXob am[y-acw-Kp \S-p--Xv. ssZhoI \ymb-hn-[n- bntem Xncp-h-N-\-ntem hnizm-k-an-m PVn-Iam ]{Xm-[n-]m-cm-bm CXn]cw Fp `hn-m. ChnsS hcn-kw-Jy-ti-J-cWw Fm Kpm-n-cn-hp-t]m-se-bm-Ip-p. ]c-kyhpw kn-sap-samw Nne \nKq-V-X-I- fpsS kz`mhw t]dp--h-bm-Wv.

s]s-tmkvXp ]{X-tem-Is amtUmp Nabp-Xn ]c-kv]cw ak-cn-p-I-bmWv Nne. at\m-c-a-t]mse Hcp ]{X-ns Hcp Znh-ks InwKv thns Hw-h-cn apgp-h {InkvXob ]{X--fp-sSbpw Hcp hjs tImn-I-fpsS BsI Xqw! ]mw-m-n\pw ss__n kvIq-fn-\p-a-pdw Hcp hnm-\-tem-I-hp-an-s-mWv am[ya cmPm-amam-cpsS \ne-]m-Sv.

A-Z-anIv hnZym-`ym-k-ns Ipd-hmWv Ghpw henb Ipd-sh hmZ-tmSv F\np tbmPn-n-. ]t ]c hmb-\bpw kmaqly Npp-]mSpw hne-bn-cp-p--Xn Aamw Imp--h ]{Xm-[n-]amtcm tImf-an-p-Itfm BI-cp-Xv. ss__n ssZh-h-N-\-am-sWpw BI-cp-Xv. ss__n ssZh-h-N-\-am-sWpw AXns B[m-c-in-e-Isf \ncm-I-cn-p-Xv {InkvXo-b-a-söpw hniz-kn-p--ht s]s-tmkvXp am[y-a-{]-h\w \S-m-\m-hq. Ch-sbmpw IqSmsX _pn-Pohn ]cn-th-j-am-fn-tm Nne ]n-s-p-Isf s]mfn-p-Im-n-b-XmWv Cu teJ-I sNbvX- sImSpw]mX-I-ambn ]dp tIġp--Xv.


Displaying 3 Comments
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joy chembakasseril, usa (July 30, 2011)
who is dish ? you know nalla sivanpilla sarr? the reason why i write in manglish is it creates a certain impact on malayalees when i write in manglish rather than the whole english. i know its a struggle sometimes to read manglish, excuse me.i haven"t installed malayalam lipy on my computer either. thank you for responding.
matt - venmoney (July 27, 2011)
Eda joy chembakasseril,mone, write in english or in Malayalam to read your comments. Not in Manglish. Good to remember 'Sivanpilla Sir'.
joy chembakasseril, usa (July 27, 2011)
paradhuushanavum - thammil adiyum kazhinjhu neeram ella ! "morning coming eveniing going- simply waisting father's money"-njanghadheea nalla-shivanpilla saar edakkidheea parayumaayirunnu ! enghaaneyullaavar, sixthhum-gussthiyum kazhinjuea, pinne 'njaan' ennooraal gjheevichhirippundheeannu lookam ariyandheea !veearea jooli kittaaathhathu koondhu veedhapussthakam edukkum - pathhravum thudhangum! christian media is supposed to be for spreading the gospel and spreading the news and nothing else, sthhoothram, aamaeen !!!
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